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Thread: 4 different things... plz read

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Angry 4 different things... plz read

    Sorry in advance if anyone doesnt like that im posting this here but i honestly dont know what forum i could put this in, so heres 4 things that just happend while i was at the gym...

    #1. Ok as im working out. i see this mom walking into the golds heavyweight room w/ her small 3 year old child, im like well i guess shes going to make her kid stay w/ her while she works out unlike the other moms who put them in the golds gym "day care center room", but to my shock, she lays her child on a bench & hands the boy dumbells, proceeds to show him how to bench press w/ them, needless to say i was rather angered because for ONE thing, a kid that little shouldnt be handling metal objects above his head! Another thing is .... isnt that unhealthy for such a small kid? I heard something on TV a year ago about how it will hurt there bone structure -

    #2. Fight almost broke out at golds,lol... im not totally clear as to how it started but basicly 1 guy grabbed a bar & this other dude said it was his, guy said he was sorry & dude told him "yeah whatever, give me the bar" or something like that. The guy got extremly pissed off & told a few heavyweight'rs in the gym what happend, he paced back & forth but calmed down after a while. The gym was practicly empty so its pretty lame that someone would get pissed off for "his bar" to get used by someone else.

    #3. Ok theres always this group of powerlifters at golds, this one guy is about 5'7" & huge(fat), walks around like a duck & has a HUGE gut... chest to but its mainly fat, they always powerlift & break records for themselves in this 1 room, i witnessed this fat guy bench like 400lbs, impressive eh? Well when he lifts it off the rack & his arms are strait, the bar is already 4 inches from his chest..... so when he bench presses it & prolly goes down 3 inches, then back up... all the guys are going "YEAH!!!!! DO IT!! YES!! OH RIGHT!!".. but is it just me or is that bullcrap? Hell i could bench 400lbs if i only brought it down 3 inches, eh...

    #4.I had a great chest & tri's workout while i was there but at the moment im getting cramps in my chest, more like muscle spazums! My chest looks like its contracting in & ripples are everywhere, kinda uncomfertable.... why is this happening? Its been doing that for a few months now.
    Also my nipples (starting yesterday) are sore... the very tips of them feel like they have been burnt.. i find this odd because i havnt started my cycle yet so that cant be it.. & all i take now is animal m stak and i take stacker 3 (only on a chest & tri's day to be at my best).

    Off to eat again- Hope to get some replys-



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    LMAO. Sounds like you just needed to vent! I'd report the kid incudent to the front desk. NO ONE under the age of 14 is allowed in my gym area. About everything else; just keep your cool. Be glad you're you and not them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    i'm not really sure why you're nips are getting sore, isnt animal stack supposed to have some built in anti-e??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The rockies
    How long has it been since you were on anything? The nipple sensitivity you are describing sounds exactly like gyno setting in. Animal stack is a prohormone stack, correct? If so, I'd drop it and take 20mg nolva every day until my nipples felt normal again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Im taking animal M stak guys- that has no prohomrones in it whatsoever.. confusing But there starting to feel better so who knows what the hell that was about

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Icarian

    #3. Ok theres always this group of powerlifters at golds, this one guy is about 5'7" & huge(fat), walks around like a duck & has a HUGE gut... chest to but its mainly fat, they always powerlift & break records for themselves in this 1 room, i witnessed this fat guy bench like 400lbs, impressive eh? Well when he lifts it off the rack & his arms are strait, the bar is already 4 inches from his chest..... so when he bench presses it & prolly goes down 3 inches, then back up... all the guys are going "YEAH!!!!! DO IT!! YES!! OH RIGHT!!".. but is it just me or is that bullcrap? Hell i could bench 400lbs if i only brought it down 3 inches, eh...

    400 is a respectable bench. Not everyone who goes into the gym is there to get cut abs. I have a friend who is 5'-3, drug free 185 lbs who has gotten 505 like that. If you really believe you can get 400 with this form try it. He is basically taking his tris out of the lift and using almost all pecs to lift. It ain't as easy as it looks. No need to be critical. If he's doing 400 raw in gym lifts he very well could be getting 500 in a meet. Powerlifters need to get their minds psyched for a lift and while I agree that the yelling is annoying and sounds ridiculous I understand what it's about. I am actually more amused by the frat type boys with 30 inch waists who never grow because they are afraid to lose their pretty abs. They have one good lift like dumbell inclines, never squat, never do deadlifts nor work their backs very hard.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Them frat boys are at my gym as well... lol abbs & everything but there small as hell. Dont know what there doing

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by markas214
    400 is a respectable bench. Not everyone who goes into the gym is there to get cut abs. I have a friend who is 5'-3, drug free 185 lbs who has gotten 505 like that. If you really believe you can get 400 with this form try it. He is basically taking his tris out of the lift and using almost all pecs to lift. It ain't as easy as it looks. No need to be critical. If he's doing 400 raw in gym lifts he very well could be getting 500 in a meet. Powerlifters need to get their minds psyched for a lift and while I agree that the yelling is annoying and sounds ridiculous I understand what it's about. I am actually more amused by the frat type boys with 30 inch waists who never grow because they are afraid to lose their pretty abs. They have one good lift like dumbell inclines, never squat, never do deadlifts nor work their backs very hard.
    "I am actually more amused by the frat type boys with 30 inch waists who never grow because they are afraid to lose their pretty abs. They have one good lift like dumbell inclines, never squat, never do deadlifts nor work their backs very hard." ... thats a funny thing to type after telling someone else not to be critical. But I do know what your tring to say tho. There are a few guys in my gym that lift in pressed out tanktops and have jel in thier hair.
    Last edited by bmg; 03-23-2004 at 10:56 AM.

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