10-06-2003, 10:01 PM #1
clock's first cycle: tren (+ prop)
day 1
75mg tren into my left delt. i was so nervous about my first injection that i forgot to swab the vial top with alcohol and i forgot to aspirate .
it was painfully sore for a few hours, then the sharp, painfull soreness subsided into what felt like massive post workout soreness.
worked out triceps, felt no increase in strenght (as was expected). actually didn't lift as heavy as normal, but i did more sets and reps.
weighed in at 154.5 lbs. thats 7.5 lbs less than the peak of my 1-test/4-ad cycle.
my diet has shifted into high calorie mode. i eat a lot of spagetti and ego waffles now. and of course 5 protein shakes a day. i'm going to make 10 chicken breasts tomorrow.
-- clocky baby
10-06-2003, 10:07 PM #2
day 2
injected 50mg into my right delt. i decided to go with 50 mg everyday so that my supply will last longer. my homebrewed tren only yielded about 35 ml. that will only last 35 days at 75 mg ED.
i remembered to swab the bottle and aspirate this time. this shot wasn't nearly as nerve racking as the first...=)
i decided to throw prop into the mix. i just ordered a synovex kit today along with 10c of synovex-h. i'm going to continue taking the tren, and hopefully have the prop ready when i'm exactly 1 week into the tren.
i had a pretty weak leg workout today. well, it actually wasn't that bad...
-- clocky baby
10-06-2003, 10:24 PM #3
keep up the good work bro. glad to see you finally got some test
10-08-2003, 12:32 AM #4
day 3
50mg tren into left quad. first attempt, sharp shooting pain, i recoiled outta instinct, blood. second attempt, still hurt much more than going in the delt, but it went smoothly.
almost no post injection soreness. weird, my quad is more sensitive to the needle, but less sensitive to soreness.
had a pretty good chest workout today. me and a friend were talking about bicept spot injections in the gym. there wasn't anyone around at first, but then like 5 mins into the conversation i noticed a lot of people around us and i'm sure they heard and saw me making injection motions towards my bicep...i was very embarrassed.
-- clocky baby
10-09-2003, 02:47 AM #5
day 4
50mg tren into right quad. first attempt, aspirated, drew blood. second attempt, hit a nerve, pain, surface bleeding. third time a charm. i hate injecting into quads.
off day, no workout.
when the hell is my synovex kit gunna arrive?
-- clocky baby
10-09-2003, 10:17 AM #6
What does your diet look like bro?
10-09-2003, 10:39 AM #7
Ah, the sadness...clockworks is finally going to become stronger than me with this cycle. Maybe one of these days I'll be convinced to give it a whirl.
Keep up the good work, bro.
10-09-2003, 12:59 PM #8Originally Posted by mass junkie
seriously, i'm trying eat as much as i can. i'm shooting for 5 meals a day and 5 protein shakes a day. since i'm poor, i'm limited. most of my meals come from this spagetti i make. i make a huge tub of it that lasts about a week. its got a couple of lbs of ground turkey in it. i also try to eat at least 1 chicken boob and 1 can of tuna a day also.
yesterday, i had 5 protein shakes, some waffles, 3 plates of spagetti, 1 chicken boob with mashed potatos and green beens.
day before that, it was pretty much the same, except i had a tuna sandwich instead of the chicken boob.
Originally Posted by strut99gt
-- clocky baby
10-09-2003, 01:04 PM #9
Good luck bro...keep us updated......I know you posted some pics a while ago..........were you planning on posting some before pics?......or should we just refrence from those older ones?
10-09-2003, 07:45 PM #10
chicken boob! lmao that's hilarious
10-09-2003, 08:55 PM #11
Good luck bro...Keep us posted and have some before and afters!!!!!
10-10-2003, 12:33 AM #12
day 5
50mg tren into outer head of left bicep. least amount of needle pain outta all the injections so far, but most amount of soreness afterwards.
had a good back workout. a lot of pulling involved in back workouts, i was wincing in pain a lot of the times (from the sore bicep). what do you guys do about this? i mean, gear is suppose to help you workout, not hinder...=P
my synovex-h arrived today. now i'm just waiting on the kit. where do i buy heet from (i live in texas, is that shit sold here?)? i bought painters masks and now all i need are some mason jars or something.
Originally Posted by Polska
-- clocky baby
10-11-2003, 12:18 PM #13
day 6
50mg tren into outer head of right bicep. no needle pain, but massive soreness for many hours afterwards.
had a good shoulder workout. barbell pressed a little more than usual, but not much.
i drank today. two chicas came over to drink and hang in the hottub with me and my roommate. i had 3 beers, and 3 strong ass vodka tonics. i felt no different than usual: i get very friendly and funny when drunk...=P i totally pussed out and didn't close the deal on getting some ass. my roommate heavily rebuked me cuz he said it was a sure thing.
i got some really nice compliments today:
"you shouldn't joke about steriods because people already think you're on them"
"my friend asked if you were on steroids and i said yeah, but only for a few days."
