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Thread: First time cycle, I need help!!!!!

  1. #1

    First time cycle, I need help!!!!!

    Last edited by Tico Frank; 07-01-2010 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Deleted

  2. #2
    Last edited by Tico Frank; 07-01-2010 at 06:30 PM. Reason: Deleted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    If you eat enough and train hard you should have no problem gaining mass but im not gonna lecture you . Don't increase the deca , do 400ml for 10 weeks and the first 5 weeks take your 20mg , 5 weeks since its a low dose . Do you have nolvadex with you ? I think you should learn a little more about PCT . My advice is before starting you cycle get your hands on some nolvadex and clomid and search some info on this site about PCT ( post cycle therapy ) . By the way if you wanna bulk don't do deca , choose sustanon or any test . Hope this helps some .

    Last edited by SaTyR; 12-21-2003 at 05:30 AM.

  4. #4
    How long have you been training for???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Far East Coast...
    How long have u been trainning for and I would eat a lot more and train more before u try juicin...

  6. #6
    Swellin Guest
    I would think that Ron's newbie stack would fit this one perfectly...assuming that you have been training long enough to get the benefit. The stack I am refering to is listed in the ed threads. It consists of EQ and Test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Tico Frank
    Hey there, I ama 25yr old 6'3" male weighing a measly 160lbs I am in good health but have a real tough time putting on mass. I eat quite a bit but would also like to increase my appetite. I was told by a friend that I could take 200mg of deca by organon for the first couple of weeks, in conjunction he also said i should take 20mg of diana from thailand daily. He said to slightly increase the deca after a couple of weeks to 300mg. The full cycle should be 6weeks but can I increase to 8 weeks since I could really use the mass. Finally I was referred to clomid for the last two weeks. If anyone has any recomendations or success from another plan please help. Just remember I'm skinny as hell and can use all the help i can get. P.s. for my work out I was planning on just retuning to the one hour upper body alternating days with one hour lower body???????????????
    Try to get some testosterone..take testosterone in levels "double" the deca and you are almost guaranteed to gain minimum of 20 pounds and keep it. ALso the testosterone will let you extend the deca cycle to 9 weeks, carry the testosterone to 10 weeks. Too short of a cycle causes gains to reverse themselves quickly when you go off cycle so you should carry the cycle long enough to earn in the weight increases and late in your cycle some of the early fat gain from deca turns to muscle weight so dont cut yourself short. You dont want to suffer from testosterone deficiency while on deca. Essentially you will have NO ability to have sex, get it hard, etc for 3 months straight (up to 1.5 months after the last injection), including testosterone will at least keep you from going impotent during the cycle then all you have to worry about is the zero sex drive during the 4 weeks following last injection. Aside from sex drive issues, testosterone deficiency is a muscle "loosing" thing which is sitting there under your deca and will cause your deca to not gain as much as you could have, if you kept your testosterone from becoming low during the deca cycle (AKA adding testosterone to your deca cycle).

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