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Thread: Site Injections.

  1. #1

    Site Injections.

    Hi Guys,
    I have been sitting in the backround on this site taking in all the info for a while now. There is just one question that i couldn't find an answer to on here anywhere. I don't doubt that the question has been asked before it's just a case of i can't find the answer

    Anyway, I have just started my second cycle and ( only first set of injections so far) and have been thinking about the pros and cons of site injecting.

    Please see below for my questions:

    1. Is there anything special i should know when injecting in other body parts besides glutes/quads as that is all i have done so far.

    2. does site injection benefit grow in the injected muscle or is the difference so so, first cyle i only did my injections in my arse and i beleive it made it bigger. does this sound weird or is it to be expected.

    3. in this cycle i am using dec/enanthate/prop/winny, do any body parts respond better to certain gear than others.

    If all my questions have already been answered by somebody sorry, If not would really appreciate some wise advise from you guys.


  2. #2
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I'll PM you the site.

  3. #3
    Hi Guys, Thanks for the quick replies and PM's.

    A few of you have directed me to the site which i have already been to and found good for the practical side of site injecting and also general precautions to take (which basically apply to any injection)

    the thing is it doesn't have any answers to my questions 2 and 3.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Austkid
    Hi Guys, Thanks for the quick replies and PM's.

    A few of you have directed me to the site which i have already been to and found good for the practical side of site injecting and also general precautions to take (which basically apply to any injection)

    the thing is it doesn't have any answers to my questions 2 and 3.

    1. I haven't ever hit a nerve but I have snagged a vein. You are more like likely to do one or the two.... but I didn't start pin pointing until there were a dozen of cycle and some years under the belt.

    I only say this because injecting yourself can be considered an art in my eyes... and a calmness, and stoic demeanor are the best character traits you need with shoving a needle in your bi's, chest, tris, calves, hams...
    If you experience nervousness then don’t pin point...

    Also any one that thinks shoulders are pin pointing are full of shit... Before you start hitting tender areas use your shoulders as a point for fast circulation in the upper body... It really matters where the bloods going and whats being trained....

    2. After some swelling is gone yes the smaller muscle groups do benefit from site injections... lagging body parts are not only pin pointed in training with certain exercises... but with your mind as well as a needle too. And pin pointing should be done with a long ester that can slowly break down in to the blood stream... IMO it is also advisable to inject near a lagging muscle group and target that group through training.
    All injectable AAS localize even if it is for a brief period. So any place you begin to inject often will see a certain amount of growth.

    3. IMO dec/enan/prop-yes winny-no...
    The prop has a high BA (alcohol) content and will cause some swelling but in my experience that muscle group seems to get more attention blood wise, oxygen wise, water retention around those particular muscle fibers.

    "do any body parts respond better to certain gear than others."

    Ok this next is my own theory... I believe when using fast acting androgens in short ester like test prop... or non-esters but alkyd’s like winny, test suspension, d-bol, anadrol... you can effectively target a fast or slow twitch fiber... the affinty of target cells in those muscle groups is purly genetic.... but which ones you decide to train and how is all you. Its where the pump goes where the bood flows brother...

    Simply put when using drol, d-bol, winny, test suspension, I believe you should focus on compound movments and work larger muscle groups very heavy... Why? Because when lifting heavy weight or heavier weight your fast twitch (larger muscle fibers) do the work leaving slow twitch as a stabilizer group...

    Your training style should have a slow twitch training effort that a well circulated androgen will be enough...

    In not so short (long winded) its best to train slow twitch and fast twitch... but compound movements with extremely short half life AAS packs on size because of the fiber type, the androgen type and of coarse nutrition... Pinning is an additive to the lagging part
    The longer esters are not the second place winners though... In fact they are the 1st place only's... why... because once you have that milligram, that serum level being consistently circulated you don’t have to worry about getting to the gym with in an hour of injection...
    And when you are training you can exercise fast and slow twitch and know that you haven't reached any where near a half life.
    (AN example for me is to have a rotatable pinning with a well circulated androgen like test E & EQ... while pinning with prop too but in a more attentive way. I will inject the shorter ester targeting a muscle group with a neddle and targeting my training so the additive works in the half life period of time) ( I use superset for most of my upper body but in a fast twitch and slow twitch consideration) One exercise for Bis may have two heavy sets to failure but inbetween those sets a light weight peaking exersice is also an ingredient)

    Bottom line is pin pointing works yes but it doesn't matter if you don’t know how to work the group in a fast twitch or slow twitch manner. You should also keep in mind where a lagging body part is... do you really have a laggin body part? or are you thinking some profound growth will come by pin pointing because it will not...(never forget about nutrion.... none of this matters if you don't give your body what it really needs)

    I wrote this fast and will probably need to edit once I see where I went in a circle... time for work now though
    Last edited by mmaximus25; 09-29-2003 at 07:11 AM.

  5. #5
    Hi Maximus,
    Thanks alot for all the info you gave. You more than answered my questions and i thank you.

    Just thought i would add that i am more than comfortable with injections and that is why i am looking at the "site" side of things.

    Thanks again.

    Aust Kid.

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