Since June 29 I've lost 21 pounds. Wondering if others see a difference of that much.
Since June 29 I've lost 21 pounds. Wondering if others see a difference of that much.
You look the lightest in the middle pic, however the last pic is at a weird angle, different from the others so its hard to tell.
The difference will come with diet Bro...What does yours look like??
at that weight....20 pounds pretty much goes unnoticed...but keep it up...and you will start to see it
goodluck bro
Right now diet is no more than 1750 calories a day until completed on 7/29 - 45g fat, 70 carbs, 250g protien.
ALOT of fish. Marlin steaks, salmon, trout, Mahi Mahi
ALOT of water. EAS Precision Protien.
After 7/29 I'll adjust to a more suitable diet where my goal isn't dropping alot of fat quickly. Hopefully wont put too much back on but who knows. Scared that's what's going to happen
I agree BDTR. The middle one to me looks the lightest. I'm going to try and recreate the same photo conditions to see if there is a difference. Ah well. I shot for 20 pounds in 30 days and I'm there 8 days early. Now the fight is keeping it off when my diet changes.
Your calories are WAY too low, seriously.. ridiculously low. Check out the cutting thread sticky in the diet forum, you're basically going into catabolism, burning muscle and storing fat at those calories and at your weight.
I know they're too low. I knew it would be a risk dropping things down that far. It's just a risk I was willing to take. Some of my lifts have dropped but a few have actually gotten better. Military press has gone up and barbell curls have gone up. Bench has gone down, lat exercies have gone down. I just HAD to get some weight off to try and have a better frame to deal with I've thrown in cheat meals to try and offset some of the effects. Come the 29th things will go back up to something more suitable to my size.
Here is the diet sticky.
I'm trying to lose my gut as well. BDTR is right about your calories being too low. I think the problem is that people get in there head that they should be eating low calories because they are overweight. To give an example : a guy that is 300 lbs needs more calories than a guy that is 250 lbs, if both guys are trying to lose weight. I thought this was stupid the first time I read that a 300 lb guy needs more cals then a 250lb guy when trying to lose weight.
Also, I read in your other post that you are doing 1hr of cardio. Read the recommedations in the cutting sticky about cardio.
StevePJC, re-read BDTR post.
Originally Posted by bdtr
especially the part about your "burning muscle and storing fat"
I've read that sticky a few times. Great stuff. Using it to try and have something ready for when I come off this diet.
I've read it. I know the risks. Trust me. It hasn't been easy watching lifts go down in weight. The only thing I'm going off of is the scale and measurements. I've peeled 3 inches off my waist, 3.25 inces off my hips, 2 inches off my chest. Put on .75 on my biceps though which is always nice.
This is just a diet and routine that I felt like I had no choice with. With my wife going back to the states for a month I felt it would be a perfect time to do it and for the most part it has worked. Muscle can be rebuilt and it will be fun to try and get it back on a better diet.
There should be no "risk" to dieting. The only "risk" is losing some muscle while you shed bodyfat and improving your physique, but this risk can be counter-acted by a sound dieting approach such as that promoted by those in the diet forum. I won't point out any specific names .. cough, cough, Swolecat.One thing you are doing by restricting your calories so much is slowing down your metabolism -- this in turn will slow down fat breakdown. This may sound counterintuitive but you will actually burn more fat by eating more than you are now.
I'm hiring Swole when I go back to work, late August. About to put up my first rough draft of the new diet for next week. Not so much of a cutting but kind of an in between. I've probably fouled it up but hey thats what this place is for. Learning from others.
You have a lot of sole Bro. Keep up the good work!!!
Keep it up man. I admire your dedication.
yeah i can tell because your skin around your stomach is becomming much looser in apperance
This will be your best bet.......... SC will be able to help you get you on your way to your goals.Originally Posted by StevePJC
Bro, I admire your will to become healthier........ and I hoope you get to where you want to be at.
