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Thread: Uh-oh!...Uh-oh.. Is it true??? Is it?? I think it is!! Time to get ripped

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    Talking Uh-oh!...Uh-oh.. Is it true??? Is it?? I think it is!! Time to get ripped

    Disclaimer:This entire post is role playing, and to be read for entertainment purposes only. Nothing in this post is true.

    Now that I got that out of the way. It's that time of the year again, to get.......RIPPED FOR DA HUNNYZ! Actually,this is for me...screw bitches (not the females on this board, you gals kick ass!) , but the ho's that live in my state are just annoying me like crazy(never know what they want). . .so i thought...what the hell. .let's get ripped and walk around shirtless and let them stare in awe. And then when they approach me, tell them to (sorry PT) "FUCK OFF!".

    Well here she is.

    Wk1-8: Test E- 400mg (two shots)
    Wk1-12:EQ-400mg(If I can find another bottle, it will go up to 500 or 600.) also, two shots.
    Wk7-14: Winny 50mg ed (Sorry Bigkev, wanna save for next run)
    Clen cycled throughout using the 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks ECA method.
    Clomid 2 days after last winny dose.
    Nolva 5mg a day while test is being run. (I am really sensitive to the G monster.. )
    1/2mg liquidex ed while test is being run. (See parenthesis above)
    Yohimburn is on the way, and will be ran sometime in the last month or two for extra definition.
    Start Nolva and L-Dex 1 week before cycle ends and run it through clomid therapy.

    Starting weight is 214ish. Last cycle was Sust/EQ 500/400. Gained 33 off that, lost 5, and gained 8lbs back when I was off. (Boy am I good or what)


  2. #2
    ptbyjason Guest

    Re: Uh-oh!...Uh-oh.. Is it true??? Is it?? I think it is!! Time to get ripped

    Originally posted by PaPaPumP
    (sorry PT)

    Do what you got to do. Go get em PPP LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Raarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! You know how it is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    584, Here we go again

    Ok big daddy time to post a before picture. Come on PaPA, I did it... You've been cruising this board for a while so nows the time to do it. Dont wait untill those nads get any smaller then they are!!!

    P/S: I went to Club Rio Friday and down the hatch it went. My liver reminded me where it's located for a few

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by Fast Results

    P/S: I went to Club Rio Friday and down the hatch it went. My liver reminded me where it's located for a few
    Oooh club kiss with LACK attack.

    You weren't happening to be listening to kiss 1047 at about 945 or so on Friday, were you??

    Ya, i gotta find a digi tho. When I do, it will come. Or what about posting befores and afters at the same time? I think that'd be kind of cool. Hopefully with the results I am going for, It will look like an ad for muscle tech...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm expecting only good results from you!!!

  7. #7
    Ahhhhhhhhhhh shit. Ladies everywhere are standing around holding their breath waiting for the big pimpmaster pump to cut it up.

    Keep us posted, bro!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    I think I'm 2 weeks in... I DUNO!

    Just playin. Well not much has happened except that damn EQ killing me with being contantly hungry. I've been getting my 7+ meals a day, 50-60g of carbs for the first 4-5 meals (depending when i workout). Weight is 212. I lost two lbs! Oh well, I increased my squats 30lbs already. Gotta love dat. Pumps are INSANE! I seriously think my shit kicked in today. I got this outta control focus that I haven't had since my last cycle. Specifically during hyperextensions. I had a 45 lb plate, it was my 2nd set, and pulled off 20, dropped the plate to do my drop set, and got to 28.......29.........BARELY 30....Then all of a sudden out of nowhere, I got this surge, and i was out of control doing them better and more precise than when i first started the set. I BROKE THROUGH THE PAIN BARRIER! Ahhhhhhnold would be soo proud. It was a great feeling, If you guys know what I'm talking about, please chime in. I ended up getting to 40 something, as my back was about to explode. Then I did my twenty minutes of cardio, and I wanted to do it all over again. (Did back, forearms today). I seriously was ready to go out there and give it my all....all over again, so I think it's safe to say, WATCH THE HELL OUT WORLD! Here comes the Lil Fella.

    That concludes another selection in the wonderful world of PaPaPumP. Thank you for shopping at Kwik-E Mart, please come again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Good job! Just get ready for the papapapump!!!
    I hope this time your not pacing the dbell rack with words like "who's your papa?" or "who's your daddy?"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    How did this cycle end? What were the final results??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by solid90062
    How did this cycle end? What were the final results??

    He just started a few weeks ago

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind

    I'll tell you in a few months. I've been sick the past week, missed 3 days, im down another 3-4!!! i better start eating, cowwwwwwwww.......

    Just started clen yesterday....let me just tell you OXYFLUX fucking sucks. That shit ain't clen, I get more giddy off Ripped Fuel. I got some spiro, but not many...this sucks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by PaPaPumP

    Just started clen yesterday....let me just tell you OXYFLUX fucking sucks. That shit ain't clen, I get more giddy off Ripped Fuel. I got some spiro, but not many...this sucks.
    P, I said the same thing about that whatever it is. why did you get oxy?? I dont think I seen a good post on that
    sh!t??? I eat 14 a day when I should be on 7... try to dbl up and you'll get a jolt.
    Good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    lol, im going to try maybe 8 tomorrow, see how it goes....maybe it works without the side effects?? All I know is that oxy was waaayyy cheaper on my list of goodies compared to spiro, so i got a few of each to see which worked best, well something tells me spiro is going to work just a tidddddddle bit more than these "hydroxycut" knock offs. Shit man, I might as well take some vitamin c pills, at least I'll get some immune help with those.

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