Just days before I was planning to start my cycle? You got it, my wife found my gear. I had been careful to save and skemp so the loss on money would not be detected. The next thing I know my very anti-drug wife was packing her bags and was very ready to leave. It took every bit of charm I had to convence her the education and research I had invested in the past six months was enough to base my decision to start my cycle. Well it worked!!We are still married and I am on the second day of week three.
Day One, Courage enough to stick that Big *ss needle in my *ss. Well it was not as bad in real life as it was in my head. I read and re-read the how to's. (200mg deca & 25mg dbol)
Week Two, Well I Feel great and now 5 lbs heavier. I can't notice much but the wait is like Christmas. (200mg deca & 35mg dbol)
Week Three, Where do I start? I have increased to 600mg deca and 50mg dbol and it feels great, in fact I feel on top of the world. All areas have seen and increase in strength and size. I have added another 5 lbs to the previous 5 lbs. I have added about 60 lbs to my bench and 80 lbs to squats. My arms take everything I have thrown at them and seen to beg for more. At this point I am trying not to get too excited and overtrain.
My wife still hates the fact I am taking "that shit" but I still catch her admiring me from across the room. 10 lbs looks good 30 lbs should look great!
By the way I would like to say thanks to everyone here. I have been watching and reading well before I signed on as a member. I have learned much from a lot of you! I will photo and post half way through.