i'm fairly new, mostly just been reading stuff from this site for about 2-3 months now and i love it, and after extensive research and some good gains from lifting hard and eating right, i have decided i am too young for AS, but its close to summer and i want to cut up a bit.
i was chunky for most of my life until i started rowing on the crew team in high school, and i lost weight and got some muscle, but i have never seen my abs. and i did a FRIGGIN SHITLOAD of work with crew, (if anyone has rowed before you know what i mean). so my question is... is it ok for me to use a clen ECA stack or yohimburn or both at age 18? i have read a lot on both but i didn't come across anything regarding age. so if anyone has any suggestions of what i should take, and what EXACT dosage it would be greatly appreciated. and also if anyone has some good ab routines, that would help too. pic is coming