Hey whats goin on fellas and ladies.........i'm new to this board my stats are as follows........
20 years old
5'8 175 lbs and 10% bodyfat
Well i've been researching steriods for well over a year now and be it that I know it might still be early to start using them because of natural test levels and all that other shit.....I am impatient like every stupid kid who wants his shit now. Anyways....my first cycle which is gonna be this summer is either gonna be sustanon runnin 500 mg for 8 weeks and of course the hcg and clomid therapy afterwards OR sustanon runnin 250 mg for 8 weeks a long with 400 mg of deca. I'm wondering which would be the better beginner cycle......I want to start of with moderate dosages because more isn't better and I know a lot already about nutrition and a good workout plan to not base my gains all on steriod use. So maybe you all can help me out a little bit on my decision. thanks and help is appreciated......Mike