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Thread: 19 years old! progress pics!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    19 years old! progress pics!

    Hello! I have been working out for almost 4 month, but been away from training the last 3 weeks! have had flue! gonna start again in januari! but here you got some pics of my progress the last couple of months!
    I have only used creatine,protein and glutamine!

    tell me what you think! need help with wich part I have to work harder on! of course every part but theres always some part that need a little bit more!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Nice progress. I would concentrate on eating more, and getting bigger overall. Worry about the smaller stuff after putting on some more size. Keep at it, and stay motivated!

  3. #3
    hrad to tell at this point bro, if your goal is to get bigger then i would say continue to work hard, make sure you are eating right and taking in enough calories and protein, if thats your before pic to the right of the one in the left pictures then i would say you have made some decent progress in 4 months, keep working hared bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    hmm... I'd say go to and get anthony ellis' "gaining mass" program. It's a program directed towards naturally skinny guys like you. (and me) I gained 60 lbs. from his program so far. It's well worth getting it, I would still look the same today as I did a year ago, if I never got his program. If u wanna gain some serious weight, check it out. You can thank me later lol. Good luck, man.

    You can check out my results/pics from using the program here...
    Last edited by jeff5931; 12-29-2005 at 03:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Nice progress. I would concentrate on eating more, and getting bigger overall. Worry about the smaller stuff after putting on some more size. Keep at it, and stay motivated!
    thank's! yes I agree that I have to eat more! for a start i really have to and wan't to grow in arms and chest,but also everything else to!
    looking for to start again next week!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BullDogg20
    hrad to tell at this point bro, if your goal is to get bigger then i would say continue to work hard, make sure you are eating right and taking in enough calories and protein, if thats your before pic to the right of the one in the left pictures then i would say you have made some decent progress in 4 months, keep working hared bro.
    yes man that's the before pic! yes I have to eat more and eat right! so starting now to train hard 6 days a week as i did before! but really should eat much more!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    hmm... I'd say go to and get anthony ellis' "gaining mass" program. It's a program directed towards naturally skinny guys like you. (and me) I gained 60 lbs. from his program so far. It's well worth getting it, I would still look the same today as I did a year ago, if I never got his program. If u wanna gain some serious weight, check it out. You can thank me later lol. Good luck, man.

    You can check out my results/pics from using the program here...
    WooW that's really good! maybe something for me also! thank's man. I've gonna give it a try and work with it to the summer and train 6 days a week and hope for results! give me your training program and I will work with it also and hope for the same results! I really liked your progress!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Good progress in 4 months! Definitely eat to build muscle! Eat clean, don't waste your calories on garbage food. You are just coming up to your maximum natural testosterone production so USE IT! One comment - I don't know anything about your training routine, but one thing about training 6x/week is recovery time. When I was in my teens all I ever wanted to do was sleep, so make sure you aren't cheating yourself out of good quality recovery time. Make sure your form is tight and work on your core. If you have people around you who do powerlifting you might look into that to really develop those core moves like squats, deads and presses. The methodologies also force you to make sure you have excellent form and your strength will be amazing.
    hard work = hard bod

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    WooW that's really good! maybe something for me also! thank's man. I've gonna give it a try and work with it to the summer and train 6 days a week and hope for results! give me your training program and I will work with it also and hope for the same results! I really liked your progress!

    6 times a week is too much to train. More is not better all the time. You should train no more than 3 days a week. 45 minutes to an hour at a time.
    The rest of the time should be spent recovering and get at least 8 hrs of sleep. Your muscles dont grow in the gym, they grow when you rest, so remember that. Remember to eat 6 meals a day, eat 2 g. of protien per pound of bodyweight. You want your diet to consist of 30% protien, 40% carbs or more, and 30-20% fat via flax seed oil. Fat is also important so dont forget that. L-Glutamine and post-workout carb drink like ABB Carbo Force, or Ultra Fuel right after workout is important too!! to spike insulin levels, ect. Take that to the gym with you and down it in the locker room. Then when u get home eat your biggest meal of the day. High protien, high carbs. ProLab's N-Large 2 works for me as a meal replacement, that may be easier to get down right after a workout. Check out my diet sheet, its a very good diet for mass gain for skinny guys. If you weigh less than me (under 200) then you can lower the calories a little. There is so much you can learn from this program I told you about I hope u put serious thought into getting it, good luck man, and trust me with all the stuff I told you. Skinny guys have to train differently than guys with good genetics! -Jeff

