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I can see we've got some lively discussion going on. I'm staying out of the b.s. and just being appreciative of the feedback from you serious guys. I just wanted feedback on my pics - and thanks to all who've posted. I'm really stoked about doing my first cycle. Like I said, I'd only done one vial of cypianate - 10mL - about 2 years ago and I didn't use it properly, so I didn't even see any results. Therefore I feel ok about calling myself a "natural" when compared to a lot of real juicers on here because I've had better results with creatine then I did with my mis-used vial of cypianate. Hope the 'natural' comment didn't offend anyone that is truly natural.
When I was a senior in high school I weighed 200lb., could run the 40 yeard dash in 4/7 sec., and could bench over 320lb. Over the years I've put on the unwanted weight that comes with age and am just now turning to juice to help get off the fat. I'm one of those naturally thick guys and am really looking forward to actually seeing my six pack. Just a wierd side-note... this weekend my dad fell off an 8ft. ladder and landed on his head - [/I]on the sidewalk - [I]and didn't break any bones nor had any blackouts. Hell, I hope I got his toughness. He could have broken his neck! Ol' man gave me some good genes.
Andre, nothing personal, but you are pretty well developed for a 'natural'. I'm not saying you aren't, but the odds are against you, bro'. I'm no juice specialist, but I have been around the gym on and off through the years to know that it takes a hell of a lot of work and incredible genetics to get into your kind of shape naturally. Again, maybe you are a natural, but if you're just trying to get some attention, start your own thread.
Just so ya'll know, I studied the ISSA course to get certified as a personal trainer. I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to health and nutrition, but my 'roid knowledge is limited. As far as my workouts over the past 2 years, I've usually held to 2 ons and 1 off (chest -1, legs - 2, off, back & bis -1, shoulders & tris - 2, off). My diet has been good, but more often than not too much intake of the good foods, therefore I haven't burned fat that I should have been. But my goal has been to get strong, develop my musculature, and after a couple of years hard work, start my first true cycle. This is where I'm at now. My goal hasn't been to get shredded, but to get strong and build muscle naturally in order to better handle when I do a cycle or series of cycles. So, for all you guys busting my ass for not being shredded, hey, water off a duck's back.
Give me a couple of months to get cut up, and I think I'll rival some of the best guys on here. Love the board, and am looking forward to more helpful and informative discussion. As for you insecure guys who throw insults around, well, here's a little story...
The Queen of England is said to have been visiting a foreign country once, and while in the court of the other country's ruler, a lively and unruly dog began barking viciously towards the Queen. Later, one of the Queen's bodyguards asked the queen, "Why didn't you request us to do something about that noisy dog?" The queen answered, "I'm a queen. Only a dog would bark back at a dog."
Get the point?