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Thread: be nice :/

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    be nice :/

    iv got a quite a bit of fat so be nice, i was a bit chubby whe i went on my bulk, i know i should of went on a cut first but i wanted to put on some muscle b4 i cut for some reason hehe. i'v got 3 weeks left out of my 12week bulk and iv put on 17pounds, not all muscle of course any feedback would be nice on theese pics! thx

    the legs pic sucks, will get better ones soon

  2. #2
    Do you mean you did a bulking cycle or bulk diet? If so, you really need to start cleaning up your diet. You have a decent base to work off of if you can cut down that BF. Doesn't look like you have been lifting for more than a year or two, so I'd suggest holding off on any cycles until you develop more and have a solid diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    bulk diet and cylce. i know i should of waited for a good few years b4 i even thought about goin on AAS but im young and a tad dumb at times hehe. i got my PCT sorted b4 ya ask im 6'1, 19, 232pounds. my diet is clean. i know i got quite alot of fat but in 3 weeks its cut time i will keep you posted

    my diet looks like this


    Meal 1:
    100g Oatmeal
    2 Scoop of whey


    Meal 2:
    2 Scoop of Whey
    100g Oatmeal


    Meal 3:
    100g Brown Rice
    1 Chicken Breast
    Half a onion


    meal 4:
    100g lettuce
    Half a onion
    1 Chicken Breast
    Tin of tuna
    30g of Full Fat Mayo


    meal 5:
    200g Brussels
    1 Chicken Breast
    1 half chicken breast
    100g Green Beans
    Tbp Olive Oil


    meal 6:
    250g Cottage Cheese
    1 half chicken breast
    Tbp Olive Oil

    Total: 3085kals
    Protein: 263g
    Carbs: 194g(strachy carbs, first 3 meals) 257(carbs in all of the meals)
    fat : 81g

    4 days out of the week i have Salmon with meal 5 insted of chicken, im on low money so gotta make the best

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    so thats your cutting diet right

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    no clean bulking diet. was gonna go all out bulk but i was already chubby so i did't. i know i dont make as much gains as on a 4000kal diet with more carbs. but my diet atm seems ok for me bulking. when i get cut up and go on a bulk again i shall give my kals a bit more leway, wont have the fat to worry somuch about then anyways thx for the reply even

  6. #6
    bulking diet? Thats less protein and a lil more carbs than my cutting diet

  7. #7
    That's a weak bulking diet, I pull in close to 5K calories. I understand your metabolism is slower but damn you gotta eat if you wanna grow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    yea i know mate, but i as i said i shall up my kals higher on my next bulk after i strip the fat away. dont see anything wrong with the diet im on atm, iv soon really good gains from it. later..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    My friend, it looks to me like your coming on here telling us instead of asking.
    Listen to the advice these bros give u cause they know a bit more then u.

    My advice would be to try and lean out first beofre u bulk up any more, especially if u never cut before. Your bulking plans could backfire on u and then ull never be able to cut down. Figure out a nice diet for yourself and then take it from there..

    Good luck........

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by doomeh
    yea i know mate, but i as i said i shall up my kals higher on my next bulk after i strip the fat away. dont see anything wrong with the diet im on atm, iv soon really good gains from it. later..
    Goodluck to you, update your pics with your progress.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    My advice is to STOP watching TV and do more cardio.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    im nice... lol.. great work bro, clean your diet , then you will look awsome

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    My advice is to STOP watching TV and do more cardio.

    I give up. You help him. Oh yea, u got a pm fuker.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    youve bulked up nicely now its time to cut hard

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    What are all the onions for?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    europe, italy
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    What are all the onions for?
    what do you mean what are they for???? they have 100g of protein, each one!!!! :P
    just joking.......

    just want to ask one question......about the 5000kcals e/day to grow.... I am 76kg and want to be 80kg lean...... I eat every 2 hours (chicken, tuna, wholemeal bread, proteinshakes, rice, lean meat, etc) I take about 3700kcals and I feel that for me its impossible to eat more kcals.....

    So what do I do? I am taking 280g carbs 380 pro..... I was thinking about adding a weight gainer into my diet (each serving has 100g carbs, 35g pro, 900Kcals) but I am on a lean bulk diet and dont want to take in unessacary carbs!!!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    What are all the onions for?
    for taste?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Doesn't Flax Seed oil have lots of calories in it? Maybe you could try that if it does?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by bolin
    what do you mean what are they for???? they have 100g of protein, each one!!!! :P
    just joking.......

    just want to ask one question......about the 5000kcals e/day to grow.... I am 76kg and want to be 80kg lean...... I eat every 2 hours (chicken, tuna, wholemeal bread, proteinshakes, rice, lean meat, etc) I take about 3700kcals and I feel that for me its impossible to eat more kcals.....

    So what do I do? I am taking 280g carbs 380 pro..... I was thinking about adding a weight gainer into my diet (each serving has 100g carbs, 35g pro, 900Kcals) but I am on a lean bulk diet and dont want to take in unessacary carbs!!!!!
    I do not suggest 5K calories for just anyone, This is a number that is best to work up too. If you are currently eating 3500cal and you want to get to 4500 then up your calorie count by 500calories/wk until you reach the desired amount. 100 extra cal/day is a good way to go. You need more carbs in your diet to grow IMO. 280grams is cutting for me. 5-600grams is bulking.

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