Im so happy that I found this site, yes im a newbie that has been looking for a decent anabolic site for a while... I've been through some bodybuilder's sites but never actually landed on a nice messageboard. I've red some nice threads and I have to say that Im enjoying every bit of this board.
Well a little info about me, I use to box and lift light weights awhile back for 3 years (1999-2002). Back then my weight was 135 .lbs @ 5'4 ... now im 167 .lbs @ 5'6. I want to start a good cycle and i need some help from you guys. I just took a few pics that i'll post now and after about 2 months ill post the after pics. Id appreciate it if someone can help me with these questions.
1. What diet plan shall i go on?
*(If someone can submit a schedule that would be great)*
2. What juices should i start using? (steriods?)
3. How much body fat it seems that i have (after i post pics)
and last.... how can i Lose these freakin "Love Handles" and shapein up my waist.
Thanks so much if you've took the time to read all this