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Thread: watcha think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    central ny(for school) philly (for home)

    watcha think

    hey guys,

    i have been looking at this board everyday. I have come to a conclusion that in order to get as big as bigkev and pete, i'm gonna have to lay off the AS and keep hittin the gym and eating right. I posted my pic before, but i wanted to post it again and see what you guys think i should work on.
    age: 18
    weight: 205
    Height: 6'3"

    Any and All suggestions will be helpful, you guys know your sh*t and i am thirsty for knowledge
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	good pic.jpg 
Views:	671 
Size:	31.1 KB 
ID:	2114  

  2. #2
    Not a flame - but work on eating. As your body matures, it's gonna need the nutrients to grow and expand. It appears as if you have a high metabolism. Don't worry though, it'll come with age. I looked a little like that when I was 18 myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    I agree with KeyMastur. I looked just like that when I was 18.

    I think you should be eating big, and lifting big for a few years yet before you start using AS. You will find that you will put on some good size and when that stops (finally) you can think of using AS to start it up again.

    Also remember that potentiial size (and shape) of each muscle is genetic. So for example you may never have arms like Lee Preist but thats not to say they wont become huge in their own right.

    Dont aim at being as big as someone else, aim at being as big as YOU can be!! You have great potential, just eat right and train right and you will become huge in your own time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Eat lots and eat right at your age and how quick you burn fat I would just eat but try to keep fat low.

    Eat right train hard and be patient it takes time to grow and for your body to change

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