i've done my best . hope that it looks alright. is that a full look or is more full possible . don't know . was my first time carb deplete and all the works sodium , water etc...........................
i've done my best . hope that it looks alright. is that a full look or is more full possible . don't know . was my first time carb deplete and all the works sodium , water etc...........................
Fukin shredded bro!
Looking awesome bro
ur profile said ur 6' tall and weigh 190lbs
so what did u get down to BF% and weight wise, just curious
good quality pics too, magazine quality.
went down to about 3-3.5%
at 183 lbs
i stay at around 6-7 % all year though
nice cuts
not trying to flame bro, but your upper pecs need some work. but other than that, ripped as all hell. good job!
yep yep ..that's no flame bro . if i would get only compl. that would make me look worse . i know about it . i'm working on it . i'm 193 lbs right now and i'll have another shoot in december ............. won't be able to gain to much though in this period of time ........... let's see what creatine can do for me...........
Awesome. ripped!
Great peaks brother!!
Nice work, looks like you got the diet down to a science for your body type. Chicks dig abs!
did u use clen or t3? your shredded as i've ever seen
diet and nutrient timing
thank you though
but if you really think about everything it will make lots of sence
i only take my carbs around workouts and breakfast other than that protein + fats
and after figuring out what my maintenance is it is just a controlled and strict diet . such as watching scale . lbm and also scaling all your food . most important was for me that i do not use any shakes for my last 5 weeks . no fruits . for my final week i'm not going to crazy with sodium and carb deplete or load . i do a little though 70 g carbs as depletion and 2g / lb bodyw. for carb up . i make sure that i don't cut out my sodium to the extrem until 2 days out . i also keep my water really high (2-3 gall) till 25-30 hrs. out and then i just stop drinking any ..not even sips
whats ur diet look like bro?????
no fruits .
carbs+prot for breakfast
carbs +protei during and post work out
protein+fat durin day and before bed (ca 1.5 hrs post workout)
low glycemic carbs at break fast + eggwhites +1or 2 yolks
tuna , salmon mackerel + veggies during the day
malto/dextrose + hydro whey + glutamine + creatine during and post work out
some veggies +eggwhites+flax oil before bed
impressive, bro. are you preparing for a contest?
I can't say I have ever seen vasulatiry/veins in the lower ab region on anyone. Amazing. Keep the hard work going.
hey im about the same size as you, beside the bf% cuz mines only 10%, not YOURS. I wanted to know how big your arms are. just curious?
Shredded all to hell.....
awesome bro, you are ripped!
Bro u look silly. Thats the look ill have next summer.
I have to say out of everybody on here u have the body im out to get. Skinny and lean to shyt...
all i can say is RIPPED!!!!!!!
Good work...Hope I can be that lean one day!![]()
like i said great cuts but a few things u said got me thinkin u eat pro+carb durin n after workouts how do u eat or drink em durin ur workout and the water intake 2-3 gal when i drink that thruout the day my stomach like gets a belly altho i have lil bf how do u drink all that waterOriginally Posted by wakejump4me
2-3 gal water is the last 2 days before contest or show etc.
yes i drink my carbs during and post .
here is a good advise .: research on "john Berardie - nutrient timing , solving the post workout puzzle " and other articles by him
also Tom Venuto - articles by him .
belief me , that's all i did about nutrition ,those guy's know their stuff
unless i'm having a high carb day , i only have carbs around breakfast and workouts
no carbs needed period unless u are bulking but for gaining lean muscle............in my opinion and in their opinion that's the way to go
nutient timing is the key
awesome man...i sent u a pm
email rather
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