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sassy69
    Good progress in 4 months! Definitely eat to build muscle! Eat clean, don't waste your calories on garbage food. You are just coming up to your maximum natural testosterone production so USE IT! One comment - I don't know anything about your training routine, but one thing about training 6x/week is recovery time. When I was in my teens all I ever wanted to do was sleep, so make sure you aren't cheating yourself out of good quality recovery time. Make sure your form is tight and work on your core. If you have people around you who do powerlifting you might look into that to really develop those core moves like squats, deads and presses. The methodologies also force you to make sure you have excellent form and your strength will be amazing.
    yes mabye 6 days i to much! and i feel it may be because I'm so tired after training and don't sleep more than 3-4 hours than go to work!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    6 times a week is too much to train. More is not better all the time. You should train no more than 3 days a week. 45 minutes to an hour at a time.
    The rest of the time should be spent recovering and get at least 8 hrs of sleep. Your muscles dont grow in the gym, they grow when you rest, so remember that. Remember to eat 6 meals a day, eat 2 g. of protien per pound of bodyweight. You want your diet to consist of 30% protien, 40% carbs or more, and 30-20% fat via flax seed oil. Fat is also important so dont forget that. L-Glutamine and post-workout carb drink like ABB Carbo Force, or Ultra Fuel right after workout is important too!! to spike insulin levels, ect. Take that to the gym with you and down it in the locker room. Then when u get home eat your biggest meal of the day. High protien, high carbs. ProLab's N-Large 2 works for me as a meal replacement, that may be easier to get down right after a workout. Check out my diet sheet, its a very good diet for mass gain for skinny guys. If you weigh less than me (under 200) then you can lower the calories a little. There is so much you can learn from this program I told you about I hope u put serious thought into getting it, good luck man, and trust me with all the stuff I told you. Skinny guys have to train differently than guys with good genetics! -Jeff
    yes I will think about going down to 4-5 days a week! I really need a good eating program... do you have one finished? I hate to do those kind of program it takes so much time to make it correct! do you follow that 3 day program on that page you told me about... i found a program there!
    but I didn't find any food program!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yeah, good job for 4 months. At 19 y.o., just imagine where you will be in a year, two years! Biatches will be all over you. Goodluck and stay with it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    probably at the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    6 times a week is too much to train. More is not better all the time. You should train no more than 3 days a week. 45 minutes to an hour at a time.
    The rest of the time should be spent recovering and get at least 8 hrs of sleep. Your muscles dont grow in the gym, they grow when you rest, so remember that. Remember to eat 6 meals a day, eat 2 g. of protien per pound of bodyweight. You want your diet to consist of 30% protien, 40% carbs or more, and 30-20% fat via flax seed oil. Fat is also important so dont forget that. L-Glutamine and post-workout carb drink like ABB Carbo Force, or Ultra Fuel right after workout is important too!! to spike insulin levels, ect. Take that to the gym with you and down it in the locker room. Then when u get home eat your biggest meal of the day. High protien, high carbs. ProLab's N-Large 2 works for me as a meal replacement, that may be easier to get down right after a workout. Check out my diet sheet, its a very good diet for mass gain for skinny guys. If you weigh less than me (under 200) then you can lower the calories a little. There is so much you can learn from this program I told you about I hope u put serious thought into getting it, good luck man, and trust me with all the stuff I told you. Skinny guys have to train differently than guys with good genetics! -Jeff
    6 times a week isn't too much... i've trained like a moron since i was 15, and i promise, that my results are outrageous, i didn't start juicing before a couple of months ago either... but maybe it's genetics, some people can train more then others, or maybe you don't eat enough...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bazerk
    Yeah, good job for 4 months. At 19 y.o., just imagine where you will be in a year, two years! Biatches will be all over you. Goodluck and stay with it.
    yeah thank's man! yeah I will update all of you on my progress!


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffman
    6 times a week isn't too much... i've trained like a moron since i was 15, and i promise, that my results are outrageous, i didn't start juicing before a couple of months ago either... but maybe it's genetics, some people can train more then others, or maybe you don't eat enough...
    yeah i now I have been training 6 times a week, but every week I have different times to be at my job so i takes alot of my body! so maybe should start with 4-5 days a week and when i feel I'm there i can put in on more pass!


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffman
    6 times a week isn't too much... i've trained like a moron since i was 15, and i promise, that my results are outrageous, i didn't start juicing before a couple of months ago either... but maybe it's genetics, some people can train more then others, or maybe you don't eat enough...
    It may not be too much for some with amazing genitics, but for skinny guys like him and me, 3 days a week is plenty I wouldnt even do 5 if I were u man you will only be overtraining and hurting yourself, trust me. Like I said before, skinny guys have to train different than ppl with good genetics. And if ur only getting 3-4 hrs of sleep a night, then gym 4-5 days a week, wow, your just killing yourelf, and when you train like that it will only make you loose muscle because your body will not have time to recover and build muscle.

