let me know what you think. im 6', 200 pounds. i finished my last cycle about 2 months ago.
let me know what you think. im 6', 200 pounds. i finished my last cycle about 2 months ago.
What was your last cycle? How many cycles have you done? How long have you been training?
I'm curious too.Originally Posted by Massacre
In Tai's thread he said:
bump!Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Me too. Him and I look alot diffrent though so I want to know some info before I comment.
ive done 5 cycles. the first was test blend 400 and equi. the second was deca, test prop and test enanthate. the third was test enanthate and test prop. the fourth was test prop, test enanthate, deca and tren. the fifth was test enanthate, deca, and tren kickstarted with dbol. ive been training for 11 years, but started doing it right about 4-5 years ago.
what doses?
first cycle i ran the test at 500 mgs a week, and the equi at 600 mgs a week for the last 3 weeks (i know what your gonna say... i didn't know what i was doing then). the second, i ran deca at 500 mgs alone for the first 4 weeks, then the last 5 weeks i ran the test at 600 mgs a week. the third cycle i ran test at 1000 mgs a week (surprisingly i didn't gain sh_t from that cycle) the fourth cycle i ran deca at 200 mgs a week, test at 400 mgs a week, and tren at 200 mgs a week. for #5 i ran dbol at 25 mgs ed for 5 weeks, test enanthate at 300 mgs a week, deca at 300 mgs a week and tren at 560 mgs a week.
if this comes off rude i appologize in advance but for all the gear and amount of cycles youve done plus as long as youve been training id expect a lil more than 200 lbs hell i mean a lot more than 200lbs. im curious as to wether or not you follow a certain diet or eat whatever cause i just dont get it again sorry if this seems rude....Originally Posted by Tren Bull
no, i understand. ive got terrible genetics cause ive been literally forcefeeding myself and taking lots of juice, but i only grow so much. what can you do?
With the cycles you've ran I feel you should be a little bigger as well. No big deal, everyone makes mistakes. I think you should focus more on training and dieting and a little less on gear and you should be good to go.
Either way, props on posting your pics.
how old are you
what he saidOriginally Posted by Massacre
i think my problem was the job i had during my first 3 cycles. i worked at safeway bagging groceries. major overtraining on my biceps and shoulders. btw im 22
Nope, that's an excuse. I used to never sleep cause of my job and would be partying it up every weekend thurs-sunday because of my job as I was involved with the club scene. I still got big. Just not as big as I got when I quit my job. LOLOriginally Posted by Tren Bull
BTW, I'm not trying to give you a hard time bro. I've gone through what you've gone through. You just gotta train harder, eat more, and don't need that much gear to get big especially at the level you're at now.
I'll stop posting now.![]()
i dont know man. bagging groceries for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is essentially the same thing as constantly curling 8 pound weights for 40 hours a week. not a very good way to gain mass
btw, its cool bro, im interested to hear what your opinion is
look pretty good, try and really concentrate on diet and dont try and rely on gear so much
too much gear not enough dieting but we all messed up on the diet part. diet is the hardest part. just gotta try to be discipline. goodluck anyways
maybe your shit was fake of full of BA otherwise start from scratch and do it right.
the gear i ran on my first 4 cycles was from a source that was at the time trying to get out of the game. im sure he didnt care anymore about his rep for delivering "high quality product". its all good though cause his gear was dirt cheap, and ive got a much more reliable source now. anyway, i totally changed up my lifting routine, so hopefully that will yield some more gains.
Try running 750mg of test and 500mg of Deca next cycle or something. If it's legit and you've really fixed your ways you should blow up.
You definately need to diet somewhat. Clean bulk or something.