-- clocky baby
p.s. i think its hilarious joking about being on roids when i >really< am on them... appearently i should stop soon...=(
10-11-2003, 12:32 PM #14
lol, one day at the gym someone with a little experience is going to call you out when your jokin.....its gonna be me hahah jk
keep up the good work. what else can i say....hmmm, why didnt you close the deal? fina got you a little suppressed??????
10-11-2003, 10:13 PM #15
day 7
50mg tren in left pec. i like pec injections. no needle pain, and relatively little soreness.
had a decent bicep workout today. lifted a tiny bit more than usual, but did less reps/sets. my biceps are still sore from injecting into them a few days ago, they hurt on all my sets.
something is definantly different. i'm eating a lot more and sleeping a lot more. i weighed in today at 161 lbs. thats 6.5 more lbs than day 1. i have a hard time believing the tren could have any effect at all already. when i weighed, i was wearing the same clothes, same scale, and same time of day. i think its definantly from the increase in calorie intake. and furthermore, it can't be muscle, because i'm not stronger than i was a week ago.
Originally Posted by symatech
10-11-2003, 11:36 PM #16Junior Member
- Join Date
- May 2003
- Posts
- 132
Hey man just wondering exactly how hard it is to make ur own gear?? I have no experience but would like to try it. I look foreward to seeing your progress throughout this cycle. Good luck.
10-12-2003, 04:26 PM #17
day 8
50mg tren into right pec. when the needle was in all the way, i dropped the syringe, i.e. lots of needle movement while inside the muscle. when i pulled the needle out, a big stream of blood followed it and ran down my chest...it was gross.
[edit] its the end of the day now, and there is a bruise on the injection site. no soreness though.
day off, no workout today.
[edit] i ended up working out today, decent triceps, good traps, good abs.
i'm wondering when i'm going to start feeling this shit. and i wonder when my damn synovex kit is going to get here.
-- cbLast edited by clockworks; 10-12-2003 at 10:24 PM.
10-12-2003, 05:36 PM #18
Hey bro good luck on your first cycle! Has the synovex kit arrived yet? What dosage are you going to run the prop at? 100mg EOD?
10-12-2003, 05:54 PM #19Originally Posted by NissanRider240
Clock good luck bro
10-12-2003, 05:56 PM #20
Damn clock i don't see how you can inject into your pec, man i thought about it but always think it's gonna hurt like a bitch and i pride myself on my high pain tolerance. Damn!
10-12-2003, 06:13 PM #21
day 9
50mg tren into left delt. sweet injection, much less soreness the second time around...
day off, no workout.
Originally Posted by palme
Originally Posted by bigmike j
thanks for all yall's "goodluck posts", i apprecate it...=)
-- cbLast edited by clockworks; 10-14-2003 at 02:09 AM.
10-12-2003, 06:29 PM #22
i agree bro. i loves the needle, couldnt start my day any other way
hmmm, when was your kit due?
10-12-2003, 07:11 PM #23
I think i will give my pecs a shot next cycle, which just happens to be in the works now.
10-13-2003, 08:38 AM #24
stats update.
10-13-2003, 10:34 AM #25
Well 700mg of test/week for a first cycle is alot. 300mg-400mg should be enough + you have 525mg of fina with it.
Cant remember how fast fina takes until you notice it.
10-13-2003, 10:49 AM #26Originally Posted by symatech
Originally Posted by enraged
Originally Posted by palme
-- clocky
10-14-2003, 10:38 PM #27
day 10
dear diary...
50mg tren into right delt.
ok leg workout, went up 10 lbs on squats, but i think i coulda done this without anything. made big gains on cable crunches though! =)
weighed in at 162 lbs.
when the hell is this stuff going to kick in? no sides, no strength gains, nothing.
the bruise on my pec (see day 8) is darker. i wonder if i should inject into it while its still bruised.
i checked the tracking status of my synovex kit. it says it was delivered 7 hours ago...=P
-- clocky
10-16-2003, 12:59 AM #28
day 11
dear diary...
morning: 50mg tren into outer left quad
got my synovex kit today, spent all day making it. 1st batch yielded 5.something grams, 2nd batch yielded 9.1g. that shit is a bitch to make. well, 2nd time around wasn't so bad. just requires patience. should take your time and do it over a span of 3 days.
awesome chest workout. i think the tren is starting to kick in. i made gains in all exercises and i didn't get tired as quickly.
night: 100mg prop into inner left quad. i hope i don't get an abcess...=)
i hate injecting into the quad. needle stings all the way in...=P
-- clocky
10-16-2003, 05:34 PM #29
ahhh finally got your kit. how much are you lifting right now? you just started the prop? cool beans have fun with it bro!
10-16-2003, 06:58 PM #30
day 12
dear diary...
gunna start using volume when reporting injection info.
tren 75mg/ml
prop 100mg/ml (maybe a bit stronger actually)
.8cc tren + 1cc prop into right quad. my quads are sore today, feels funny to walk.
decent back workout. made gains in everything except deadlifts (very disappointing).
