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Thread: Tally's test/fina diary

  1. #1

    Tally's test/fina diary

    Alright. I did a test/dbol/eq cycle and went from 12%bf to 22%. I ****ed up, but I got some solid gains. Now going I'm on week three of an eight week cutter. I'm taking:
    500mg enanth./week-weeks 1-6
    400mg prop/week-weeks 7-8
    75mg fina ed/weeks 2-8
    Feamra through the whole thing and clomid for PCT

    I haven't stepped on a scale, but I'm starting to cut weight. I'm doing a ckd diet and keeping around 2000cals. I don't know if it's the juice or the diet but I like this ****. Let's see what happens. I'll do a weekly post, and I'll also post pics.
    Last edited by tallyjuice; 01-26-2004 at 07:50 PM.

  2. #2
    I'm starting week three now, and I just did 45min of cardio and lifted chest. I also took a cc of test and a cc of fina. Not feeling the effects of either yet but I know they should take a while to kick in. I was wondering, for those of you that have used fina; Are there really fat burning properties to it, or is that all bull ****?
    Last edited by tallyjuice; 01-26-2004 at 07:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Well guys I just jumped on the scale this morning and saw nothing short of a miracle. I weigh 178 now. I started out at 186 That's 8 pounds in almost four weeks of dieting. I'm sure the three weeks of anabolic intake helped out too. I really hope **** keeps going like this. I'm really starting to shred up.

  4. #4
    ****, the good news just doesn't stop. I'm gonna step on the scale tommorow, but I can already tell a difference. My arms have already gained a half inch so far (16 1/2, now), and I'm shredding down. My waist size went from a 35 down to 33. My lovehandles are almost completely gone and I can see my top 4 abs. Also, I'm starting to get a lot more vascular. My strength jumped ten lbs. on just about every exercise in every muscle group. I guess the fina is just now starting to kick in. I got really bad pumps while working out back today. Also, I dropped my daily caloric intake to 1800, which I don't even think was necessary. I have five weeks left before spring break, so bring the pain. I'll post tommorow with my updated weight as well as my workout progress for chest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    So your gaining muscle mass and losing bf....nice job bro.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    keep it up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Goof job bro cycle looks like it could have used a little work imo but if you are seeing gains then keep on trucking bro.

  8. #8
    Well guys, I lost another pound. I'm now 177 and looking a lot ****en better, if I do say so myself. Thanx for all of your regards. I just hope you all keep up with my journal. Also, please add as many comments or questions as possible. Anyways, todays chest workout was great. I usually end on 235 for 6 reps on my last set(incline barbell press). Today I got out 245 for 6 like it was my job. My flat bench also jumped up ten pounds. I was going to ask how long it should take for the fina to kick in, but I guess today's workout answered my question. I hope these next five weeks will be as productive. I'll post again at the end of the week with updates. Also, I'll post my before, after, and during pictures of my cycle, at the end of the diary. Then you all can see what this cycle has really been about.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Keep up the good work man, I can't wait to see how this thread ends cause im itnerested in doing a similar cycle this summer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sounds great. Your really making progress. This makes me feel even more eager to start my cykle . My cykle looks almost like yours. But longer and with equi and winny in it. Looking forward to seeing those b4 and after pics. Keep up the good work. I´ve always used arimidex but thought of using femara with nolva instead. Do you think it´s better than arimidex?

  11. #11
    so do you figure it took 3 weeks for the fina to fully kick in? Congrats on the progess.

  12. #12
    Alright guys, what the ****. This morning I woke up in a puddle of sweat, and I thought I was in the clear. Also, I could not fall asleep last night. This must be because of the fina. I knew night sweats were a bitch, but insomnia, that sux. Anyways, I woke up, got something in my stomach and hit the punching bag for a half hour. After I tried to eat something else, but for some reason my appetite went to **** today. Can any of you tell me why? Greg, Femara kicks ass. You can't even compare arimidex to it. I hope the rest of this week isn't going to be hell from the side effects. Oh well, pain's temporary, results last longer.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Happy to hear that femara is better. Hopefully that will save me probs with gyno as i had in my previous cykle even arimidex @ 1mg ed along with nolva didn´t really take away all estrogen. But maybe this will help . Hope the sides go away for you tally. Otherwise get some sleeping aid. L8r.

  14. #14
    My bicep strength didn't move this week. It's not a big deal.I'm sure it will next week. No night sweats last night, and I'm feeling good. Slacked on the food a little today but I'll catch up tonight. My calories are still at about 1800/day. I'll post again on Monday with my updated weight and progress.

