I'm new to the site, and so far I LOVE all the cool information! Snaps to the informative members on here.
My problem and solution lies within me- this I know. But sometimes encouragement and support from others is crucial for transformation.
Well, here it goes-
I was involved in a major car accident last fall, which rendered me helpless- as far as fitness was concerned. Two years prior to the accident I had ballooned to a whopping 310 due to my out of control eating and inactive office job. After much building and proper nutrition, I achieved my short term goal of 200 pounds, and well on my way to my long term 175. 200 was great for me! I had dropped many pounds of fat, and began to look like a fellow builder. As we all know, **** happens! I'm now back up to 235, and would love nothing more than to reach my goal of being a fit 175. I hyper-trophy real well, so building back what I had will soon come. Patience blows, by the way! Anyway, I'm working out hard core, and eating what is "right" for me. I'm on the track, but I need some help with everything!!! As you may know- this is hard stuff!
Thank you, in advance, my buff brothers, for your understanding and encouragement. Vegas loves you- Christian
P.S. The pic with my girl, is when I was at my biggest after the accident, and the other is current- about 30 pounds difference.