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Thread: Three weeks into first cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Six weeks into first cycle

    Just days before I was planning to start my cycle? You got it, my wife found my gear. I had been careful to save and skemp so the loss on money would not be detected. The next thing I know my very anti-drug wife was packing her bags and was very ready to leave. It took every bit of charm I had to convence her the education and research I had invested in the past six months was enough to base my decision to start my cycle. Well it worked!! We are still married and I am on the second day of week three.

    Day One, Courage enough to stick that Big *ss needle in my *ss. Well it was not as bad in real life as it was in my head. I read and re-read the how to's. (200mg deca & 25mg dbol)

    Week Two, Well I Feel great and now 5 lbs heavier. I can't notice much but the wait is like Christmas. (200mg deca & 35mg dbol)

    Week Three, Where do I start? I have increased to 600mg deca and 50mg dbol and it feels great, in fact I feel on top of the world. All areas have seen and increase in strength and size. I have added another 5 lbs to the previous 5 lbs. I have added about 60 lbs to my bench and 80 lbs to squats. My arms take everything I have thrown at them and seen to beg for more. At this point I am trying not to get too excited and overtrain.

    My wife still hates the fact I am taking "that shit" but I still catch her admiring me from across the room. 10 lbs looks good 30 lbs should look great!

    By the way I would like to say thanks to everyone here. I have been watching and reading well before I signed on as a member. I have learned much from a lot of you! I will photo and post half way through.
    Last edited by utah pump; 02-04-2002 at 05:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    UP....he's a word of advice...get her to read over your shoulder when your logged on. Let he see the plethora of information that is availble to you here, prove that if things are done logically and intelligently the risks are drastically minimized. My wife was TERRIFIED when I first appraoched her and told I wanted to do a cycle. But I showed her this board, as asked her to read as much and as often as she could and encouraged her to voice her concerns. One year later...she is a member who posts in the female forum (and main board), she is giving me most of my injections and she is preparing for her first cycle (a mild cycle of anavar)

    BTW....glad you're still married.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    good work bro....glad it worked out....

    is this your first cycle???


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Three weeks into first cycle

    I did involve my wife after the fact. I got her to read some of the Anabolic Reference Guide and some of the posts on this board.

    It is my first cycle. I am feeling pumped and in great health.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    great that the wife is in....

    Great work...keep us updated

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Abilene TX,
    Thats great....

    keep up the hard work...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Know how you feel

    I agree with Pete completely. I have only done one cycle with very minimal results. Found out on this board that the brand was known for underdosing. My wife was not thrilled about it but I did the same thing and sat down and told her all the research I did and what I was doing (should of researched brands a little more lol). She is on board with me now and supports me. I am saving up money now for my next cycle that I am hoping to start around march or april. Make her feel a part of what your doing and bring her to the board. There is a community of brotherhood and sisterhood here that is amazing. Best of luck bro keep us informed.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Know how you feel brother. My wife is dead set against it because of all the negatives the medical community has fed her over the years. The problem is I have always had it in my mind to give it a go and she knows that urge will never go away until I have at least given it a honest try. Im sure all of you know the feeling. My wife thinks I will wake up a sleeping monster if I try. She thinks that I will get sick or have sides that I cant control and ultimately kill my self. I just dont think she knows enough or trusts all the research i am doing so I can do it right.

    Pete , you said your wife is a member. Is there a female only forum for our wives or do they have the same access us males have. reason I ask is my wife seems to be considering my usage and I have her talked into joining so she can read and ask questions about as and her own workouts. I have shown her the wealth of info on this board and she will at least read.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    The hard part for me was getiing my wife to listen to me instead of all the "medical reports". I just kept explaining if it were that bad there would be no body builders because they would all be dead. She says she still hates the fact I am taking them. I am just glad she is at least calm about the whole thing now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hey bro...don't worry i just went through the same thing yesterday...i read your post and decided to tell my g/f that i;m about to do a cycle....she didn't understand either so i made her read a couple of great discussions here...which set her mind at ease...somewhat....she still doesn't agree with it but she's not gonna make fun of my small balls!LMAO

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Week 6

    Well I have completed week six of my (Body for Life) program. LOL
    I have gained 20 lbs and kept 10%bf by watching my diet and warmed up before each workout with a 20 minutes of running or bike riding.

    Stats: after week 6
    Neck + 1/2"
    Shoulders + 2"
    Chest + 3/4"
    Upper arm + 11/16"
    Forearm + 5/8"
    Waist no change
    Oblique + 1-1/8"
    Upper Thigh + 1-5/8"
    Lower Thigh + 1-1/4"
    Calf + 3/4"
    Weight 205 lbs

    I did stress my lower back on week 4 doing squats without a spotter. It is just now feeling better. I have 6 more weeks with deca at 600 mg a week. This past week I have broken this down to 300 mg twice a week. I don't feel like I am dropping off by the end of the week.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1882  

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Week 6
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1886  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Week 6
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1887  

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Ahhhh!!!! I just broke my neck looking at those pictures...

    Lookin good bro, still got the abs. . .very nice gains! Nice tat on the arm. . .looks good with a python it's attached to.

  15. #15
    LOL Very familiar story.the same happenend to me but,my wife left for work so i thought.Next thing i know she walks in and i have a needle hangin outa my *ss lol.She to is very '"anti drug".Any way with that said i finished my cycle and left it alone for a while.just this week i started a cycle of ANAVAR,WINNI and TEST.Could someone give me some info on the anavar i would really b thankful.Read alot bout it but would rather hear it from u guys.Im new here and sorry bout the long MSG.THANX.

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clayboy View Post
    LOL Very familiar story.the same happenend to me but,my wife left for work so i thought.Next thing i know she walks in and i have a needle hangin outa my *ss lol.She to is very '"anti drug".Any way with that said i finished my cycle and left it alone for a while.just this week i started a cycle of ANAVAR,WINNI and TEST.Could someone give me some info on the anavar i would really b thankful.Read alot bout it but would rather hear it from u guys.Im new here and sorry bout the long MSG.THANX.
    you would get a better response if you didn't bump a 7 year old thread just to ask an unrelated question.

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