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Thread: The heavyonly get big now...Week 1 Update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    The heavyonly get big now...Week 1 Update

    Week 1 is over today. My cycle is GH/Slin/Enan/Deca/Dbol. I posted all the details in the anabolic section last week.

    This week I did, 1g Enan, 600mg Deca, 30mg Dbol ED, Slin 3 days, and 16iu of GH.

    Normally I say that week one 'results' are primarily psychological. I guess I am proving that theory to be wrong, in this case anyhow. I am up to 222 from 214 on Monday. I can see and feel quite a bit of difference. The wife is really wondering what the hell is in those protien shakes.

    How about this? Bent over rows with 226#, that was the last two of five sets. That kinda got some people looking. Actually I had no idea how much it was, I was just working the rows in with my power lifting bud while he was doing snatches. When it was over he let me know. Did 315# pause squats on leg day, that was something.

    Slin Not sure if its the slin or the 1g of test but I feel 100% pumped all the time. I mean, just like when you finish a routine. Usually this 'pump' goes away after a few hours for me. Hell, my back feels like I'm in the middle of sets right now, and the back routine was on Wed.

    My diet was dead-on this week too. Close to 5k cal. everyday. No more than 13% fat on any day. Around 400g of prot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    awesome bro! keep us updated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    How are you dividing up your doses?

    Test, deca,gh,slin?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Week one looked like this;

    Sunday 500mg Enan

    Monday 250mg Enan/300mg Deca/30mg Dbol

    Tuesday 4iu GH (split am/post w.o.)/30mg Dbol

    Wed 4iu GH (split am/post w.o.)/30mg Dbol/2iu Slin post wo

    Thursday 250mg Enan/300mg Deca/30mg Dbol/4iu GH (split am/post w.o.)/30mg Dbol/3iu Slin post w.o.

    Friday 4iu GH (split am/post wo)/30mg Dbol/No Slin (non w.o. day)

    Saturday 30mg Dbol/5iu Slin post w.o.

    This is my first time with GH and Slin. I'm starting low with the slin and moving up each work out. Still not completely sure what to look for as a stopping point on increasing the dose. I will go to a max. of 10iu for the post work out shot. May consider adding early am shot down the road.

    And....the GH is 5/2 (M-F) but this week I didn't start till Tues. This cycle required a lot of schedule/timing changes so I kinda rolled all of the ingredients in as I felt comfortable. I'm on track now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Looks good HeavyOnly!

    Keep us posted?

    Especially on the effects of the slin/gh?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    man heavy if you don't get huge on that cycle quit the game man...j/k

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Week 2 is over today. I weigh 226. Not as much weight gain as last week but I am looking large and feeling great.

    I am carrying a bit of water around the abs, pissin me off. If it weren't for that I would really look big.

    Really starting to get the eye from a lot of peeps. Telling them that I started mixing creating with my copenhagen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Good shit Heavy. Are you running armidex with the cycle? Keep us posted

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    No arimidex yet, should have some coming soon. Details, details....Never used it before but now I know that I should.

    I started low dose T3 today. Maybe that'll help a little..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Week three is history. Not much to report though, I ended up the week at 228#. I'm not seeing any miracles from the GH yet.

    This was my first week to do the slin 2x/day. Not too bad. Turns out that the morning shot is easier for me to handle (diet).

    I had to abort the DBol on Thursday. Kidney pain, lower back pump, stomach trouble are the reasons.

    In short, week three sucked. I'm depressed cause I'm not seeing the fast gains anymore. Hopefully I'll get my head removed from my ass this week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Keep up the work.
    Is your diet still on track, try going for 6k cal.
    Keep us updated.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by GenuinePL
    Is your diet still on track, try going for 6k cal.
    I is trying to keep it on track. Kinda got sidetracked where I was putting down too much at on time. Went back to more-smaller meals and I'm feeling better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    That crazy pump that never goes away, that can be attributed to the gh and slin. Sickening, isn't it?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Might as well update today while I'm feeling spunky.

