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Thread: Dbol, Deca, Test Cypionate, Primobolan Depot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Dbol, Deca, Test Cypionate, Primobolan Depot

    Well, I just finished my first cycle with pretty ****ty results. Sorry about not posting while doing my cycle but I lost interest in the AR board for a while. I went against the advice of most of the bros out there on AR because I personally know some nationally competetive NPC bodybuilders who actually told me that the doses posted on AR were a little much for a newbie. Now I am unsure if I used enough or I had some fake gear. I believe my test and deca were fake because one of my bros has been using them for 4 weeks with no results. My dbol was real because I made some definate gains at the beginning. As for the primo...who knows? The dbol and primo were from a different source. They are probably the only real stuff that I had. Anyway, here is what I did. I overlapped the primo with the deca and test on wk 4.

    Wk 1-6 20mgs dbol/day
    wk 1-4 200mg primo depot/wk
    wk 4-9 250 mg deca/wk
    wk 4-9 200 mg test cyp
    wk 10-13 200 mg primo depot/wk

    The products were from the following manufacturers:
    Test Cyp=QV
    Deca(actually mixed nandrolone esters called Durabolin-250)= Han Kuk Red Star

    I am pretty sure that the QV and Han Kuk Red Star are garbage, although I did check the lot# and hologram with the QV website. This really sucks because I bought a bunch of gear from the same guy who I thought I could trust. I don't know, maybe I just didn't take enough. As soon as I stopped the dbol, it was all down hill. These guys that I know are huge monsters and told me that I should have gotten much more from this cycle, including the guy who sold me the gear. He is not a dealer. It came from his personal stash.

    Anyway, I also have the following 4 products stashed away:
    1) ValoPharm Winnijet. A white stanozolol liquid to be taken orally.
    2) Some crazy **** called Optomus Prime from Red Star Dragon (who the hell are they. i've heard of red star and british dragon but not red star dragon) it is supposed to be primobolan depot or something like it. It says it contains Methenolone Butyrate (huh?!) 200mg/ml.
    3) TTokkyo test enan.
    4) Another crazy deca-like nandrolone something or other. No name or supplier. Just a bunch of foreign writing on it. Says Nandrolon 250 Kapitalgessellschaft. It probably means sucker or dumb ass.
    If anyone knows anything about these products please reply to this thread. At this point, this gear may stay stashed away forever or in the trash after these poor results.

    Sorry about the long post. I just suddenly became pissed off after thinking about the money I spent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    that cycle was all wrong..... dosages were too low and duration for each compound wasnt nearly long enough for you to be able to see anything pronounced. deca and test both take 5 weeks to kick in, so you basically stopped while it was just getting started.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    200mg primo a week is too low IMO. and 250mg deca a week will only grease your joints, not much more.

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