Sorry in advance if anyone doesnt like that im posting this here but i honestly dont know what forum i could put this in, so heres 4 things that just happend while i was at the gym...
#1. Ok as im working out. i see this mom walking into the golds heavyweight room w/ her small 3 year old child, im like well i guess shes going to make her kid stay w/ her while she works out unlike the other moms who put them in the golds gym "day care center room", but to my shock, she lays her child on a bench & hands the boy dumbells, proceeds to show him how to bench press w/ them, needless to say i was rather angered because for ONE thing, a kid that little shouldnt be handling metal objects above his head! Another thing is .... isnt that unhealthy for such a small kid? I heard something on TV a year ago about how it will hurt there bone structure -
#2. Fight almost broke out at golds,lol... im not totally clear as to how it started but basicly 1 guy grabbed a bar & this other dude said it was his, guy said he was sorry & dude told him "yeah whatever, give me the bar" or something like that. The guy got extremly pissed off & told a few heavyweight'rs in the gym what happend, he paced back & forth but calmed down after a while. The gym was practicly empty so its pretty lame that someone would get pissed off for "his bar" to get used by someone else.
#3. Ok theres always this group of powerlifters at golds, this one guy is about 5'7" & huge(fat), walks around like a duck & has a HUGE gut... chest to but its mainly fat, they always powerlift & break records for themselves in this 1 room, i witnessed this fat guy bench like 400lbs, impressive eh? Well when he lifts it off the rack & his arms are strait, the bar is already 4 inches from his chest..... so when he bench presses it & prolly goes down 3 inches, then back up... all the guys are going "YEAH!!!!! DO IT!! YES!! OH RIGHT!!".. but is it just me or is that bullcrap? Hell i could bench 400lbs if i only brought it down 3 inches, eh...
#4.I had a great chest & tri's workout while i was there but at the moment im getting cramps in my chest, more like muscle spazums! My chest looks like its contracting in & ripples are everywhere, kinda uncomfertable.... why is this happening? Its been doing that for a few months now.
Also my nipples (starting yesterday) are sore... the very tips of them feel like they have been burnt.. i find this odd because i havnt started my cycle yet so that cant be it.. & all i take now is animal m stak and i take stacker 3 (only on a chest & tri's day to be at my best).
Off to eat again- Hope to get some replys-