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Thread: what do you think,18age

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    what do you think,18age

    what up im 18 and im just looking for what people think and what i should work first cycle was winny a yr ago at this time i stopped half way through...then i did a cycle of t400 got pretty big i guess...then i did winny,deca,and test enethate..bout to get on test enethate, winny and fina..but let me know what you think of my shit..this picks below are from last yr ha
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    these are after my last cycle...i got 19 inch arms now and i dont know my other shit...those red dots on my back arent acne i got my back waxed and i got a reaction from it.
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  3. #3
    Lets see some pics of the wheels? your missing the other half of the body. Also you cycled? coulda easily done that without a cycle and a solid diet IMO? How long you been off-cycle for your arms look like they're holding some water I dunno could just be me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    LARGE for 18 good work

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    shit i just cycled off maybe 2 weeks ago...but the fina will help with the water and shit...the winny is started to finnally kik in and now my tris are gettin more definite....this leg shot is hella shitty but ill get another one...but everything that has to do with legs is ****ing massive..on me
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Name:	Picture 021.jpg 
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    dam, u blew up pretty big. good job bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lookin pretty good for 18, but i have to agree with jaffree u could of done it naturally. oh well whats done is done. overall though not bad, i think the tren will be good though to cut down and solidify everthing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Not a flame but the arms don't look 19" brutha.

    I have 20's myself, so I know of where I speak.

    At 18 you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to young for gear.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    bacne! Try Dawn, the dishwashing soap, works wonders from what i hear..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    18 is pretty young dude... I think you need to understand a proper diet and take advantage of you natural hormones at your age. Best of luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    nah there 19 i measure a lot ha..but also that aint backne i got my back waxed and i got a reaction to it so it just looks like it..hella gay...i also dont think i coulda done this natural but im taking back opinions so its cool, what do you guys think i should work on more and shit?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    id say you need to bring your back up as its overpowered by your arms/ delts.

  13. #13
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime
    id say you need to bring your back up as its overpowered by your arms/ delts.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Not a flame but the arms don't look 19" brutha.

    I have 20's myself, so I know of where I speak.

    At 18 you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to young for gear.

    they could be 19's and probably are but a guy with ripped 17-18 inch arms would still look bigger than those puffy 19's

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by yooo
    bacne! Try Dawn, the dishwashing soap, works wonders from what i hear..
    It helps for the most part but sometimes there are periods you still get broken out. Like my wife HATES me using Dawn and cannot understand why I keep taking it to the bathroom so sometimes I get in the shower to find - she's taken the dawn back to the kitchen and have to use bar soap. Man that one day a week that I have to use whats there (bar soap) is when the acne will overnight pop up 20 new zits on my back... get back on dawn, at least it holds off new ones but have to deal with popping the white heads or healing up what broke out on you on bar soap day. Anyways dawn helps but still acne will get thru any treatment you try.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by keithquig
    they could be 19's and probably are but a guy with ripped 17-18 inch arms would still look bigger than those puffy 19's
    agreed, super puffy.

    Your arms/delts definetly over power eveyrting. your chest/abs/back, fuk work on everything hard just seems like you concentrate alot on your arms/delts fromw hat I can see. Lower half isnt bad for your age. Calves are small but im not gonan lie too you mine are too things are a bitch to make grow, i try hitting mine twice a week. If you dont mind me asking, you hitting osme tren? and winny now. Fuk why so much gear bro??? fuk ur young. What's gonna happen when you go off of all this gear, you think you'll keep these gains, how's your diet dawg?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i havnt been on anything for like a month now and i have the same gains..i dont know why...i dont reallty care abiout legs i dont even work them out...nah but ill get some pics of my chest and shoulders up my body is pretty proportional everything matches up hella good... what is osme tren? and about diet i dont even care about diet i keep my shit at a comfortable level, im not in this to be a body builder, i just do it where i feel like its coo u know? if i feel like my stumach is gettin fat ill do some cardio or some abs or slow down on junk food but im not a diet nazi. and ya my arms are puffy right now so im hoping the fina and winny will cut me up hella.

  18. #18
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Need to build some natural muscle or youll just be a bag of water!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    dam dude that was some good pointers..wheres your pics?

  20. #20
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    who me??