    That link I sent you, its a program you have to pay for, all the info isnt just on that site, scroll to the bottom and pick up the program, it will have you gaining about 2 lbs of muscle per week. You will gain faster than ever with this information.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    It may not be too much for some with amazing genitics, but for skinny guys like him and me, 3 days a week is plenty I wouldnt even do 5 if I were u man you will only be overtraining and hurting yourself, trust me. Like I said before, skinny guys have to train different than ppl with good genetics. And if ur only getting 3-4 hrs of sleep a night, then gym 4-5 days a week, wow, your just killing yourelf, and when you train like that it will only make you loose muscle because your body will not have time to recover and build muscle.

    That link I sent you, its a program you have to pay for, all the info isnt just on that site, scroll to the bottom and pick up the program, it will have you gaining about 2 lbs of muscle per week. You will gain faster than ever with this information.
    yeah maybe your right...but I really want to spend one extra pass on my chest and arms! and I have to get more sleep also! and give myself time to eat alot! my mother has agreed to do the cooking for me hehe!

    WooW that's pretty much weight gain every week do you follow the food program and the traing program also?
    what's the name of the program? and how will I pay for it? do they send it home to me or do i get it on my computer?

    thank's bro
    Last edited by Svullo; 12-30-2005 at 01:26 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    This is what I made in 4 month!

    Lenght: 6,3"
    Weight: 151 lbs (now 172 lbs)

    Chest: 37" (now 39" ) goals for the summer: 50-55"
    arms: left:11" (now 12" ) Right:11,5" (now 12.5" ) goals for the summer: 15-16" on both!
    legs: left: 19" (now 20,5" ) Right: 19" (now20,5" ) goals for the summer: 25" on both!
    abs:31" (now 32" ) goals for the summer: 30-32"
    Shoulders:45" (now 47,5" ) goals for the summer: 55-65"

    maybe to much to hope for???

    Maybe this is not so much but I am pretty proud over what I have mad in just 4 month and in those month I have been away from training for 3 weeks!

    thank's bro's

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    you set your goals now go get it!!! good job , stick with it!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alex7674
    you set your goals now go get it!!! good job , stick with it!!
    yeah man now on monday the show will beginhehe! so this is not to much to ask from a body in 6 month?


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    yeah man now on monday the show will beginhehe! so this is not to much to ask from a body in 6 month?


    Yes it is to much.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Yes it is to much.
    yeah that's what i thought! but it have to be my goals anyway so I have somethings to work for!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    yeah maybe your right...but I really want to spend one extra pass on my chest and arms! and I have to get more sleep also! and give myself time to eat alot! my mother has agreed to do the cooking for me hehe!

    WooW that's pretty much weight gain every week do you follow the food program and the traing program also?
    what's the name of the program? and how will I pay for it? do they send it home to me or do i get it on my computer?

    thank's bro
    Yes I follow the program, it comes with a food program and weight training program. you will gain about 20 lbs in 2 months if you follow it correctly. at the bottom theres info on purchasing the program. You get a book, workout logs, meal logs, meal plans, workout plans, a computer program to keep track of your progress and plan your own meals and calculate calories and bodyfat and everything, skin calipers for bodyfat measurement, ect.
    You also get access to the online members section with a message board set up just like this for the other 10, 000's or people who have the program to share info, pics, keep logs, motivation, contests, ect...
    Great program.
    Last edited by jeff5931; 12-31-2005 at 01:20 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Act as if...
    hehehe not a put down bro but how do you plan on putting 15 inches on your chest by summer
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    Lenght: 6,3"
    Weight: 151 lbs (now 172 lbs)

    Chest: 37" (now 39" ) goals for the summer: 50-55"
    arms: left:11" (now 12" ) Right:11,5" (now 12.5" ) goals for the summer: 15-16" on both!
    legs: left: 19" (now 20,5" ) Right: 19" (now20,5" ) goals for the summer: 25" on both!
    abs:31" (now 32" ) goals for the summer: 30-32"
    Shoulders:45" (now 47,5" ) goals for the summer: 55-65"

    maybe to much to hope for???

    Maybe this is not so much but I am pretty proud over what I have mad in just 4 month and in those month I have been away from training for 3 weeks!

    thank's bro's

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    hehehe not a put down bro but how do you plan on putting 15 inches on your chest by summer

    By eating at an all you can eat buffet everynight of the week until then.
    Might not be a good 15 muscle ,but thats the only way it can be done.

