As many of you fellow board members know, i am currently on a stack of L-clen/Lt3 and the "eca stack." I just wanted to update u all i bit. I started dieting on nov. 16 and weighed 268. I dieted, did alot of cardio and lifted weights naturally until dec 21 and finished at 245. I then introduced l-clen and l-t3 into my system. For the next two weeks i lost another 8lbs, to put me down to 237. I then went off the clen and inserted the "eca stack" and continued using the l-t3. I had just finished the next two weeks of this program and lost another 10 lbs, so i am now down to 227!! I am currently awaiting my order of Test Cyp, as i need this in order to start my first real cycle of AS. Anyway i just wanted to share this with all the fellows out there. Until next time peace all Fuller