Originally Posted by symatech
flat barbell bench
incline barbell bench
decline barbell bench
back workout (comparable exercises):
weighted wide grip pullups
25x10 (10 reps with 25 lbs strapped on)
symatech, just outta curiousity, what are your numbers like?
-- clocky
p.s. the prop causes >much< more sorness than the tren. .8cc of tren into my quad, i could barely feel it. 1cc of prop into my quad, damn, feels like i just finished running a marathon...sore as hell.Last edited by clockworks; 10-16-2003 at 07:14 PM.
10-16-2003, 11:31 PM #31
yeah the prop has some pain that comes with it. but i think you will like it.
Have you decided how to split up the injections for other sites? what i mean is, I am presuming you do not intend to put 1.8cc into your bicep etc... lol unless you really liked the pain. I had to order pins 2x in addition to the first time now because I grossly underestimated the # of injections. I hope you are stocked!
Ill post some of my numbers in my cycle thread...i dont wanna feel like a hijacker.
we should still hit up a workout.
peace bro
symatechLast edited by symatech; 10-16-2003 at 11:34 PM.
10-16-2003, 11:35 PM #32
ooookay, i have no idea why my message didnt show up.... i guess you'll just have to highlight it to read it....sorry bro
10-17-2003, 12:27 AM #33Originally Posted by symatech
yeah, i'm stocked. i got like 75 syringes, and like 150 needles...=)
Originally Posted by symatech
-- clocky
p.s. dunno why, but your invisible post had a bunch of color tags in it...
10-17-2003, 09:06 PM #34
day 13
dear diary
.8cc tren + .8cc prop in outer head of left bicep.
the prop is killing my quads, massive soreness, i walk around funnily all day. hurts to massage them or stretch them.
i'm showing signs of the test flu. i took a 4 hour nap today, woke up with a nasty headache and general body ache. i didn't have much of an appetite today and i felt kinda queasy.
day off, no workout today (good thing, my bicep and quads are sore as fuck from the prop).
i want the prop to kick in so i'm not exhausted all the time...=/
-- clocky
10-18-2003, 09:39 PM #35
day 14
dear diary...i got a crush on this one chick, oops, wrong diary...
.8cc tren + .8cc prop into outer head of right bicep. a little more needle pain than usual, and an unusual burning pain post injection. nothing a little advil couldn't take care of...=) oh yeah, it bled a little bit too...
i totally dropped the ball on the diet today. i ate a pizza that had 40g of fat...=(
i got smashed last night. i dunno what the deal with roid rage is. i think its fake. i felt fine while drunk, no aggression at all, in fact, i felt amiable as normal...
had a good shoulder workout today. made gains in almost every exercise (small gains, +5 lbs, +a couple of reps).
i have to say, so far i'm a bit disappointed. i mean, i'm on tren and prop. tren is suppose to be one of the harsher steroids , and prop is suppose to kick in in a few days. i haven't even gotten >any< side affects except for fatigue. granted i'm making gains, but nothing like people make steroids out to do. i don't >feel< strong. i don't feel on top of the world. the gains i'm getting i could have >easily< gotten from 1-test/4-ad...
maybe i just need to be more patient...
-- clocky
10-19-2003, 10:54 AM #36
How long have you been running your prop and at what dosage? Also are you still running the tren at 50mg/ed?
10-19-2003, 11:33 AM #37Originally Posted by Polska
on a side note, i put 1.6cc of tren/prop into each bicep a day and 2 days ago...shit is fucking debilitatingly sore now. i can't even believe it. i can't straighten my arm out all the way without sever pain...=P now way in hell i can do my bicep workout today...=(
-- clocky
10-19-2003, 01:08 PM #38
When I took tren at 50mg ed I felt it start to work roughly 2 weeks in, and I started seeing its effects physically at around 4 weeks. If you're only a week into the prop and two weeks into the fina I'd expect that in the next week you should really start feeling really strong...
10-19-2003, 08:53 PM #39
day 15
dear diary...
.8cc tren + .8cc prop into left tricep. i think i have a new favorite injection spot. so far, very little pain at all (as opposed to the god damned fucking hell debilitating pain of injecting into biceps...=).
blah chest workout. i actually did less than last chest workout...=( i'm starting to get discouraged...
there is a nice red patch around the injection site from day 13 (left bicep). i'm scared its an infection and i'm going to schedule an appointment at my school's health services center.
i'm starting to get what i think are side effects. i'm getting a little more agitated than normal by things like punk ass college kids throwing big gulps on my windshield. i think if saw who did it, i would have accosted him. i'm also getting these little white heads on my face. nothing big, very small infact, once they are popped, i can't even see them anymore.
Originally Posted by Polska
-- clocky
10-19-2003, 09:10 PM #40
is the red patch hard and warm? does it hurt a lot? are you running a fever? Redness and swelling is very common with prop; it may not be an infection.
Be a little more patient. Keep your diet in check and your drinking to a minimum and I think you'll see the gains. Just push yourself harder than normal and shit will happen.
bro, kids throw big gulps on your windshield?? thats fucked up. stupid punk bitches. gimme a call well shoot up tons of prop and go kick some ass
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