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Thread: Ready for a Cycle :)

  1. #1

    Exclamation Ready for a Cycle :)

    Im so happy that I found this site, yes im a newbie that has been looking for a decent anabolic site for a while... I've been through some bodybuilder's sites but never actually landed on a nice messageboard. I've red some nice threads and I have to say that Im enjoying every bit of this board.

    Well a little info about me, I use to box and lift light weights awhile back for 3 years (1999-2002). Back then my weight was 135 .lbs @ 5'4 ... now im 167 .lbs @ 5'6. I want to start a good cycle and i need some help from you guys. I just took a few pics that i'll post now and after about 2 months ill post the after pics. Id appreciate it if someone can help me with these questions.
    1. What diet plan shall i go on?
    *(If someone can submit a schedule that would be great)*

    2. What juices should i start using? (steriods?)

    3. How much body fat it seems that i have (after i post pics)
    and last.... how can i Lose these freakin "Love Handles" and shapein up my waist.
    Thanks so much if you've took the time to read all this
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    Last edited by HulkInsideMe; 09-04-2004 at 12:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by HulkInsideMe
    Im so happy that I found this site, yes im a newbie that has been looking for a decent anabolic site for a while... I've been through some bodybuilder's sites but never actually landed on a nice messageboard. I've red some nice threads and I have to say that Im enjoying every bit of this board.

    Well a little info about me, I use to box and lift light weights awhile back for 3 years (1999-2002). Back then my weight was 135 .lbs @ 5'4 ... now im 167 .lbs @ 5'6. I want to start a good cycle and i need some help from you guys. I just took a few pics that i'll post now and after about 2 months ill post the after pics. Id appreciate it if someone can help me with these questions.
    1. What diet plan shall i go on?
    *(If someone can submit a schedule that would be great)*

    2. What juices should i start using? (steriods?)

    3. How much body fat it seems that i have (after i post pics)
    and last.... how can i Lose these freakin "Love Handles" and shapein up my waist.
    Thanks so much if you've took the time to read all this

    1 : No one here will GIVE you a diet , make one yourself and we shall critize it . You can read the diet sticky in the diet section.

    2 : Week 1 - 10 : test enanthate at 500mg/week . Is a decent first cycle. Make sure you have nolvadex at 10 / 20 / 40mg /day . And 2 week after your last injection begin PCT with clomid day 1 300mg , day 2 - 11 100mg , day 11 - 21 50mg

    3 : I think you have around 14 percent bodyfat , you want visible abs and get rid of those lovehandles ??? DIET + CARDIO !

    Hope this helps some my friend

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    IMO i would forget about a cycle just yet and get your diet in only weigh 167lbs so there is still a lot you can do naturally as long as you get your diet right.visit the diet forum there are lots of people there who will help you.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mass Quest
    IMO i would forget about a cycle just yet and get your diet in only weigh 167lbs so there is still a lot you can do naturally as long as you get your diet right.visit the diet forum there are lots of people there who will help you.

    i agree

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Mass Quest
    IMO i would forget about a cycle just yet and get your diet in only weigh 167lbs so there is still a lot you can do naturally as long as you get your diet right.visit the diet forum there are lots of people there who will help you.
    Ditto. You've got a long way to go before gear.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    PA USA
    I am not sure you have got the advise you were looking for, but i believe you have gotten some sound advise. Good Luck !


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    search and read...then when ur done with that do it again...this is a great site with lots of info...all u need to do is look...i would wait out on the juice until ur ready...natural is the best way to go....

  8. #8
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Ditto. You've got a long way to go before gear.

    I agree. I am also 5'6" and there is a lot you changes you can make naturally before touching AS. I'd say you're 2-3 years away from doing a cycle. You may not like hearing that but it's true. You need to build a solid natural foundation first. Learn how to grow naturally. Stick with training naturally for a few years then think about throwing in AS. I guarantee if you cycle now you will not make good gains and if you do, you'll have a hard time keeping them when you come off because of lack of knowledge. Steroids do not automatically make a muscular body. Proper eating, training and rest will. Get that in check.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Idiot Country
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I agree. I am also 5'6" and there is a lot you changes you can make naturally before touching AS. I'd say you're 2-3 years away from doing a cycle. You may not like hearing that but it's true. You need to build a solid natural foundation first. Learn how to grow naturally. Stick with training naturally for a few years then think about throwing in AS. I guarantee if you cycle now you will not make good gains and if you do, you'll have a hard time keeping them when you come off because of lack of knowledge. Steroids do not automatically make a muscular body. Proper eating, training and rest will. Get that in check.
    2-3 years if he has the genetics for it.

    If not, then maybe even LONGER.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Idiot Country

    "...but you are not a jedi yet"

    Hhhhmmmm, you're 19 and have been training for boxing, but not training for size. Lots of people will tell you to wait until you're 21 but I have no idea.

    Training and juice for boxing and training and juice to look good (what a vain concept) are two different things. :-) You might want to avoid the juice just now and do what everyone else has said and train naturally for a few years. Probably more than 2 - 3 years though. Here are the guidelines I stole from ironaddict in deciding if you're ready for it. If you can do 3 out of these 5 things, then you've made great progress for being physically ready, I guess.

