My name is project X. I will keep you in suspense and will not reveal my identity untill a week before contest. The contests are NPC National level shows and only the best of the best will be there. My goal is to crack top five in each show which are 4 weeks apart. As of tonight My weight was 225lbs 7.5 % bf at 5'9. 28 years old. I have been clean for a good 5 months. My friend introduced me to pro hormones and suggested i use them to get my body anabolically ready and his theory worked. I started them 4 weeks ago and have gotten alitte more size and alittle bit of strength. I using 4 -nordiol 25 mgs and 4 -androdiol 75 mgs in a cyclodextrin form. I suck on them on the way to the gym for 5 -10 miniutes untill all dissoved
supplements glutemine, creatine, 4-nordiol, 4-androdiol subligular , whey protein isolate , dextrose and maltodextrin, multiviatmen, vitamin C, E Digestive ezyymes, TOTAL EFAS, calmcuim mg zinc
I will be bring you further up dates each week and pics as well of the transformations
Cycle starts in a week and i will post regime
Diet (following massive eating plan) www.t-mag.com
400-420g protein (40g whey isolate before work out , 75g whey isolate post work out )
275-300g carbs (75-100 grams taken post work out grams taken pre workout)
120-150 g fat (over 40% EFAS)
one cheat meal a week usually on off days - saturday
cardio: 5 times a week post workout 15-20 minutes sub maximal
training : 5 days a week
This thread is to proof you don't need large amounts of drugs to be at the top level and I hope it is an inspiration to people to not to substitue large amounts of drugs for lack of nutrition and hard work, and discpline it takes to reach your goals.
Any questions do not hesitate and pm me
We are here to help one another and to learn from each other's mistakes to help each other succed in what ever one's goals may be. Bodybuilding is all about commrodery. Its not about who you beat or how you placed. its all about self improvements you make each year. Only person your competing against is your self and don't any of us forget it
I would like to thank Anthony DeAngelis NGA PRO for all his training and nutrition guidence through out the years.