Heres me at week 9-
170lbs (give or take)
Started cycle around 155 lbs
Heres me at week 9-
170lbs (give or take)
Started cycle around 155 lbs
That's only half of you!
Do you have any Week 0 comparisons?
haha ****it! I knew id have to take some leg and back pics. I'll get on that today to give a complete picture. Leem see if I can get the before pics which are limited too.
what kinda diet and training you doing, just test cyp? no anti E's? how many mg's you runing?
I can't beliver people start taking gear at 155lbsBro you could have been 170lbs natural with no sweat...but hey your choice...shoulders and chest looking good...XXL
i really dont understand comments like these. just because somebody doesnt weigh alot doesnt neccessarily mean they dont work out alot. i myself am very dedicated and just have a huge problem putting on weight. id consider myself ready for a cycle because ive trained for years and know about diet and eveything but just have very bad genetics. when some guy who weighs 220 says hes going on a cycle comments will be yea thats good choice etc....when in reality he could of worked out for 2 weeks beforehand and is just naturally big and relaly is not even remotely for steroid use...then a smaller guy says hes going on something and everybody is oh u need to wait and this and that..when he might be a person such as myself that jsut have huge problems gaining weight. ....basically what im saying is u cant judge if somebody is ready for gear or not by only knowing there and diet are the determining factorsOriginally Posted by MIKE_XXL
completely agree with ya khullOriginally Posted by Khull_Khuum
i completely disagree with the above two posts. If you can't gain, fix your diet. It's the problem.
certain people at 155-160lbs are ready to start shooting.....i don't like going by the weight alone and judge it that way....definition/bf/muscle growth is what to go by since a few do not look their weight but ****ing larger instead compare to a dude who is laying down with the additional 20lbs+ their weight.
Originally Posted by chrisAdams
Ditto! At 195, having it hard to get over the 200 mark, and you are already buff/out of control muscle wise, been training for 8-10 years, etc., I can see the inclusion of gear, yes.
Not at 155. In my last show some fitness WOMEN were at 145-155.........
Yes, I said WOMEN........
Which part don't you understandOriginally Posted by Khull_Khuum
you are NOT a hard gainer you are an undereater...i can guarantee i can get anyone weighing 155lbs growing just by including food, supplements (legal type) and proper training, back in the day when i acctually trained people, i had a number of guys gain 8-10lbs in 6 weeks of training 155lbs you certainly are not at your genetic limitations and there is NO reason for you not to gain weight, sorry to be frank here but most guys do not train properly (hard does not mean proper) they do not eat well enough, and because most of you are young, which believe it or not i was young at one point too are proly undersleeping, i know i used first fix your diet and workout program, then your sleeping patern, add some supplements and you will gain...and do not tell me you are "eating lots" i hear that all the time, post your diet on here meal by meal, and you exact workout program, your sleeping paterns, how often do you drink/drugs etc...before you say anything else...XXL
what if you're 5"4, do you have to be 195lbs?
Great advice!!!! hardgainer1, please listen to Mike. He knows what he's talking about.Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
It's not just about weight. As Mike said, list your age, stats, diet and training history. I'm 5'6" and I feel I started cycling early. I should/could have waited. I started cycling at 180 pound but I'm 30 so age also comes into play.Originally Posted by anabolicwannabe
so my problem is i dont know what im doing and theres no such thing as bad genetics...... alrite thanks u have cleared up so many things for me i can now be on my path to success....Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
No, you'd have to be on stilts.Originally Posted by anabolicwannabe
Just kidding..........however, it's all relative to height, yes.
If this person were 5'4", this probably wouldn't be an issue.
The only reason that i considered taking aas is because im a 250 pound natural
untill recently but I have a good frame and natural build.
He just asked you to post all of your "artillery" that is your diet/training/etc., but instead you play the role of the sob story above.Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
That type of approach is indicative of you thinking you already know it all, and you are not open to advice/assistance/another point of view. You are also quick to blame sh*tty genetics, and it's always quicker to blame something than it is to man up and find the cure. I've trained 100's that had your outlook on physique development before, as there are many "prescriptions" of what one should do for optimal development, and you've not given the energy needed to locate your individual prescription.
You'll do what you want in the end, and I can't honestly say that what you do is going to really make a difference to us. However, it will make a difference to you.
I'm set.
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
i am open to ideas but i get irritated when people say things like u just arent training rite or if u worked harder u would be farther along, that is true but ive also worked my ass off to even get to the point im at....... basically its like people are saying u could put on weight but ur just too lazy to do it, when in fact im the total opposite
i also have a feeling people will be living on the moon before swole ever agrees with me on something...
In all your complaining you still have not answered Mike's questions. He offered to help.Originally Posted by Khull_Khuum
Are you going to post the information?Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
Ur not the only oneOriginally Posted by Khull_Khuum
I would never agree with you on anything to this point, as anything I've read that you reason with is idiotic. So, correct YOU are here, congrats!Originally Posted by BduBbz
Khull however seems to understand there are ways to improve, and I do understand that he as tried lots of things. That is why Mike, Carlos, and myself, have asked that he disclose what he is doing. You can tell by his second post that he is willing to listen somewhat at least. We'd like to see his info of course, yes.
Now if/when he does, who is going to offer advice? YOU????????
Exactly, it will be Mike, Carlos, and myself. Please, post elsewhere w/other middle-school mentality individuals, not where helpful people who know their sh*t are attempting to help. You offer NOTHING positive nor helpful in any tangible regard, in any way/shape/form, not in written word, location, pictures, success, etc., something ALL three of us have.
We already extinguished your petty thread long ago, don't piss on someone else's chance to improve himself because you are an unsuccessful bodybuilder, who is struggling to find an answer, but doesn't even know the question.
