. I asked this question in the Steroid question section and no one could tell me why it would be harmfull for me to take an ECA while on Clen.
Starting out on clen and eca untill my DNP gets here. Should be here in 7-10 days. I'll then drop the clen but stay on the eca.
I've been training for 4 1/2 yrs and have never done a cycle.
I did an 8 day test run on Clen and got off it 8 days prior to starting this cycle. Felt jittery but ABSOLUTLY NO THERMO EFFECTS FROM IT.
mid 20's
218 starting weight
Normal BP: 130/60
Resting h/r= 53 bpm
I'm pursuing a professional athletic career in my sport and need to drop fat to be faster. Upper body muscle needs to be kept moderate but i can build as big a pair of wheels as i possibly can.
I workout for my sport on average of about 1 1/2 2 hrs a day. Lift on average 3/4- 1 1/4 hours a day. I have one day off from my sport usually on Mondays and off from the gym usually on sundays. I'm professinally coached by what some would say is the top coaching company in the world. I train w/ a h/r monitor that i'm able to d/l to my puter for post workout analysis. I'll try to log as much info as possible. ALL QUESTIONS AND COMMENT ARE APPRECIATED.
Day 1
First day back in the gym in 10 days. Had a BIG event i needed to qualify for. I don't lift while competing.
Major muscle leg day.
GYM 8:00am.workout 1 hour 14 minutes. average h/r= 134.
Had a phenominal day in the gym. I haven't had legs this fresh in 4 months. It feels good to be recovered!
Sport: Day off.