01-22-2004, 04:53 PM #1
2nd Cycle - TProp, Tren, Clen, T3, etc.
This will be my second cycle and the goal is to bring my bodyfat down to 7-8%. I have never had single digit bodyfat in my life so this will be my ultimate goal. Ive tried for many many years to accomplish this but in the end my body just stopped losing weight. Im much more motivated now, and MUCH MUCH more educated on diet, training, and drugs (will be the 1st time using drugs while on a cut up). So my goal will be reached. My cycle looks like this.....
Wk 1-10 100mgs TProp ED
Wk 1-10 Yohimbine HCL 30mgs ED
Wk 1-10 Clenbuterol and Ephedrine/Caffiene alternating E2wks.
Wk 1-4 T3 at 25mcgs ED
Wk 4-10 T3 Cycle w/ highest dosage reaching 150mcgs
Wk 4-10 100mgs of Tren ED
Wk 1-10 Arimidex .5 EOD
Wk 1-10 Nolvadex 10mgs ED
Wk 1-10 HCG at 500iu's every Sat and SUn
Workout Days:
400 Grams of protein
125 Grams of carbs (50 for breakfast abd 75 Post workout)
100 grams of fat
Non-Workout Days:
400 Grams of protein
50 Grams of carbs for breakfast
100 grams of fat
I will slowly reduce cals (from fat and carbs) throughout the 10 weeks. My caloric range will be between 2500-3000.
I will lift weights 5x a week
I will do cardio 5x a week 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
This cycle starts Monday so then I will give you my stats. I was off 8 weeks due to rotator cuff injury which at the moment is still not 100% but its gettin better daily. During that time my diet went from being the best it ever was to eating ****. So I packed on some fat and def. lost muscle Ive been in the gym the past 2 weeks and have been making progress. Gotta love this muscle memory!!
Till Monday...
01-22-2004, 04:55 PM #2
I just got done with my 1st cardio session and my 1st shot. Everything went great except ofr the fact that Clen makes me shake like a bitch! This is my 1st day of taking 50mcgs of LR liquidclen. It never came to my attention that this may be a difficult cycle because of all the stimulants Im on and the fact that Im goin to be injecting ED for the next 10 weeks! My hands were trembling so bad and it wasnt the fact that I was nervous because on my 1st cycle I rarely shook and not like this. So I gotta learn how to deal with this...?
My starting BF. Im guessing mid teens and thats high because of my 7 week food fest w/ no lifting
My weight starting weight is: 263lbs
My waist: I was so pissed this morning when I read the tape measure that Im not even gonna say!!!!
This morning I took .5mL of my liquid yohimbine solution (That I made myself) which contained 1 gram of Yohimbine Powder, 100mL of Everclear alcohol, and 100mL of distilled Water. I started out with just 100mL of Everclear thinking that its all I need to dissolve my powder but it turns out that my powder wont dissolve in alcohol but only water, so I mixed the two. Anyways the stuff taste like fckin ass!!! Oh my god!!! So Im gonna brew up a new bacth with 99mL water and a splash of Everclear.
Ill be lifting later this afternoon....
PS - B5 Powder taste like sht as well!!
01-22-2004, 04:56 PM #3
Week 1 Update:
My weight is at 262lbs
Im guessing that since I had a slight layoff and my diet prior to the start off this cycle was poor (meaning very low protein). That I am adding muscle as well as dropping fat.
My diet has been dead on and cardio has been done 4 days this week at 35-45 minutes each morning. IM going to bump cardio up to 5 days from now on.
My injecting is getting A LOT better. I inject right after I take the Clen so the shakes dont's set in fast enough for it top be a problem. I have gone from 50mcgs of Clen to 225mcgs. The shakes have gotten slightly worse from the increase in dosage but nothing drastic. I plan on stoping at 250mcgs. So far the only sides of this are shakes and leg cramps. Oh yeah and after an hour or so of taking the clen my heart starts to hurt a bit nothing that freaks me out though. It also beats VERY VERY hard. I can feel the beat throughout my whole upperbady.
My workouts have been quite good. I am def. noticing an increase of aggression in the gym despite the low carb diet. Sat. was a **** workout. I was dead. My guess is from the night before (I just stayed out late and woke up early). So I did my Sat. workout on Sunday. Let me say I got the WORST leg cramps I ever got yesterday. They lasted for around 8 hours no BS. I did 3 sets of squats and I couldnt walk. Nonetheless the whole workout was a good one.
This week Im gonna be a killer!
01-22-2004, 04:56 PM #4
have noticed a slight sensitivity in my nipples. It is extremely light but Im not going to take any chances so I took 30mgs of Nolva today.
The cardio is hurting my workouts when anything that involves lower back or legs is involved. They are just tired from the morning sessions.
The low amt. of cals is already getting to me. I feel somewhat lethargic and have trouble getting motivated. But Im over the motivation stage now so I see it as a job
Just to give ya'll a sample of my diet here is todays menu..
Meal 1: Whey Protein w/ Cottage Cheese and a 1/2 cup of Oatmeal
Meal 2: Stir-Fry Veggies some lean shredded beef and shrimp, Olive Oil as well
Meal 3: Tuna and Flax
Meal 4: Whey Protein and Dextrose
Meal 5: 2 cans of Tuna and some beef jerkey
Meal 6: Spinach, 2 chicken Breast, Olive Oil, Beef Jerkey
Meal 7: Will be Egg Protein Powder, Milk Protein Powder, 2 whole eggs, and some walnuts and cottage cheese blended together. MMMMMMmmmmm
01-22-2004, 09:26 PM #5
I have decided to drop my carbs from my 1st meal of the day and limit my carb intake to 75 grams postworkout.
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