This is me, I haven't done a cycle yet, I'm looking to start one in the near future, I'm 5'8" 192lbs.
This is me, I haven't done a cycle yet, I'm looking to start one in the near future, I'm 5'8" 192lbs.
look good from what i see. got any leg pics or full body shots?
good luck either way bro
wow Hack, sure did rack up those posts pretty quick, yea bro u do look pretty good how old are u?? jus curious
thanks bro I guess lolOriginally Posted by Haro3
better than most pre-cycle..arms look really small.. and pics are a bit dark
Thats not bad for pre cycle. I think he could use some more tricep mass. That will give his whole arm overall size... I say do some skull crushers. 5 sets of 36 should get them nice and big. Looks good so far bro!
cant' see too much really. from what i see though, looks like youv been working very hard. congrats. what's your first cycle gonna be?
I'm 18, and Ive been roughly the same size since I was 16. I'm looking to gain some mass, so I'm thinking something along the lines of a 8 week d-bol cycle then 4 weeks of winnes. Probably 50mg a day of dbol and what would be a good dose of winnie? I don't really have access to needles so I can't inject. Oh and for my arms, they're only 16s.
Here's some back shots and a better arm shot and some upclose chest n stuff.
Last edited by Redalert; 12-14-2005 at 11:47 AM.
well, i know you don't want to hear this should wait untill you're older. 18 is pretty young too start. are you still in high school? i started at 19 and i wish i wouldv waited. if you cycle now, your natty test production could get screwed for life.....wich i don't want. it looks as though you are in decent shape and know some things when it comes to dieting, so all that aside the only drawback is your age. as for your proposed 'cycle', it's horrid in every sence of the word. dbol at 50mgs ed is WAY too high for a first timer and adding winny on top of that you'd be shitting out your liver in the first wk. research, use the search button, read the profiles. all you need for your first cycle it test enanthate at 500mgs wk1-12. that will do wonders for you. forget about these all oral cycles, they are garbage. you can get pins online if you can't get them where you live. i also noticed you didn't mention PCT, do you have any idea about this?Originally Posted by Redalert
why do you keep running cycles then? you've done 2 so far.Originally Posted by testosterona
Originally Posted by Redalert
dude you look some massive research before you decide to do a cycle though.
Yeah I know dbol sucks but I'm limited. Yes I'm still in HS. Uhm as for PCT I figured it was obvious, nolvadex and chlomid. I've done a fair bit of research. I'm probably going to take milk thistle to help with the liver. And the dosage of the dbol is tenative. I will more than likely go less towards the middle of the cycle. Just high dosage to front load and set things off a little quicker. Probably do 50mg e/d for around 2 weeks then taper to 25-30mg ed. And I'm going to take nolva through the whole cycle to help with water retention and a diuretic. And then after the cycle through in chlomid on top of the nova.
I know my brother is running Test E right now. I will try and convince him into getting me some. But he has said before he wont do it. Cause if anything goes wrong he doesnt want it to be his a**.
If this is're obviously doing something very..very wrong.Originally Posted by Redalert
leave the juice alone.
Identify and influence the variable that has been your hinderance.
Originally Posted by testerona
Obviously you've missed that part above in bold.Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04
It's sound advice...
If you feel the need to continuously call out members i think you should find somewhere else to do it.
nope didnt miss anything...i saw the part where he said he regretted starting...if he regrets starting then why is he in the middle of his second cycle right now? always on my back huh nark?Originally Posted by Narkissos
Nothing against you personally good sir.Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04
You may check my previous posts in response to any member who perpatrates conversational traits similar to your own.
You'll find that they are the same.
I'll reiterate... if you, or other members, have beef with (an)other member(s)..take it to the PMs... Do not pollute threads. Failing such, it'd be advisable that said members find another forum where the abovementioned behaviour is deemed acceptable.
I convey my thanks in advance.
word...but what about that other guy? being kinda two-sided about the whole waiting to juice issue eh?Originally Posted by Narkissos
It seems like you have already made up your mind to start a cycle, and a dbol only at that. Two things..
1. As nark mentioned above, if you have stayed the same size for 2 years you are obviously doing something wrong. My first 2 guesses would be you are not working out properly. Overtraining, doing the same thing week in and week out, or the other. Either that..or your diet is seriously lacking. You would have no idea how much influence diet has on growth until you start taking it seriously and see some major gains that you didn't think were possible without aas.
2. Saying that, you are too young for aas. Follow my advice above about checking out your workout routine in the workout forum and your diet in the diet forum and you will see steroid like gains that you never knew existed by being natural.
Hope this makes sense..oh and you look good right now as it is.
My brother is a personal trainer, so I know my workouts are good. And to keep my body from getting used to it I will switch them up about every 6 weeks. And as far as not getting any bigger, I just get stronger and a little bit more defined, never anymore mass. I've gone from Benching 130 weighing 140 then I hit 192lbs benching 315, and since then I've stayed 192lbs but bench is up to 340 (I know bench isn't that important, but I use it as a personal reference) As for diet, I eat every two hours. I take in 300g of protein a day, and a substantial amount of carbs. As for my mind being made up: I've definetely decided to do a cycle. As for of what, thats up in the air. Which is why I'm hear reading, and researching so I can find the proper dosage and way to administer it and proper PCT so I don't **** myself up. And as for my age, I know I'm young. But I have several friends who have done a cycle and haven't had any problems.
Last edited by Redalert; 12-15-2005 at 04:28 AM.
well its not about having problems...its about shutting down your natural test levels and ruining your natural genetic potential.Originally Posted by Redalert
Originally Posted by Redalert
That little chest can push up 340 at 192lbs.![]()
Thats real good strength for your size and age if its true.
i give him 275 topz
I can rep 275 about 4 times. Dont know how, but I can. Maybe its from taking T-bomb lol or Methly Masterdrol and creatine?
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