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Thread: My first cycle woo hoo TEST/EQ

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    My first cycle woo hoo TEST/EQ

    Ok here it first cycle! Here is some info.

    Age 22
    Height 6'2
    weight 240
    bf about 16%

    Training and diet are in check.... I am not sure if I have reached my limit but I have to be close. 18 inch arms and 28 inch quads natural isnt too shabby.
    I havent really been able to gain much this past year or so, so i think this is a good time to start my first cycle.

    I am going QV TEST E/EQ

    500 mg test split into 2 shots per week
    400 mg EQ split into 2 shots per week

    I am really thinking of running 10mg dbol at the end of the cycle taken in the morning but am still deciding.

    I am NOW in week 2 and so far no results to report except some weird dreams and on and off sleeping.

    I will try and update ATLEAST once a week.

    Any comments are apprecited! TIME TO GET BIG!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    Whats up bro. I'm doing the exact same thing, first shot yesterday. I was so **** nervous but it was easy! Afterwards when I hit the gym I felt like a new man....I guess it tells you how much of this game is mental. The only other thing is that when I woke up this morning I expected to be real sore since I went at it like an animal last night, but with a little streching I am fine.....hmmmm. Keep us updated, eat a ****load, and good luck growing!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Good luck bro on the cycle. Jus be patient. It will take around 4 weeks for the Test to kick in and a bit longer for the EQ. But, when it does you will explode!!!! How long are you running this cycle?

    Best of luck,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    my cycle is similar, well the base is, im running eq/test, in my third week or so, just waitin for the test to kick in. Good luck with the cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Good Luck bro..............don't worry about the F'ed up dreams,I get that sh!t also,lasts about a week or two and you get back to normal.

    Pump it up bro...get big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Good luck bro, I would drop the dbol thought at the end. If anything it should be used to jumpstart your cycle. Be patient like said above the test will kick in aroung wk 4 and then you will be exploding.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thanks guys! I will definately keep you guys posted.

    I have 30 ml of each so hopefully my cycle will go atleast 13 weeks. I am gonna run test 1 week longer.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    In a House
    Chuck and Zillano9..... good luck with the cycle keep us all posted....I am going to be running that in the summer for my first cycle....I am working now on getting my training and diet perfect before I start..... Let us know!!!!!



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Well today will be exactly 3 weeks in.

    Obviously thats not enough time to see much but my last 2 workouts have been above normal and did a few extra reps compared to normal, but that could be from the extra food i am eating.

    Hopefully now I will start to gradually increase reps/poundage with the test just now starting to kick in.

    I am not going to keep track of weight that much because I hate scales never really tells me much, I go by the mirror more. But I will check weight maybe every few weeks. I am wondering how much fat I can burn with just these compounds......

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    state of mind
    SOunds like it may be starting to kick in a little. I'm about to enter week two, so hopefully in the next little while things will start to change for the better. Any other results beyond lifting? mood, sex drive, etc??? just curious and good luck....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    well as the mood goes i always feel great when i´m on a cykle. Self esteem goes up and is great throghout cykle. Sex drive goes up in the beginning and tends to go away the longer i´m on a cykle. It really depends on what cykle i´m on. The more test i´m on the more sex =).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ok here it is.....Um this saturday will be exactly 4 weeks so today is like 28 days in I think......

    My last 4 workouts have all been improved. I went up 1 rep on almost all exercises. On leg day I went up like 4 reps but I think that was alot of mental prep.

    I really dont feel any different. No change in sex drive if anything its lower......

    I DO have 3 zits on my chest and I never get zits on my chest.........

    Overall I guess I cant complain **** if my reps went up once every week that would be 8 extra reps in 8 weeks, that ALOT. I will check in again within the next week. My weight is actually down a bit I weighed 239 today, I thought I was 240 when I started....
    But like I said I hate the scale, i usually never go by it, the mirror is the way to go. and how your clothes fit.......

    Later for now!

  13. #13
    awesome! am getting ready to rock test/eq myself. I will be keeping up with your results. If you don't mind please post about your diet as well.

    best of luck man!


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    dude the dreams have been nutz lately...very funky. Also with the zit thing...i got one below my belly've done 4 injections so far and all has gone pretty well. Did have some bad ass sex last night so...hmmmm.......good luck....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ok today is exactly 4 weeks in......

