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Thread: Bloated in the face

  1. #1

    Bloated in the face

    Hey all,

    I've just come off my second cycle, which consisted of taking Deca, Enanthate, Prop, and clen at the end. I've been clean for almost 4 weeks, and I still have the bloated look in my face. My body is fairly ripped and lean at the moment, but I cant get rid of the bloated look in my cheeks. It could be due to my increased weight. I weigh almost 9 kilo's (23lbs) more than I did 3 months ago. Any suggestions on how I can get rid of the bloating??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    This is the wrong forum bro....delete this and post it in the steroid forum you'll get much more help there.

    To help you with your Q,try l-dex @.5mg that should help you alot.Nolv @ 20 mg.

  3. #3

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