    A bench of at LEAST 250-300 lbs for at least a few reps
    Dipping with at LEAST 75+ strapped to your waist for 6-8 reps
    Rows and/or pull-downs with at LEAST 200 for 6-8 reps
    Military or dumbbell shoulder press with at LEAST 150-175 for 6-8 reps
    Squatting/deadlifting at LEAST 350 for 6-8 reps

    If you're there, then I guess you're good to go. I don't know, I haven't quite crossed over into the world of anabolics yet.

    Aside from all that, I think you should know 2 months isn't really enough time for anything. However, I guess you could post pics in 2 month intervals if it suits your fancy.

    Hope that helps

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    From your pics i can see you have a little gyno...mayeb from back in puberty or so......i would be very careful what steroids you use because you coudl really aggrevate that further.

    There is plenty of time to get muscles.....start naturally, use regular over the counter supplements...whey protein...creatine...and so on.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    From your pics i can see you have a little gyno
    Precisely. I refrained from saying that, but how can you avoid it?

    It's pretty obvious.


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    From your pics i can see you have a little gyno...mayeb from back in puberty or so......i would be very careful what steroids you use because you coudl really aggrevate that further.

    There is plenty of time to get muscles.....start naturally, use regular over the counter supplements...whey protein...creatine...and so on.
    Oh ok... i was thinking of using over the counter supps. but i wasn't sure what would be good ones to go with since there are SO SO many..(ouch). But i really do agree with Everyone that post on this thread, great to hear this from you guys. I guess after 2yrs of trainning if i reach a decent amount of gains then id go with my 1st cycle that SaTyR suggested. Im kind of curious of where i have to inject at... talking to someone and he said "quads" and buttocks" Dunno

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by HulkInsideMe
    Oh ok... i was thinking of using over the counter supps. but i wasn't sure what would be good ones to go with since there are SO SO many..(ouch). But i really do agree with Everyone that post on this thread, great to hear this from you guys. I guess after 2yrs of trainning if i reach a decent amount of gains then id go with my 1st cycle that SaTyR suggested. Im kind of curious of where i have to inject at... talking to someone and he said "quads" and buttocks" Dunno
    Wow wow , before you start any cycle , make sure what you are doing . shows areas where you can inject. However there is still a chance you will hit a nerve or inject into a vein , if you don't what you are doing that is. Check out this forum and all its info before you begin any cycle. I researched here for a couple of MONTHS before i started my cycle.

  15. #15
    SaTyr thanks so much bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    go at it very hard for a few years guy, say no less that 3,..then look into some gear

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Look dude. I used to fight too, and let me tell you, nothing eats more muscle than training for fights. It's way taxing on the body. Make sure you are not doing any boxing AT ALL anymore. Don't do any extra cardio either for awhile. Also very catabolic(opposite of anabolic, muscle wasting). I did steroids while training for a fight and it did very little. I was eating 8000 cals a day also, and i still only made like a 5 pound lean mass gain, when i shoulda made like a 20 pound gain.
    I know you want to lose your fat but just relax for awhile and eat clean. Gain some muscle first naturally. You'll be suprized what kind of gains can be made when the excess activity stops. I took a month layoff when i stopped fighting and did NOTHING, but eat well. I made sure i was fully recovered before lifting again. I started training and gained 7 pounds of muscle in 6 months, which was a record gain for me. My body for the first time was able to just lift weights, consume nutrients, rest, and grow. I then realized that my genetics were actaully pretty good. It was the first time i had just lifted weights without boxing or wrestling or running or whatever, JUST LIFTING. It made a world of difference.
    If you did not give yourself a 2 week layoff or more from when you stopped fighting, i would do so. At least 2 weeks of COMPLETE REST. Don't even walk far! Avoid pysically demanding tasks. Be a lazy ass for two weeks, and make sure your eating well, but you don't have to eat like a pig.
    To keep yourself lean you may want to try a lower carbohydrate diet. But i would always eat carbs on training days, before and after workouts.
    At 5'4" i can see you have 15 pounds to 20 pounds of fat to lose. I am the same 5'6" so I know what that should look like.
    Don't use gear yet dude. Sometimes people grow their best naturally in their early 20's.

  18. #18


    Whoa man, what a reply. Thanks so much man... Im working on a cutting diet at the moment and hopefully everything works out well. Ill post a boxing picture of me and u can see my arms were really cut and well in shape. Once again thanks and i will go with your instructions
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    Last edited by HulkInsideMe; 09-09-2004 at 11:06 AM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Precisely. I refrained from saying that, but how can you avoid it?

    It's pretty obvious.

    hehe no no.... its my bad a$$ web cam.... its really screwed up and old. A digital cam would show you the details of my skin alot better. No gyno bros

  20. #20

    not skin

    it's the protrusion of your pecs/breasts. it does look like you have a slight case of gyno. maybe slimming up might help?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Bay Area, Cali
    be careful man dont get into something you might regret int he long run. go natural first for a while ive been natural and been working out for a yr consistant but been working out for like 3 years on and off or so. Ive notcied big gains. Working out hard but not to much with proper diet and rest will act like AS because it shocks your muscles do lots of cardio and if you chose to do a cycle make sure ablout nolva and clomid cause looks like your prone to gyno so be very careful. I would recommend going natural then after 3 for years if you still want to juice and the gains would be a lot better later then now.

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