just goes to show how someone who weighs just 157 can look ten times better than someone twice his weight
just goes to show how someone who weighs just 157 can look ten times better than someone twice his weight
you got the look all the chicks love, the abercrombie look. Great job on being shreaded. Clean bulk the diet and then cut and you won't be touched at the beach this summer
dude - you are like some of us hard gainers- it is simple
stay away from sugers and eat clean, the same amount of protien carbs and fat at every meal, drink a **** load of water and eat god damit.
If you say you eat all the time and gain no weight then you don't eat all the time and just think you do ( I am not tring to pick on you Just trying to answer your question)
write down what you eat in a day for a week and log how much water you drink per day, and even weekends- It has to be 7 days a week 365 days a year with food intake. not just 5 days on and a few off of good foods.
I say all this also becouse I used to be the same way all the time until someone tought me to watch my foods. Eat the same things day in day out - and most inportent weight your food out. I does a big difference.
Try - olive oils
flax seed oils
mct oils
stay away from sugers and empty calories, and weight gainers- thay don't do **** for people with high ass matabolisums just make them higher.
Please don't get afended by this I am saying, just tring to help out and that is why this site is so great- alot of strong opinions.
If you are ofended by this I will take it off for you
For the record you look great. With some simple things you could look incredable with out juice. Don't rush it, you haven't even come near your natural peak. You could push 200 sredded and still stay natural if you stick to a plan
Last edited by squatster; 12-22-2004 at 07:17 AM.
looking great, dont get me wrong. cut as hell but i can easily see that its a skinny cut. not be be an a$$ or anything but thats what it looks like. at your height you should be weighing in at around 170-180 is lb. range. then cut it up and you would a freak. im a little taller than you by about three inches and i weigh 204 and am almost as cut as you. bro if you can keep yourself cut like that while putting on some mass you have a gift from god. keep working hard and eat eat eat eat eat like the worlds gonna end tomarrow and you will grow like a tree, a very thick one too. stay natural, its definatelly a really good idea. good luck to you bro.
earn some cash. COMPETE.
roflOriginally Posted by seanw
sorry that just make me laugh, i guess i need me some NoXplod for after each protien shake
thats amazing. im sitting here with my mouth open. ... anyway, bunch of funny comments on this tread, especially the abercrombie one by 50%. He's right tho. chicks must be waiting in line to suck your d1ck and rub their clits against ur abs.
anyway, is it possible to post pics of what you looked like before? so we can see a before and after you started lifting. good luck & welcome to the boards.
(ps - im italian and i wasnt born with genes like that, only the ones that make me love bread and pasta w/ tons of cheese)
Does anyone know why the guy who started this thread , Sammysplitz, was banned ?
anteriordeltoid was banned as well, they must have done somehting crazy.
I think he was to young
no the guy that started this thread said he was 18 but he was born on 85 might be lying or maybe he did something else
Yeah, what's your diet? I'm just starting back to the gym after a 2 year hiatus....I'm 6'1, and way tooooo skinny....I'm at like 135....any suggestions from anybody on diet, and where I should start? I'm not looking to get huge....just about the same size as this guy. Also, why do I get sick sometimes when I'm working out?......and I sometimes involuntarily yawn?????
AWESOME TORSO development and sweet abs bro got more pics? Looken good bro.
Goto the diet forum, and stay there. You will be amazed at how much you learn there.Originally Posted by NorCal Mortgage
Good Luck
this thread is soooo 2004
Looks good man.
looking shredded bro keep up the good work and eat eat eat and you will become a monster.
I wish I looked like that when I was 18.
Keep it up bro...
What can I say the 18yr old is cut as a razor, he now needs to focus on getting some size over the next 2-3yrs. Then I would start the AAS, you could compete with a body like that, if you've got the size. Keep it up boy
hey bros, the dude was banned. he won't be posting anymore.
why are you digging this crap up? trying to get your post count up?Originally Posted by spitzor
Originally Posted by Cuttup
IT'S THE SAME GUY!! Catch the "spitz" I know it's you sam...busted motherF*ker![]()
Hey sherman, back off bi***!!Originally Posted by kstone6tb
lmaoOriginally Posted by statuZ
Look brilliant, bf is well low, take it you dont visit Macs on a daily basis.
Keep up the great work, look like you have great genetics.
I was thinking the same thingOriginally Posted by houseofpain
Lookin' great for 18 bro.
let the thread die
Originally Posted by IronBrother
lol god that cracks me up
cant really tell about the legs with just the lower part. But damn man you look ripped..keep up the good work..stay natural for a while
wish i was ripped like you bro......just a little to lite............bulk up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this dude is full of shit. 8 mos and he has that look - my ass
Originally Posted by Spyder
That was extremely elicit.![]()
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