    It must be that time cuz yesterday doing back and bi's was crazy.....I felt like I didnt want to stop lifting. I did deads 405 for 4 reps........the most I have done in my life. I just didnt want to stop lifting. I really felt something my intensity was through the roof too, my workout partner couldnt keep up with me!

    I have a few zits popping up on my face now kinda small so you cant really see them. Sex drive still hasnt changed. I think the whole sex mood thing is kinda mental anyway.

    I also started feeling "good" you know that well being kinda feeling. it felt great!

    As far as my diet it hasnt really changed since I have started the juice, I have always been a BIG eater, but I now drink more shakes a day. I drink 3 shakes a day (150g protein) I try to eat a bit more food now also, but my diet always include whole foods not much proccessed foods no junk food. My carbs have been pretty high along with the protein. I am not too worried about cutting at this moment maybe towards the end of the cycle. I would like to put on as much muscle as possible now and cut later.

    As far as muscle and size I guess i look the same, but strength has gone up.

    I will post again in about 3-4 days when i do legs again. I am about to go shoot my 8th injection in my quad right now!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    **** man. Sounds awesome. I'm very interested in your progress. Please keep us informed. Good luck!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I can't wait to see the results at the end of the cycle. Keep it up!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Oh BTW what does your PCT look like? are you going to use clomid or what were you planning?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Clomid and Tribestan

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ok....kinda confused.....

    I have only gained 2-3 lbs??!

    BUT my strength is still going up RAPIDLY.

    I did legs yesterday and did almost 90lbs more than the previous week!!!!!!

    Today I did chest/tris and did almost 2 more reps than last week!!!!

    I think I should up my food intake a little more.

    My girl says my attitude has changed....for the worse....she says I have been moody and I snap at her alot.......**** women!

    This saturday will be week 5 so I dont even think the EQ has even kicked in yet, my appetite hasnt really changed yet. I do look a bit bigger could be in my head though.

    I will update again this weekend, I posted in STEROID QUESTIONS about possibly adding TREN to the last 6-8 weeks of this cycle still deciding.........

    Later for now.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    In the mix
    Thanks for your posts man, I'm also thinking about taking my first 'real' cycle (TEST/EQ)

    Keep us updated, good luck!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    Nice to see that the lifts and reps are both going up. Hopefullt his will continue throughout and both the weights and reps will increase bigtime. I just began week three and can't wait to see the test really kick in.....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ****TY ****TY ****TY!!!

    Ok bad news......I hurt my shoulder......well actually it feels like a pinched nerve. I had a heavy chest day, then a rough day at work and then an even more intense back workout without a break and somewhere in between there I hurt myself.....I mean my whole right arm goes numb all the way to my fingers! But it only hurts when I lift. I can move my arm in any direction and it feels fine but when i lift it hurts!!!

    Sooooo today was my first day in the gym in 3 days and I did legs which was still a good workout. I really dont wanna miss any more days in the gym but I guess my health is more important so I am gonna take another day off then try tuesday.

    My cousin is in from out of state and we have been partying hard, which makes things even worse.

    And I am still puzzled, I have yet to GAIN 1 POUND!! But all my lifts are going up fast, i dont get it!

    Yesterday was exactly 5 weeks in......

    Will post again in a few. Hopefully with good news!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    In the mix
    Your on a cycle, and your partying hard?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    303 should kick in any minute now. Have you noticed any loss in BF? Maybe something like pants fitting a little loose around the waist or anything? Hopefully your lifts are still going up. I also had a little shoulder issue but I think it was because I was doing shoulders after chest day, and that was putting to much stress on them. Good luck...

  26. #26
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    Dec 2003
    Vice.....I hardly ever party, I had a cousin come in out of state that I havent seen in a long time we are like best freinds so we partied. A couple days of partying will not kill you. Gotta live a little sometimes.

    Zillano......It has kicked in my nuts are half the size of what they were and my strength has gone through the roof I just dont understand why there is no weight gain.......

    Also I have been moodly like a mofo big time, I snap on everyone easily.......

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Nothing wrong with partying, but when your cycling a big NONO!]
    Your body man, do what you will!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    state of mind
    I understand its tough with trying not to party. I've cut down so much with drinking its crazy. I'll still go out, but have 2 drinks maybe and thats it for the night. And I probably burn those off and sweat them out dancing with some little hotties.
    Chuck, all I can think of is that maybe you're not eating enough. Try to post what your eating and maybe we can find something. Also, how much sleep are you getting? I've made a habit of getting enough sleep while on and also I have a protein bar to havea a little something on my stomach while sleeping. I know some guys who have a shake ready before they go to sleep so when they wake up to use the bathroom they throw one down real quick....good luck...keep us posted

  29. #29
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    Dec 2003
    OK my internet has been down now for a couple days......