  15. #15
    I was wondering why if some you can help me. Although I'm getting cut, and my muscles are gaining size, why the **** do I look so soft? Is it from the lack of carbs? I figured the tren would help out with this. Maybe I should man up and stop bitching about how I look now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    I was wondering why if some you can help me. Although I'm getting cut, and my muscles are gaining size, why the **** do I look so soft? Is it from the lack of carbs? I figured the tren would help out with this. Maybe I should man up and stop bitching about how I look now.
    I think you need to load on your carbs a few days a week.I think it's agood idea to seesaw your cals,say 2200 for a couple days,then drop to 1800,then go to 2000.Give it a try.


  17. #17
    what does this do?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tallyjuice
    what does this do?
    It keeps your motab. moving,after 4 days on a certain amount of calories your body begins to adapt and weight is harder to take off.I found by seesawing your diet it keeps your metab. moving and constantly adjusting.

  19. #19
    Listen guys, I have to vent some anger. I go to FSU in Tallahassee and my sister goes to UF in Gainsville. These are both schools in Florida for those that didn't know. Anyways, she came last night to visit for the weekend and ****ed up my whole night. First, she got pretty wasted. I wasn't drinking, so I could really tell how messed up she was. Me and her get in an argument and I walked away cause I was raging(good self control on my behalf). So then I'm in my living room telling my friend the story, when all of a sudden a ****en phone flys right past my head. The little **** threw her phone at me. Then she ran into my room and slammed my door so hard that the frame broke. I wanted to hit her so bad that I turned to the door and started punching until the holes got so big that it broke in half. I then told my friend to get her the **** out of my house, so he took her to her friends house and came back to calm me down. She takes zoloft for mood swings, and i think the drinking has an adverse reaction to the medication. Sorry to turn this into a ****en dear Abby column, but i had to get this off my chest. I haven't answered any of her phone calls yet because i really have no clue what to say. Well, thanx for listening.

  20. #20
    Just jumped on the scale to see where I'm at. I weigh 179, which means I gained 2 pounds. It definately isn't fat, so it can only be muscle and water. I'm not worried. It's my carb up day. I also worked out calves today and put up 20 more pounds on my standing calf raises. Now for the bad news. I got home at 2am last night and tried to pass out. I ended up falling asleep at about 6. What should I do about this?

  21. #21
    ****, no comments? guess i'll just keep posting to piss you off then.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sounds like your on your way. Sorry that you have sleeping probs. Probably from the fina some people get that. But there may be some help. I´ve heard that melatonin might help.Keep up the good work.

  23. #23
    thanx greg. I'll definately try that stuff out. I had a bad nose bleed today(from both nostrils). It eventually stopped bleeding, but I was kinda freaked out. Also, I think the fina really kicked in hard this week because my chest workout was sick. I jumped up another ten pounds on my inline bar bench!!! It's crazy how fina works on such low calories..I'll be back tommorow with hopefully another good update.

  24. #24
    to combat fina insomnia, melatonin works well. So does smoking weed, or both.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by the bronze
    to combat fina insomnia, melatonin works well. So does smoking weed, or both.
    Yeah, the weed definately does help, but I get bad munchies so I try to smoke just before I pass out.

    I didn't hit any cardio today cause I started getting a cold. It sux, but hopefully I'll get better quick. I did get a great back workout, though. I got 240 for six on the last set of my cable rows. My reverse flyes went up 5 pounds too. Hope this doesn't slow down. Also, does anyone know if when I switch from the enathate to the prop, if I'll drop some water?

    Oh and here is a pic of me before my first cycle at 12% bf. This eight weeker is my second cycle, but just to cut back down.

    Last edited by tallyjuice; 02-12-2004 at 12:29 PM.

  26. #26
    Well guys, just hit my morning cardio(hit the punching bag for a half hour). It's strange how much more winded you get hitting a punching bag, than if you were running for the same amount of time. Anyways, I'll post later with my tricep and quad workout.

  27. #27
    Alright guys, my tricep workout was nuts. I felt like an animal in the gym. I jumpe up 15 pounds on skull crushers, and I just would not get tired. I banged out 16 sets like nothing. My bent over tricep extensions also felt like cake. I now classify tren as the best steroid know to man. I'm just talking ****,because I don't have much to compare it to , but it is some sick stuff. Check for me tommorow.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Great news bro. How do you look now? More ripped and vascular?
    Any weight gains. Could we see some b4 and middle cykle pics?