I just started working at safeway! I hope i dont have the same prob as you! I worked shoulders b4 i went in and it sucked all day at work! I can understand that!
yea, safeway is terrible for building mass. i eventually realized this, and started working VERY slowly... then they gave me the nickname the slug... haha
as of right now, im eating 40 grams of whey protein/half a cup of raw oatmeal mixed with water every 4 hours. btw, ive already got my next cycle planned. its as follows
week 1-3: 50 mgs dbol ed
week 1-3: 250 mgs sustanon e3d
week 4-10: 250 mgs sustanon eod
week 4-10: 100 mgs winstrol depot eod
i plan on starting this in the beginning of june
why continue to cycle when the results are sub-par? why not fix the area of your program - diet, training, sleep, supplements - before you continue to spin your wheels and go nowhere. not flaming, just curious. i'd want to maximize results if i was potentially affecting my health in a negative manner. genetics is not the reason your not growing.
its cause the gear was sub par, except for what i ran on #5 cause that was from a different source. you sound like you think i have no clue what im doing, when i didn't even tell you what my training routine is. as far as diet is concerned, im on top of that, with 40 grams of whey protein, and 50 grams of complex carbs from oatmeal every 4 hours, along with some penut butter twice a day, plus lots of nonfat milk. as far as training goes, i lift hard with 3 full days of rest in between upper body days, plus 3 days a week i do cardio, abs 4 times a week and legs twice a week.
hey tren your not just eating/drinking shakes are you cause i noticed you are mighty proud of your whey/oatmeal shake. just curious as to wether or not you were eating more protein from real food rather than the shakes...
hmmm, how is ur diet?
sorry if i came off high and mighty, not what i was trying to do. your diet sounds terrible and that is the reason you are having sub par results. this is not a flame, i'm telling you the truth. if what you said in your last post is your diet: milk, oats, whey, peanut butter. if that is your diet plan it's not bad because your trying but it is not a good plan for growth. if you obviously take the time to eat as you do why not look at other approaches which will have a bigger imact on your physique. just trying to help, not trying to start trouble.
its not just protein shakes that i eat. i also eat chicken breast, cube steak, turkey, egg whites. basically anything that has high quality protein in it, with a minimal number of calories. ive tried eating lots of excess calories when im not on cycle and it did not make me gain muscle faster. if you've got any ideas of how i should change up my diet, id like to hear it.
Last edited by Tren Bull; 01-18-2006 at 09:01 PM.
I almost thought you put "tube steak."
Just ****in' with ya TB.
haha, no i meant the dirt cheap, tough as hell(but also lean as hell) steak. i dont think they call it cube steak... i cant remember what the name of it is at the grocery store... damn it... well its the cheapest kind of steak you can buy
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Not meaning to come off as a dickhead.. but here's my take.Originally Posted by Tren Bull
You've been training 11 years.. meaning you started at 11.
You started 'doing it right'.. for the last 4-5 years.. i.e. around 16-17... yet you've 5 cycles done already in that time.
I propose.. you don't have 'terrible' genetics.. simply you were expecting too much in the beginning.. and failing seeing what you wanted, you hopped on gear.. and didn't gain what you wanted.
As you highlighted, you started to 'do things right' at puberty.. prior to puberty, one wouldn't have experienced any large amount of muscle growth.. simply because, correct me if i'm wrong, the hormonal environment of the pre-pubescent body does not support huge muscle gain...
Props, as mass said, on posting pics...
But.. imo, you should stop cycling now.. for a while..
Get in tune with your body.. learn what it requires to support growth.. and provide it.
22 years old.. on over a gram per week of gear... What's next? There isn't much left for you to do in later cycles but.. increase dosages.
Higher doses mean higher health risks... and reduced life expectancy.
That's my take...
Hey Nark, I've gone higher but I am an exception because I'm big and SEXY! LOL
I've gone higher and seen how stupid it was. I know at my age I can still grow a fair amount doing under a gram. Although, a gram is where I like to keep it.
trust me bro, my genetics are definately not conducive to gaining mass. for example, my forarms are only 13 inches, but i can rep 225 on wrist curls... im not too worried about the health risks from doing gear. i look at hulk hogan, and its obvious hes done lots of cycles, but hes an old man and hes still alive.
Stop thinking about gear and get a new job.
post your daily diet and i'll make some suggestions.
Let me make a suggestion too..... i have the sameproblem..... I think these are shitty pics!!! You took them yourself..... it looks like you have a good size chest and delts..... get someone to take pics of you and i think the bros will receptive of your build![]()
But i do agree.... damnman thats allot of gear to have already taken at 22
Sorry for chiming in, but Safeway and genetics were NOT your problem.Originally Posted by Tren Bull
I'll mortgage the house your diet SUCKS...........which isnt your fault, you just need to do some research. Learn from your mistakes and move on!
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