Hey Ar
okay i've started my first cycle. Today was my second day of 150mg EOD SSE test prop.
Well i was planing on going for the right glute today, however, it was still quite sore from the last Prop injection i did, so i decided to go 100mg into the left glute and 50 into the left quad. Im hoping by breaking up the injections like that, pain will not be so great. It's definatly not extreme, but i want to still be able to do my agilities.
Anyways my stats are
Bf 15%
Max bench 405 (mostly stick to reps of 225 tho and i'm at 14)
Squat 500lb
deads 375
anyways i'm undecided how long i will run the cycle for, between 8-12 weeks, basically if i am one of those people who ends up "blowing up" i'm going to try to end the cycle after i've gained 15lbs lbm, or if i gain that and have time, i'll use the last few weeks to cut as i need to retain my speed for sport, and of course i have Clomid/nolva for PCT
anyways i'll be back in a week or so with updates.
once again thanx for the all the great info AR
also i have not really felt a kick yet (but this is only the start of day 3), however I have had some odd Vivid dreams. Nothing to wierd, but definatly out of the norm.