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by gregkovac
    Great news bro. How do you look now? More ripped and vascular?
    Any weight gains. Could we see some b4 and middle cykle pics?
    Hey Greg, I left a pic of myself three posts ago from before my first cycle, before I got big and fat. I was 12% in those pics. I was 22% in the pics that I'll post from before this cutting cycle. I don't know what I'm at now, but I'm a lot more vascular and muscular than I ever was, and under the little water eight I have, I'm as solid as a rock(gotta love the fina). Also I dropped another two pounds, so I'm back to 177.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    oh sorry i missed the pic 3 posts ago. Saw it now. Will be interesting in seeing what total gains you will have in the final pics in the begginning of march.

  31. #31
    Well, my bicep strength didn't go up as much as I thought it would, and on one of the three exercises(concentration curls) it didn't move at all. My standing barbell curl only went up five pounds, but I guess that's better than nothing. I just started doing reverse curls this week so I have nothing to compare it with. I'll have to wait until next week. Oh and I'll post my before and after pics at the end of the journal. I have three and a half weeks left. Wish me luck.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Good luck

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I know that you are cutting but what strength have you gained in bench...also when do you feel that the fina really kicked in?? I'm on a Test Prop/Tren cycle right now...Just started 2 weeks I still have 6 weeks to go...I'm not looking for much...I'm not bulking...5-10..keepable pounds..Good luck..and keep us posted...yeah and I was 200 to start and now 210 with the same BF%...I'm sure its water...and hopefully a little muscle!

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by TheJuicer
    I know that you are cutting but what strength have you gained in bench...also when do you feel that the fina really kicked in?? I'm on a Test Prop/Tren cycle right now...Just started 2 weeks I still have 6 weeks to go...I'm not looking for much...I'm not bulking...5-10..keepable pounds..Good luck..and keep us posted...yeah and I was 200 to start and now 210 with the same BF%...I'm sure its water...and hopefully a little muscle!
    I'm ending my fifth week(of the test, week four of the fina) and I can definately say that the fina really kicked in my third week. It takes 2-5 weeks to kick in depending on how your body reacts to it. Oh, and I've put 20 pounds on my bench so far. Watch for shoulder workout update today. Also,goodluckon the rest of your cycle, and keep us updated.

  35. #35
    Alright guys, shoulder workout was great. I put up 205 for 6 on my fifth set of military presses. That's ten more pounds. My left shoulder was a little sore, but it held up. Also, I got out 45's for six on lat raises. Usually I get up to 40's. Well, keep up with my next update for my weight and strength progress.

    Oh yeah, I have three more weeks staryting moday. I want to try to drop another 1-2% bf. I'm definately around 15-16% now, but I'm so muscular, vascular and hard that it looks like I'm at 12.
    Last edited by tallyjuice; 02-14-2004 at 03:50 PM.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    All sounds good bro..........what amount of cals you taking in on a daily basis?

    Keep up the good work.


  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    All sounds good bro..........what amount of cals you taking in on a daily basis?

    Keep up the good work.

    still 1800, but today i took in 3000 just see what happens when i seesaw my cals.

  38. #38
    HEY, I now weigh 175.5lbs. That's another one and a half pounds since last week! Also, my shoulders look jacked, and my calves definately got bigger. I love looking back on these posts to see how far I've gotten in the past few weeks. Anyways. I'm gonna take my measurements tommorow to see how muchI've progressed. Also, another great back workout! I did 210lbs for six on my pulldowns(+10 from last week). I got out 250 for 6 on my cable rows(also +10). Then I did an amazing 5 reps on 170lbs for machine reverse flyes(only ever got 150 for 6). Am I gonna hit a plateau soon, or is my strength just gonna keep increasing? It seems like with fina you never stop gaining! Well, watch for my measurement updates tommorow.
    Last edited by tallyjuice; 02-16-2004 at 08:13 PM.

  39. #39
    FINA is the ****! There's no other way to say it. I'd think it was the test except that I'm taking in 1800 cals/day. No where near enough to make the test effective, but enough to retain muscle. Let's get to the good stuff. Last week I pushed up 255 once on my fifth set of incline bar press. Today I put it up 6 times. My workout partner could not believe it. He was expecting to have to spot the **** out of me(HAHAHA). Also, last week I got up 225 on my flat bench for 6 on my fifth set. Today I put up 245 for 6. That's a 20lb increase in a week. It seems like it's not possible, but I can assure it is. Fina will be included in every cycle from now on. Keep up on my updates.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Sound like everythings moving in the right direction. Fina is really good. I like it a lot too. Happy training.

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