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  1. #1


    Dear All,

    I am already 260 and steroid free.
    but i was loacking hard muscle and cuts
    so this is the cycle i am trying
    i am on my 3rd week
    please let me know what u think..
    i did notice i am getting a bloated look...

    Deca EQ Enantat
    week 1 300 400 250
    week 2 300 400 250
    week 3 300 600 250
    week 4 300 700 250
    week 5 300 700 250
    week 6 300 600 250
    week 7 300 400 250
    week 8 300 400 250

    Thanks all,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    test is not enough
    do not run deca and eq at the same time
    needs to be 2 weeks longer

    wk 1-10 eq @ 400mg/wk (or deca @300mg/wk)
    wk 2-11 enan @ 500mg/wk
    pct 14 days after last test shot

  3. #3

    thanks so much damiongage!!!

    thanks so much damiongage!!!
    I will stop the deca asap
    i will get some more eq and entanat
    i currently have the 10 ml qv bottles
    deca - 300
    entanat - 250
    bold - 200 ( is this the right name for eq?)

    I am clueless to the steroind lingo
    what is pct?

    should i get some primo as well?
    alos what vitamins should i take for my live / side affects..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    holla town
    pct = post cycle therapy.....keeps you from gyno..etc........(easiest way to put it)
    it gets all the levels in the body regular...
    pct= clomid, nolvadex..etc..
    can you get some? it is important to have these when running a cycle

  5. #5

    Thanks Big_Dog

    I will find some somewhere..
    How much do I need /take and for how long?
    So i guess i wasted my money on Deca..
    Oh well..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Researchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhh

  7. #7
    Gee thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ok ok ok
    YES you need pct!!! Aswell as a anti estrogen during your cycle. I reccomend you take nolva 10mg ed. This will keep you from getting gyno (growing boobs) as well as keep the bloat/ water retention down.

    as for you cycle this is how i woud run it (i know you already started but pick up from whatever week you are on)

    wk 1-13 test enan 500mg (split twice a week)
    wk 1-12 eq (or deca) 400mg
    wk 1- 18 nolva 10mg ed
    wk 15-18 clomid (first day take 300mg, day 2-11 take 100mg ed, day 12-21 take 50mg ed (everyday))

    You need pct! This will help you keep most of your gains. It will restore natural test production in your body. It will bring your HPTA back to functioning properly. Without it you risk depression, no test production, and much more. You shoulda researched all this first. But i hope this helps. oh yeah check your pm box.

  9. #9
    Thank you so much consitency
    where do i get nolva and last question do ed mean everyday?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ed means everyday

    check your pm, i gave you some places to buy nolva and clomid

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