    But honestly, It's good to have goals, but don't set them to high were you get discouraged when your not reaching them. Most people give up early when they think they can't reach unrealistic marks.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    Yes I follow the program, it comes with a food program and weight training program. you will gain about 20 lbs in 2 months if you follow it correctly. at the bottom theres info on purchasing the program. You get a book, workout logs, meal logs, meal plans, workout plans, a computer program to keep track of your progress and plan your own meals and calculate calories and bodyfat and everything, skin calipers for bodyfat measurement, ect.
    You also get access to the online members section with a message board set up just like this for the other 10, 000's or people who have the program to share info, pics, keep logs, motivation, contests, ect...
    Great program.
    okey I will check it out and see if i will find it! hehe

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    hehehe not a put down bro but how do you plan on putting 15 inches on your chest by summer
    thank's for telling me! wrote a litte wrong there! should have wrote 40-45! hehe sorry!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    By eating at an all you can eat buffet everynight of the week until then.
    Might not be a good 15 muscle ,but thats the only way it can be done.

    But honestly, It's good to have goals, but don't set them to high were you get discouraged when your not reaching them. Most people give up early when they think they can't reach unrealistic marks.
    yes but I wrote wrong it hould have been 40-45!

    yes it good with goals! so the only thing now is to get there! it will be hard but hopefully fun in the end to se the results if i get there!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Orlando, FL
    Keep with it. You have a good fram to put the muscle on. Like all above eat clean lift heavy to put some bulk on. Looks like you have very fast metabloism so you have a fight on your hands. Great job and good luck with the gains.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffman
    6 times a week isn't too much... i've trained like a moron since i was 15, and i promise, that my results are outrageous, i didn't start juicing before a couple of months ago either... but maybe it's genetics, some people can train more then others, or maybe you don't eat enough...


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    If you trained a day or 2 less I bed you'd see even better results... No matter what your genetics are you still need rest for your muscle fibers to repair. If you train 6 days a week your overtraining and not allowing this to happen to its full potential. More isn't always better...

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by jeff5931
    If you trained a day or 2 less I bed you'd see even better results... No matter what your genetics are you still need rest for your muscle fibers to repair. If you train 6 days a week your overtraining and not allowing this to happen to its full potential. More isn't always better...

    Just because you can't grow from it doesn't mean everybody will not grow as well.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    So many small people argueing on how to grow....I don't get it.
    If it works for you stick to it, but if it doesn't work that doesn't mean it won't work for everyone else.
    Last edited by Hellmaskbanned; 01-03-2006 at 05:17 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Tranzit post that classic picture about the little guy telling the big guy about overtraining.

    That picture cracks me up everytime.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    Lenght: 6,3"
    Weight: 151 lbs (now 172 lbs)

    Chest: 37" (now 39" ) goals for the summer: 50-55"
    arms: left:11" (now 12" ) Right:11,5" (now 12.5" ) goals for the summer: 15-16" on both!
    legs: left: 19" (now 20,5" ) Right: 19" (now20,5" ) goals for the summer: 25" on both!
    abs:31" (now 32" ) goals for the summer: 30-32"
    Shoulders:45" (now 47,5" ) goals for the summer: 55-65"

    maybe to much to hope for???

    Maybe this is not so much but I am pretty proud over what I have mad in just 4 month and in those month I have been away from training for 3 weeks!

    thank's bro's
    whoa dude definately too much to hope for remember you did a good job on gains so far but, those gains that you have made are nubie gains that all newbies get when they first start lifting. now im not trying to burst your bubble but you will definately be let down. im thinkin you should set those goals a little more realistically so your not let down. but any way good luck on your journey cause thats what its like, a long ass journey it aint no six month wham bam thankyou mam instantized ideal .02

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    So many small people argueing on how to grow....I don't get it.
    If it works for you stick to it, but if it doesn't work that doesn't mean it won't work for everyone else.
    The reason I said what I said about 6 days being too much is because, look who is posting. A skinny guy. I'm not a huge guy. But I used to be skinny as hell, and I do know a hell of alot about what SKINNY GUYS like us need to do to get big, and training 6 days a week is not it. You may be different, but this guy is skinny, so I'm giving him this info to help him, because even though I'm not 250 lbs., I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to putting mass on skinny people.
    Last edited by jeff5931; 01-03-2006 at 08:39 PM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    now I have orderd anthony ellis books and that so I can start work after that program and eat right! thank's for the advice everyone and thank's jeff for the help to roder those things!

    thank's bro's

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    dude you can learn to eat right in the iet fourm bruh, nice work keep it up

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    wow! Killer arms bro... keep up the good work.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Svullo
    now I have orderd anthony ellis books and that so I can start work after that program and eat right! thank's for the advice everyone and thank's jeff for the help to roder those things!

    thank's bro's
    nice, you wont regret it man trust me. Its gonna open your eyes to alot about weight training and eating right. You cant listen to half the guys here for advice on how to get big. Just because they are big themselves, dosent mean anything, because most are not ectomorphs like you and I.
    Make sure to let them know that I refered you because I actually just got kicked off the forms because my bro got on my laptop and said some things to people which got me banned. lol. Ive been trying to explain the situation to them to let me back on the fourms, but if you put in a good word it should help me out a little, so if u could. Thanks man!

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