I am 34, 5 " 7 ', 185 lbs, not sure on body fat. I have been training consistently now for two years. I finished my first cycle (bulking) a month ago. 16 weeks test c and tren stack (500mg) week . Got up to 194 - great strength gains - moderate bloat (water). I have dropped 10 lbs and plan to take a cutting cycle in the spring. I am going to enter the middleweight - novice division in June. I plan on beginning my diet in Feb.
I have never competed and not sure if i am ready for my first show. I need everyones honest opinion. I am caring some fat ( as you can see) and hoping after dieting i will see definition and seperation. I feel that my good points are my traps, shoulders, chest and triceps. I feel that i need to improve my back, biceps, quads and hams. Im doing the show mainly for the experience ! like i said, only been training two years.
I would appreciate any advice you all have to offer. Thanks in advance !