Hi Guys,
I have been sitting in the backround on this site taking in all the info for a while now. There is just one question that i couldn't find an answer to on here anywhere. I don't doubt that the question has been asked before it's just a case of i can't find the answer
Anyway, I have just started my second cycle and ( only first set of injections so far) and have been thinking about the pros and cons of site injecting.
Please see below for my questions:
1. Is there anything special i should know when injecting in other body parts besides glutes/quads as that is all i have done so far.
2. does site injection benefit grow in the injected muscle or is the difference so so, first cyle i only did my injections in my arse and i beleive it made it bigger. does this sound weird or is it to be expected.
3. in this cycle i am using dec/enanthate/prop/winny, do any body parts respond better to certain gear than others.
If all my questions have already been answered by somebody sorry, If not would really appreciate some wise advise from you guys.