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  1. #1
    Tampa-Pit is offline New Member
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    Tampa, FL.

    Results: After 5 weeks...

    It's been a while since my last update, but the results are looking good!!! Here is what my cycle looks like for some of the members that didn't see my last post.

    Sust: 500mg/week
    EQ: 400mg/week
    D'Bol: 25mg/ed (4 weeks)

    Stats: 37y/o, 5'10", 177lbs. (before cycle)

    Today ends my 5th week. Came off the D'Bol after week 4. Damn, I really miss that shit...Had me fired-up, but the sust and eq are kicking in now. I can see some hellacious pumps...Blood pressure is up and down, but nothing too high to really worry about. I check it daily at the gym. My weight is currently at 192lbs. (Can I get a hell yeah)...Up 15lbs!!! Actually haven't gained a pound in about a week, so I'm guessing that's because of coming off the D'Bol. I'm always freakin hungry...Eating like a madman. Over 300 grams of protein a day, and sometimes close to 400grams. I've increased my strength for every bodypart.

    This was the week (5th) where I really felt like the sust and eq was working. When it happens...You'll know it... ....I'm hoping to gain another 15lbs before my cycle ends (10 week cycle).

    No cramping or sides up to this point, unless turning into "TAZ", while at the gym is considered a side effect...

    Ok Bros...That's about it for now....All of you really keep me motivated...Thanks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Great gains bro! That EQ makes you damn hungry doesn't it!!

  3. #3
    Mallet's Avatar
    Mallet is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada - TO
    Keep it up!

    And EAT EAT EAT!

    Have you got your clomid for the post cycle?

  4. #4
    Tampa-Pit is offline New Member
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    Nov 2001
    Tampa, FL.
    Hey Gonna Be Huge...Thanks Bro and yes...The EQ keeps my stomach asking for food...

    Yes Mallet, I do have my clomid and the volva just in case the gyno appears....

  5. #5
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Sounds like better living through chemistry.

    Those are some good results, make sure and keep up posted.

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