    I have but on about 5 lbs this past few days

    Finally was able to do upperbody exercises since i hurt my shoulder it is getting better still a little pain. I put up 315lbs on the bench press for 2 best ever so I am still getting stronger.

    I think from here on out things are gonna go a little smoother!

    Also I am eating a bit more now because there was no weight gain .

    My last 2 shots in the quads were VERY painful for days later......

    Today is back/bis so I am gonna see how many more times I can put up 405 on deads!

    Will update in a few days

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oh yeah weight is at 246 yesterday

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Yesterday is week 6...........things are going good.
    All my lifts are at an all time high and I feel a little bigger.
    Deadlifted 405 for 6 reps.

    I have been getting alot of comments lately too which is cool.

    My weight is still kinda weird it goes up and down and never stays constant.

    I am just now starting to feel something different inside, my moods have really been changing. Me and my girl have been fighting ALOT!

    I was taking a shower and ran out of shampoo so I snapped and threw the bottle and started screaming! Kinda scary.

    Also I have been sweating alot at night while sleeping.

    Overall I am happy so far, this kind of cycle is definately the kind where the gains come slow and steady.

  32. #32
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    Dec 2003
    Ok last night stepped on scale and it read 248 most i have weighed in a long time.....did not workout today, tomorrow is chest/tris.....looking to put up 315 for atleast a couple easy ones.....

    I am already looking ahead to my next cycle. I think its gonna be a basic one.....
    Like prop/tren

    prop 100mg eod
    tren 100mg eod

    I am wondering if I should throw in more test or add EQ.

    Prolly wouldnt be a good idea to use d-bol in that cycle because i am looking more toward cutting......... let me know!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    state of mind
    Good to hear everything is going well. Up about 8 pounds and lifts are good. Very nice stuff. I am really starting to notice my lack of patience with people is increasing. I can usually stay pretty calm no matter what the situation is, but now forget it. And my job is one where patience is very important for my 'customers'...since they dont want to see me angry....good luck...

  34. #34
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    Dec 2003
    Ok nothing really new to report, I was increasing my lifting weight like crazy for weeks now it is starting to slow down it seems...... I am up 8-9 lbs total....Almsot at 250.

    I agree my patience is the biggest difference, I just seem to snap at little things now and I am a VERY mellow easy going person, I wouldnt call it roid rage , i simply get mad a little easier.

    My appetite has increased slightly but nothing to crazy just a little......

    I have been getting ALOT of compliments lately, I do look bigger but bf has gone up a little, I am definately holding water.

    I cant wait for my next cycle I just bought half of what I need, I am gonna buy some tren and t-3 to add to the prop I just bought and I will be good to go.


  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Ok I weighed in at 252 the other night but that was after a big meal.....

    today I had an awesome leg day....8 plates a side on leg press.....

    I feel kinda sluggish, all the extra weight is slowing me down, it sucks to stand on my feet all day at 250!

    My pants are getting a bit tighter too SUCKS!

    Overall to be honest this cycle has not been what I expected so far..... I expected more, but I am getting bigger just too slow for me.

    I am really looking foward to my next cycle I think it will yeild better results.

    Then again I still have like 6 weeks left on this cycle so maybe the gains will be better in the end.

    Tomorrow is chest/tris, will update again soon.....

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Ok awesome workout today ! Did chest.....all time best

    put up 275 for 7
    300lbs 3 times
    315lbs twice

    I just felt very very strong today, I feel good. But I also feel fat, which isnt good but that what my next cycle is for

    I still have atleast 5-6 weeks left to go in this cycle. One of my goals is to be able to use 315 for a good 7 reps on the bench.........

  37. #37
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    Today did deads put up 455 for 1 rep but it was my last set so I was exhausted, I think if I was fresh I could max out 475 or so......

    Felt good today!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ..gotta love EQ & TEST... keep the posts coming!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Motor City
    Keep on rockin bro and keep the cals up. Have you noticed an increase in vascularity from the EQ? And what brand gear are you using?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    QV products........and nah I am carrying too much bf to see more vascularity

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