  21. #21
    BG's Avatar
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    There there, listen Im not being a dick but your going about it all wrong bro,your body is going to get so used to you using as, that its only ever going to get gains with out it. If you were to build a nat. foundation, then use as responsibly, you would get so much more from it. You would be so suprised what you could get nat., seems like you have good genetics, just rember one day youll have to stop using,then thats when youll wish you had some natural muscle, jmo, but think about it a little before you keep going on.Dont mean to be an ass , but it kills me to see you use so AS at such a young age!

  22. #22
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  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Looking good for 18.

  24. #24
    No flame, but your the kinda guy I laugh at. Diet is eveything dawg. You think you know lots and by taking gear will do all, I laugh at you bro, these bro's try to help you and you don't care. Your real joke bro. Go do some Preacher curls dawg. Oh Good LuckBy the way, you sure as hell wont catch my Pics on here until im at least 190-215 under 10% BF, so I figure that wont be for a few years here.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    cheezies and weed are the secret to bulking.... shhhhhh

  26. #26
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    ha shit foo why you trippin out? its my opinion and my decision on not to do cardio..i dont wanna be some body builder..i like to keep it at a comfortable level not where i have to wake up and make this and that to eat? if you cant accept that and laugh at me over cardio then your a joke in the first place..and preacher curls ha ya i think i have done enough of those remeber my arms are what do you do fior your arms if your so big? by the way i take everyone advice they give to me but if your gonna get pissed about cardio and bullshit like that i dont care...and as for JUSTSTARTINGNY thanks for the critiquing, whats some other stuff u think i should work on?

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    work on your lats and calves

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    OH Boy!! another adolescent that knows every thing !


  29. #29
    No doubt, hahaha I laugh. No need to waste my time with this dude just getti sick of these little punks who think they need AAS. Ah well I see all them get big and lose it all within a few months,(ps. that's where the diet comes into play) it's all good though, hopefully they learn, if not what can yah do althere's always gonna be "those guys" out there.

    Also im not huge, not even big at all, fuk too me I think im the smallest piece of shit out there so I ust my ass ED and eat like a mother fukin elephant to until I get my desired gains, and it sure as hell is workin. Until im pleased with m y results I refuse to post any pics. I like Swolecats look, now that's fukin sick dude, he's HUGE, my fukin idol.

    by the way im only 5'9, 205, 12-14%BF at the moment. Have had 2 separated shoulders, a concusion, and a tore tendon in my thumb (which put me ina cast for 6 weeks) in the past 1.5yrs here now. finally been on track and able to go insane at the gym now for about 5 months again and no plans on slowing the fuk down. Keep It real Daaaaaaaawg!

    PS. those 19inch pieces of shit arms aint someting id keep talking, and bragging up, fuk I hope you wear long sleave shirts.

    Sorry Mods just gettin sick of all these little know it all punks.

  30. #30
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  31. #31
    Join Date
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    I'd sell whatever juice you have laying around, and go grocery shopping. Sounds to me like your diet is all jacked up.
    If you ate right, and worked out right, you would get much better results with no juice, than you would taking AS , or wasting AS I might say, without a proper base, and proper diet.
    Dont get all pissed when you read this, just realize, you came here for some pointers, and I think everyone here would agree, if I said, you need to work your legs, get a solid natural foundation, get your diet on track, and in 4 or 5 years, if your progress has slowed start introducing AS.
    You have good genetic potential it seems, and your still young enough to ditch the juice and try to build a natural base I think.
    Check out the diet forum here.

    "Kids + AS = dumb"


  32. #32
    Join Date
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    not made to flame
    you look good man, but train up the back for sure...some deadlifts and barbell rows to add some width and depth.

    arms nice decent size but long have you been off cycle?
    i am in the process of leanin down as well, can be hard to see your measurements down but trust me bro its worth it to be a cut 17 then a puffy 18 or 19.

    18 is young but im not gonna talk, i did a cycle while young as well. live and learn.

    but also take this into consideration...PLEASE keep the ego in check. the boys here know a lot and have a lot more experience then you and i would currently have. take their advice, listen to them...and grow like a weed!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2005
    umm i have been off for like 3 weeks look more cut for sure the winny is still kiking bout go on some fina and some winny next week to cut up even more...thanks for the advice.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    May 2005
    aye jaffry20 how are you of all people gonna judge some one on age when what your a year older than me??? then why do you say crap like "you sure as hell wont catch my Pics on here until im at least 190-215 under 10% BF, so I figure that wont be for a few years here." but hey when you check your profile what does it say?? it says your weight is 200-215 and you have 7% body fat so if your already at what you want then where are the pics?? dude your 19 and your prolly small as hell...and your hella baggin on my diet and legs and shit but if you didnt notice i said i dont wanna be a body builder remember??? i just do it to look good and you know if people complement you on your body out in the streets and if girls jock you for it then i must be doing something right hu? why dont you stop hating on eberyones shit and post some of your own pictures foo? dude your a joke dont come on here until you can prove what you know your talking about...and last time i checked if you werent a body builder people dont look at your legs so really i could care less its not like i got chicken if anyone once again has any pointers or anything constructive to say about my upper body leave some comments otherwise look back on what i read and realize that everything is true about this idiot.

