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Thread: Tren results - week 1

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    Tren results - week 1

    Hi all

    While I am new to posting on this site, I have used it as an educational platform for a good 6 months to broaden my scope of experiences outside of the body builders in my circle.

    Been training off an on since 1993, cycling since 1997 (other than rare bad batch acne, no sides in all these years), something the media, GP's and governments will never believe, they'd prefer to kill us off one by one selling cigarettes. Primarily Test and Deca.

    At the age of 38, and still on a humble (in my circle) amount of 500mg Tc and 200 Deca a week, I'm not a body builder I just like to have presence, my body as you can imagine has become immune to it and I recently made the decision to investigate Tren, my circle of lifters have been edging me on to take it for many years, they swear by it and the have the bodies that stop people in the street.

    I've avoided it as many forums have listed horrible and ruthless sides, youtube videos have guys claiming it will send you crazy, want to rip your partners head off, nightmares, sweats etc etc, all these negative claims have held me back from trying Tren as opposed to my BB friends (many stage competitors with large profile) who swear they get no sides and say 'don't believe what you read or see'.

    So this week I administered Tren for the very first time, given this site has been a wonderful resource for myself, I have decided to document my very first tren cycle here for anyone who is interested in learning through my experience. My only down fall is I work in tv and radio broadcasting which means I can not post my pictures as I have a profound number of tattoos that would expose my identity, resulting in loss of career and public shamed.
    I can however answer any questions you may have, I will do my best to answer them, I wont be online alot due to my schedule but I will do my best to reply when I do log in.

    WK 1 - Mon AM : 500mg Test Cyp
    WK 1 - Mon AM : 100mg Tren Ace
    WK 1 - Wed PM : 100mg Tren Ace
    (Both are 'Helios Gold Series')

    It is now Friday night of week 1 and I am seeing rather impressive results. Better results than my last 6 weeks of T&D believe it or not (NB, as a long time user of T&D my body has almost become immune to it, hence looking to Tren).

    WK 1 - RESULTS :
    Prominent early growth in chest, shoulders, back, arms and my face appears to have shred ever so slightly. My stomach have developed early sitings of top abs. I have never felt this positive in my life, I can feel a level of confidence return to my personality, I feel more in love with my wife as a result of feeling better increased self happiness. I'm dancing furiously to music in my car, my enjoyment for just about anything has broadened heavily in scope. To put it bluntly, I haven't felt this positive about life since my teens / early 20s.

    Zero negative side effects as yet. Perhaps a tiny bit of sweat, which at present isn't enough to warrant as negative y any stretch of the imagination.

    After 3 work outs over 5 days I can not believe the changes to my body, I wouldn't go as far to say a colleague would notice, but when I take my top off, I cant help but smile at the instant changes that have taken place before my eyes (you know the feeling). Today Ive felt compelled to check the mirror every few hours, as I cant believe how my body looks after a mere 5 days.

    I haven't opted for a dexa scan for body fat as my work schedule wont allow it. Training times have varied, 6:30am, 11:30pm, 7:30am.. no real consistency, only when I can fit it in. I will be transparent with you as I believe honest results require honest insight, I do have had a couple of coffees with one sugar each and I have (just being honest) Mc Donalds twice, simply due to shift work and feeling hunger pains at silly hours of the morning when noting else is open. I'll be making my nutritional food and freezing it for the week ahead this weekend now that I know my body will be craving more food than usual.

    Thanks guys.
    Last edited by Trenanator; 06-24-2016 at 10:33 AM. Reason: Included Brand as per Forum Title

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