Thread: 16 weeks out to wedding
01-25-2004, 09:44 PM #1
16 weeks out to wedding
Ok guys, I'm 16 weeks out. Talk about training for a show. This will be the biggest of my life. Here's my plan:
1-4 finishing up some IGF- 2 more weeks left.
dropping cals from 3200-3500 to 2000- 2400
Protien I hope to keep above 200grms ed
I'm 6'0
206 today, and about 15%-17%bf. I have some work to do.
My goal is to take off a ton of bf. get down to the low 190's, and be around 8-10%bf.
I was planning on cyp/eq/winny in about 4-6 weeks
800mg cyp ew 1-12
600mg eq ew 1-12
50mg winny ed 8-12
.25 idex ed
Clen / ECA 6-12
IGF 6-10 30mcg 2x ed
I have cut my cals to 2000-2200 ed.
I'm following Rambo's basic principals under the Unofficial "how to cut thread"
Lean meat
post workout carbs
Omega 3's
6-8 meals ed
So can I do it?
I hope so
I'll be hitting cardio hard about 8 weeks out from the wedding. Ussually 2x ed.
01-26-2004, 08:42 PM #2
Here's what I had today
1.Shake before workout- 200 cals 20grms-pro/20- carbs
2.PWS- Metrex + Flax 36grms pro 260 cals
1 cup egg whites 120 cals/ 24 pro
1/2 cup oatmeal- 155 cals/ 6.5 pro
3. Chicken breast/ Veggies 230/30
4. Chicken breast/ Veggies/ Black beans: 330/30
5. Tuna/ Carrots 230/ 32
6. Small bowl of rasin brand/ Fat free milk: 300 cals
7.Chicken Vegggies 400/ 50
8. Protein shake 230/ 40
How does that look
230-240 grams of pro
and 2200-2500 cals
01-26-2004, 08:52 PM #3
good luck bro, can't wait to see in a couple weeks
02-09-2004, 09:49 PM #4
i love how you are making a wedding like a comp. thats classic, good luck to you keep posting pics throughout.
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