I'm normally not so insulting, but you're such an immature jackass in EVERY thread on this board, you are entirely deserving. At least if you're going to be a prick, be a helpful one. At least you got a new avatar, although your last one definitely is indicative of your intellectual offerings.
Last edited by SwoleCat; 09-25-2004 at 07:35 PM.
I'm sure you're happy with the progress you've made thus farOriginally Posted by hardgainer1
Originally Posted by SwoleCat
Wow swole look at all the time u wasted to type that, hoping someone would care. Grow up bud.
Looking really vascular bro, and you've definitely added some size... it's too bad that you have such a hard time gaining, hopefully the gents in this thread will allow you to improve upon that.. they know what they are talking about....![]()
Originally Posted by mass junkie
Ditto.... keep going broyou only got one way to go and that's up
well, he did agree with me on the 5"4 thing. so you guys gotta understand where he's (edit: referring to Swole) coming from. the thing is, even with the not-so-good yet not the worst on earth genes, you CAN be pretty decent if your diet and everything is taking good shape. notice i use the word good. it doesn't have to be perfect. i myself might miss a meal once in a while, but that should NOT affect much if i did everything else correct.
give them some respect, they've been here so **** long, and probably have every single question repeating themselves, yet they still reply to you. i think we should thank them on this point. i have received a lot of help from Mike_XXL ALONE regarding competition dieting. you must be willing to learn.
Last edited by anabolicwannabe; 09-26-2004 at 04:48 AM.
yeah don't worry dude, i was just clearing things up. cause i don't understand how a person 5"4 should start cycling at 195 lbs. i'm only 17, 150lbs (and yes i'm 5"4, i guess most Asians are short, that sucks) and have only trained for 8 months and no way am i going on any cycle in the next 4-5 years MINIMUM. just from a change in diet and i have gained more in the last 3 months than the first 5 months. and they said we grow more when we first start. NOT if your diet is not in check.Originally Posted by Carlos_E
I agree with MikeXXL, swole, Carlos et al
let's face it though, the guy's an idiot.
Last edited by thickmass; 09-26-2004 at 05:45 AM.
You are a very smart individual, kudos and karma for you!Originally Posted by anabolicwannabe
Originally Posted by BduBbz
Exactly, you have NOTHING to offer as you know NOTHING.
Point proven. You've got to get better at your responses, not at tucking your tail and running, as seen above.
I have no issues in "wasting time typing", as I type about 85 wpm. The above post took me about 2 mins tops to construct. In any event, that's a pitiful/horrid response to being called out, as it's irrelevant (that means it doesn't matter, in case you don't know) if anyone "cares" about my last post, my point was to expose you as the uneducated/non-listening/non-contributing/sh*t talker that you are, and it was for you, no one else.
All you can do is virtually fight w/emoticons, as you have no skills at all in formulating a response worthy of making yourself credible. Yeah, that'll get you that evasive muscle you are after.(1) Either post some breath-taking pictures of yourself, or, (2) post some informative/helpful info that assist other members in their fitness approach. If you are unable to do either (we already know this) then notify us when you have attained some form of worth.
If anyone is in desperate need to grow up, ummm, it would be you, physically and mentally. You lack a physique AND intelligence.
Better get to work.
Last edited by SwoleCat; 09-26-2004 at 06:33 AM.
Wow! BduBbz telling Swole to grow -up from a 19yr old who has 2 yrs total training and the 1st yr was probably doing only hammer curls with a 12oz bud.
If i knew 10 years ago what i know now, my bodybuilding quest would look totally different, i am just trying to help some of you not make the same mistakes i have made in the past, i am trying to share the knowledge that took me very long to acquier, however if you do not want or don't think you need help, that's fine, i will just help people that need it...i spend a lot of time responding to PMs for free, and i help everybody that asks me and have helped hundreds of members on here, so quite frankly i already have my plate if you are to proud and already know it all...that frees up the time for me to help those that need it and want it...XXL
Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
Very well stated, I'm outta here too.
You all know where to find me.
Dam good post swole cat and mike xxl
He just doesnt know when to stop thats what his problem is.
and as for:...
"I have no issues in "wasting time typing", as I type about 85 wpm. The above post took me about 2 mins tops to construct."
wow that made my day... LMAO
lata tough guy
The more you keep acting like an @ssclown, the more I'll keep calling you out. Note that YOU added your smart little 2 cents here in the first place, having nothing to do w/the topic at hand, hence me offering all that I have to you in the manner that I have. If you keep posting the smart azz remarks and such, of course I'll keep re-stating the obvious and quoting requests that are never fulfilled, as I've done above. However, if you wish to just drop it and move on, then that's great! All was fine before you decided to get involved in a thread you have nothing to do with, and you don't even help w/the topic at hand taboot. So your purpose is ....................??? Precisely........Originally Posted by AR's DIET GURU who would like to see either one of these addressed
Your call. I'd never sit idle and let someone represent all kinds of fallacies, all w/out explanation and all w/out backing. Especially when we are in a thread where there are people who wish to learn, and those who wish to teach.
If you don't want any advice, that's your choice, but you're not being a very supportive "bro" to this other guy by f*cking up his thread where he is after advice. At least think of his thread and those others involved, and pm me with your issues/flames if you feel the need to. Let the others learn.
Last edited by SwoleCat; 09-26-2004 at 01:07 PM.
try this link Posted by SwoleCat
hardgainer,, it was a little early to start a cycle but whats done is done . now is the time to fix your errors you might have made with your diet and lifting program, you might not have any i dont know, just suggesting thats all.
now back to lurking.
Last edited by novascotia; 09-26-2004 at 02:23 PM.
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