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Thread: Organizing my First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Organizing my First Cycle

    Hey guys, This is my first post after finding this great forum. I've been considering doing a cycle for some time now, and I was wondering if you guys would help me out with some advice . Remember, nothing in this cycle is set in stone: This is just a vague idea of what I want to do. Please feel free to totally change it lol. I'm simply trying to plan this out as well as I possibly can. (I don't plan on starting for at least 6 more months, so I have plenty of time to plan it out.)

    Current Stats:

    Age: 19
    Height: 6'1''
    Weight: 185
    BF: 10%-ish
    Experience: 4 Years working out, 1/2 a year researching the juice.


    My main goal is to gain as much muscle as possible. I don't care whether I gain 50 pounds of fat on my cycle. (Well, thats taking it too far, but the concept remains the same =P.) I would like to gain maybe 20-25 pounds of LBM, and be able to keep at least 15 pounds of it. I would also like the steroids that I choose to be easy on the hairline . I have an uncle with MPB, and wouldn't necessarily like to follow in his footsteps :P.

    The Cycle!:

    Here is where it gets a little hazy. I was thinking of:

    Weeks 1-10 Test @ 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 400mg/week - Should I cut the Deca to 200 mg/week for a beginning cycle?
    Weeks 1-10 Nolva? @ 20mg/day- I think that I'm pretty prone to Gyno, should I do this as a precaution? It would be pretty expensive, I know... Would you guys suggest this?
    Weeks 13-15 Nolva or Clomid? I've heard that nolva is better to close out a cycle, but alot of the people on this board seem to be pretty pro-clomid-Thoughts?

    But remember, feel free to critique this as much as you want. NOTE: This may sound stingy, but I would also prefer to get the best "bang for my buck"

    The Diet:

    I was thinking that during the cycle I would up my cal intake to about 5000-6000 cals a day, with 40%C, 40%P, 20%F?


    After the cycle I would probably wait until I start my nolva or clomid, then start a Clen/ECA(If i can still get them by then heh) cutting diet, to see what my gains were like.

    Well, thanks for checking this out guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Well bro Im glad to see you have been reading. Its good to see a teen researching the juice. But IMHO it is quite another to see a teen start juicing that early. Why dont you increase your calories to 5000-6000 for awhile and see how that goes? I know its hard and your eager to start but I think you'd be better off waiting. I know how hard it is bro Im tryin to do the same thing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Just do a 400 mg deca / 500 mg sust a week, this will get ya the results ya want, without to much sides. And if ya want to use nolvadex, use 10 mg a day. If ya want to kickstart the cycle go for dbol the first 4 weeks at 30-50 mg ed. Total cycle duration is 10 weeks. After that start your nolva or clomid therapy.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thanks for the responses guys . Symantech: Actually, I plan on waiting for 6 more months, and if I do this, I'll be starting it on my 20'th Bday. :P However, I think I might try your idea Symantech... I would actually like to see if I can get up to 195-200 before I start, so I might give it a go
    Thanks again guys :P

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    PPV, I'd wait and do what symatech says. You don't need any gear and for several years. No rush bro, it's not going anywhere! A clean diet with serious protein and good carbs, a solid program, and alot of drive will get you going and then when you're 23 or so give it a shot. but don't f* up your natural test when you have so damn much of it.

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