cycle ended w while back. i got about 15lbs of solid muslce....very little water. i was more impressed with my strength gains though. For some reason, although i can hit 425(+) on the squat, i dont really want to. my legs have always been much stronger than the rest of me...hence the low bench. prolly cause thats all i used to work (rather opposite than most kids) I am ending my leg workouts at about 385. But im hoping to switch to DC's routine soon. So Ill drop the weight even more but in the end be pushin myself harder. Ive already been planning my second cycle. But honestly I dont think it will be too soon. I dont want to jump the gun.
the only complaint i have is that towards week 8, I became very lethargic. I suppose thats why they say not to run prop that long. but i still loved it. pct was fine, although clomid sucks balls cause i got really depressed and never got any cool visuals like i kept hearing. oh well.
next cycle I might experiment running my clomid a little different from the standard 300 100 50 etc. we'll see how it goes.