Originally Posted by TheMudMan
Ditto..... keep up the good work man
If you can retake the 3rd pic at the same as the second and third we would be able to give you a better response. But yes I see a difference in the midsection dude. I commend you on your dedication to change yourself. Amazing job, keep it up bro youre definately getting there![]()
Keep up the good work man, I admire your dedication!
take one day at the time,and start setting goals.Originally Posted by StevePJC
nice progress ....keep it goin
great job bro.. great inspiration to us all to keep training hard!!
awsome dude plain awsome!! hey when you get those ripped abs dont forget us![]()
I tell you what. If I lose enough weight to actually even SEE abs much less get ripped ones I'll host this site for free for 6 months! Nice thought though![]()
Thank you for the comments! Hearing (or reading) that other people do see progress sure helps.
keep it up brol... good job
You said some of your lifts have gone down but some have stayed the same or gone up but if you dont up your calories all your lifts will gone down.. have to GRADUALLY drop calories. i know you wanna lose all that weight ASAP but cant lose 200+ pds overnight.
keep up the good work bro i know how hard it is to lose weight.
good progress bro..looks like youve got some good size under there 2. keep at it
Keep up the good work and keep us updated. You watch, a year from now, you will be a changed man. SC's diet is amazing. I will be asking for his help in the next few weeks!!!!
Cut out the carbs dude. Especially the junk ones - soda, candy, sugary cereals. Avoid potatoes and pasta - eat salads and veggies.
You gotta get the fat down and then bulk up. Get the Atkins book. The diet works. Once you get the fat off and your blood sugar leveled out THEN start adding the carbs.
You will see results right away.
another helpful diet that once mastered is the c-k-d diet it really helps slice the fat off.
but which ever way you go the bro's here will support you 100% percent keep at it. goodluck
Hey man great goin, and this comes from someone else who quite some time ago was largely overweight and wasn't 100% sure how to lose it. Well I did lose it, but I lost LBM and kept fat, and ended up losing weight too quickly. Had I had the knowledge then that I do now I would have gone about things differently.
About a year ago I started lifting b/c I had gained alot of BF back and had never picked up a weight in my life and I was also doing cardio along with the training. And here I went again, pounds flew off but some of the fat stuck around b/c again I didnt know wtf I was doing for a while. Then a couple of months later I was able to really start researching and understanding nutrition as well as the way the body works. I'm still not close to bein an 'expert' per say but I have educated myself tremendously. You have the advantage right now man, take advantage of the knowledge on this board. Hell man it's FREE!!![]()
I know I take advantage of it.
It's good that you are gonna hire SC, seems he's the man! The time is now man, you dont want to spend an extra few months of your life, if not more, trying to add back on weight because you lost initial amount too quickly. Trust me , been there, done that and it's not fun. I consider myself lucky, it wasn't easy getting rid of loose skin but I had to fill it out and now when I look at myself in the mirror I can't even tell, less some stretch marks. For a while I was a 'Skinny Fat Person', not an admirable trait by far.
Really take some time to check out the cutting sticky and try to set yourself up a diet based off of that for optimal results until you hire SC. What you are doing now may seem to fix the immediate goal but it can definately be hurting you in the long run.
GL bro!
I Say The Olny Way To Go Is Atkins I Know Alot Of Bros Dont Agree With That But The Weight Will Come Of Faster
Originally Posted by djboots
sorry, i mean..
Seriously though...
Ok, but for real atkins will bring of the weight IF you can stick to it which most people dont. Also, it will take away precious muscle which is so instrumental in losing fat. Its all about goals. Long term though, atkins is worthless
it will come man dont give up
I think the last pic shows more muscle seemingly adding to your size in your upper chest also losing fat from the lower chest in and around the area may give the illusion of being bigger.
But, the second pic is where your body fat was low and the muscle was low and the third pic there is still less body fat but more muscle where it looks like your bigger.
If you can understand that for me please ... I cant type what I am thinkin today.
but .. do it man! noone else will
(well, except for swole!)
Glad to see more comments.
I knew that this diet would peel off some LBM in the process. I know I have because some of my lifts have gone down. That's just a risj I was willing to take. I started back heavy with the weights this week and next week I will be cutting my cardio back to 30-60 minutes instead of 60-90.
Cant do the Atkins. Tried that a few years ago and got the worst stomach pains. GasX couldn't touch it and Imodium AD couldn't touch the case of the ****s I got.
The diet is officially over today. Final weigh in was 289 pounds. 26 pounds total off.
Originally Posted by StevePJC
dont throw the towel in on the diet bro, use common sense on it and be the best you can be with it. Call up Swole and let him do his thing, I am SURE he can come up with something perfect for ya!
later bro![]()
Oh no. I'm not cutting out training. Not by a long shot. Just not going to restrict my calories intake so much is all.
Going to the 2-3 pound a week loss instead of 4-5 like I had been doing.
keep up the good work'll get that six pack in the end with your dedication.
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