    The Basics
    I'm over the depressed feeling. Took four days off from the gym and the dbol. I started the week at only 225#, I made it to 230# today so I'm feeling great about that. I've never made it past 225 no matter what I did so I feel like I've broken the barrier.

    I am fucking strong

    This must me the time that the test is kickin in real good. My training partner looks like he wants to crawl into the corner and cry. I was pushing heavy weights prior to this week (thanks Dbol) but this is crazy.

    Fuckin dbol, this shit is like the best and the worst all in one. It blows me up like nothing else but 3 weeks of it and I just felt like rubber dog-shit. Tired, run down, depressed. I stopped using it last Thursday and by Monday I was better. I used it this week but I'm only going to do so on training days. With such a short half-life I never did really understand using it on 'off' days anyway.

    Slin is the shit, no doubt about it. But it will kick your ass if not careful. When I first started it I had every minute mapped out, what I would eat and when. I had no trouble at all. Since I was having no trouble, my dumb ass decided to slack up on the feeding/timing regime. Holy shit, when this stuff talks, the bullshit walks. It comes on hard and fast (hypo). Even though I always have piles of carb foods around just in case, I still panicked when this happend. Think I might have inhaled a few rasins up my nose

    Still doing 1g/wk of test, well, until today. Left nipple has a lump and is a little sore. Getting that oily skin thing going on too. I'm gona lower the dose to 750/wk.

    I got my hands on some Arimidex and doing 2 tabs (.25) per day. Gonna increase that too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by superbeast
    That crazy pump that never goes away, that can be attributed to the gh and slin. Sickening, isn't it?
    Damn straight. I never had an addiction problem with gear but this could sure do it..Somebody call AAS Ananamous (I can't spell that)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Ya I absolutely agree with you about not taking dbol on off days. I don't even try to maintain stable b-levels with it. I just take it all 1.5 hours before my workout and it works wonders. Use the off days to recover my lower back a little bit. I know people are going to give me the spreading it out gives you a more stable release blah blah, don't care I have tried it both ways now and im convinced taking it all pre-workout and not on off days is the way to go. The half-life is just too short to manage. If im working with somethen like winstrol tabs then ok fine ill spread it out, 8 hours is a lot easier to deal.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Kinda fell behind in my updates here. Lets see. This would be week nine.

    I was really having some bad times since my last update. I'm too concerned with the damn scale. I made it to 230lbs and got stuck there. I was really getting pissed.

    I am getting big, I mean big. I don't even look the same anymore. Must be that change in body composition that people talk about. I look in the mirror now and say...damn, I'm getting big. Shoulders, pecs, lats, legs, everything is larger than ever. I've picked up about 2.5" in my quads. And I finally have calves instead of sticks. Best thing I've ever done for leg developement has been to shave them. Tell you what, if you have small calves nothing will motivate you like seeing them naked.

    I set a new PR on the bench two weeks ago at 328lbs. I did 110lb dumbell presses last week. Pause squats with 315lbs is routine for me now. Bent over rows with 225lbs, no problem. I'm really stong. I managed to break my work out partner last week too.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by heavyonly
    Kinda fell behind in my updates here. Lets see. This would be week nine.

    I was really having some bad times since my last update. I'm too concerned with the damn scale. I made it to 230lbs and got stuck there. I was really getting pissed.

    I am getting big, I mean big. I don't even look the same anymore. Must be that change in body composition that people talk about. I look in the mirror now and say...damn, I'm getting big. Shoulders, pecs, lats, legs, everything is larger than ever. I've picked up about 2.5" in my quads. And I finally have calves instead of sticks. Best thing I've ever done for leg developement has been to shave them. Tell you what, if you have small calves nothing will motivate you like seeing them naked.

    I set a new PR on the bench two weeks ago at 328lbs. I did 110lb dumbell presses last week. Pause squats with 315lbs is routine for me now. Bent over rows with 225lbs, no problem. I'm really stong. I managed to break my work out partner last week too.
    Great work, keep us updated, you sound like your getting strong as an ox !

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