hey this will be my fourth cycle, but my first major cycle where i stack the anabolics. first i did a measly 5ml of test400 in 6 weeks time (and gained a solid 15 pounds somehow...). i lost all bout 4-5 pounds of that leading me to believe it was all water. then i did 100 dbol thoughtout a corse of maybe a month and a half. i gained 10 pounds from that but it was solid. after that i had a couple recreational drug overdoses, and rehabs, causing me to have aa poor diet and low training. i lost weight be i was back to 160 after 7 weeks of 250ml test/week. i currently weigh 160 benching 285, and im aiming for 190, benching 335 this next cycle. anyways here it is let me know what you think.
Week 1 - Test E 250, test prop 100 (5x), deca 200
Week 2 - Test E 250, test prop 100 (5x), deca 200
Week 3 - Test E 250, deca 200, dbol 40mg ed
Week 4 - Test E 250, deca 300, dbol 40mg ed
Week 5 - Test E 250, deca 300, dbol 40mg ed
Week 6 - Test E 250, deca 300, dbol 40mg ed
Week 7 - test E 250, deca 300
Week 8 -Test E 500, deca 300
Week 9 - test e 500. deca 300
Week 10- test e 250 deca 300
Week 11- test e 250 deca 300
Week 12- test e 250
the prop will be taken to give me an inicial boost. i plan on taking it on the days i work out (5 days a week cause i like the 5 day split). im running the test E throughout because i feel its the most stable type of test. the deca im working my way up because i dont want deca dick, and if 200mg is sufficent, then ill keep it at 200mg. the dbol are coming in the 3rd week because the date i planned to start my cycle hapens to have conflicting times with spring break. any feedback would be greatly apreciated. rember im looking to bulk, gain about 25-30 pounds body weight, and 50-60 pounds benching weight. i know my deadlift and my squat will go up effortlessly.
Day 1:Chest
bench 10-8-6-6
incline dumbell 12-8-6-6
cables 12x4
Day 2: back
Deadlift 12-8-6-4
tbone - 12-8-6-6
lat pulldwon wide 12-8-6-6
lat pulldwon close 12-8-6-6
Day 3: sholders
dumbel militery press 10-8-6-5
lateral raises - 12-8-8-8
vertical raises - 12-8-8-8
Shrugs 12x4
Day 4: rest
Day 5: arms
Curls 12-8-6-6
hammer curls -10-8-6-5
tricept extentions 12-8-6-5
skull krushers
pushdown extentions 12-8-8-8
21's x3
day 6:legs
squat 10-8-6-4
leg press 12-8-6-6
leg extentions -12-8-6-6
leg curls 12-8-6-6
calvs 12x4
day 7: rest
im trying to pack on as much mass as posible, so PLEASE critisize me.