  35. #35
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    aye jaffry20 how are you of all people gonna judge some one on age when what your a year older than me??? then why do you say crap like "you sure as hell wont catch my Pics on here until im at least 190-215 under 10% BF, so I figure that wont be for a few years here." but hey when you check your profile what does it say?? it says your weight is 200-215 and you have 7% body fat so if your already at what you want then where are the pics?? dude your 19 and your prolly small as hell...and your hella baggin on my diet and legs and shit but if you didnt notice i said i dont wanna be a body builder remember??? i just do it to look good and you know if people complement you on your body out in the streets and if girls jock you for it then i must be doing something right hu? why dont you stop hating on eberyones shit and post some of your own pictures foo? dude your a joke dont come on here until you can prove what you know your talking about...and last time i checked if you werent a body builder people dont look at your legs so really i could care less its not like i got chicken if anyone once again has any pointers or anything constructive to say about my upper body leave some comments otherwise look back on what i read and realize that everything is true about this idiot.
    With a post like that, it's official you're a joke. People are not encouraging this kind of behavior here.

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    what up im 18 and im just looking for what people think and what i should work on...
    First off, the title of your post is "what do you think". This is the question, not "how does my upper body looks like?". So people wanted you to show us your legs. First you say this in your third post:

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    but everything that has to do with legs is ****ing massive..on me
    and then you say this later on:

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    i dont reallty care abiout legs i dont even work them out

    Next you say this:

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    shit i just cycled off maybe 2 weeks ago...
    Then you say this:

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    havnt been on anything for like a month now and i have the same gains
    And then you say that later on:

    Quote Originally Posted by testSO916
    umm i have been off for like 3 weeks now
    I could carry on but I think everyone here sees the point. You're bullshitting like you breath. People are trying to give you good advice but you don't give a ****.

    You might as well hang yourself

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the last time i was consistant was a month ago did a couple shots of winny 2 weeks ago

  37. #37
    a couple shots eh, sounds like u no what ur doing. hahahah your going by my profile eh, good one bro, if you woulda read it right BF% said 10-14%, ill fix that soory not 10 thats foresure, but the weight ios pretty close yes 2-215 water does flucuate in this cat. As for my age I will never put my real age on any internet site whenever, especially not post bragging about being 18yrs old with gross 19inch arms that i love soooooo much. If your really wanna know my age ill be 21 in august bitch. get your shit straight before you try and beak you little punk. Im not all about being a bodybuilder either dawg, but it doesn't mean I can't train like one. You know I do like the rest of my body parts to match each other, nothing is bigger then each, well my back is lagging but have been slamming that the hardest for the past few months and boy she's startin to grow nicely considering I had fuk all, (still woulda lit you up) not being cocky to big boys cause I know I have nothing, but this clown is a bitch. And seriously how much sauce are you fuking doing, like honestly your a fuking idiot. all over your face!

    PS ill fix my profile to for bitches like you!
    Last edited by jaffry20; 05-27-2005 at 06:10 PM.

  38. #38
    you should also consider shaving that little bit of bum fluff on your chin, no flame, just maybe think about it till you can grow something dawg, peace.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    ha dam fool thats a good one. ill be waiting for your pics big swole.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    dude and learn how to talk withall this flame, beak, slammin,bum fluff, bull shit words...and another thing saying i dont know what im doing last time i checked i went throgh all your threads and you have like 20 of them just asking how to do shit....good one...and ya im sure you would never post your real age on the internet huh because soo many bad things can happen to such a big strong internet shit talking guy like you huh? when i come on here to try to get some pointers and shit and you make up bullshit when u think im supposed to take you serious yet you have no pictures once so ever...everyone else has been pretty supportive but yet your the one who thinks shit man im so tyte and i know what im talking about.

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