ok i think this should work now.and they load slow,but should be some leg pics back,and fronts.
sorry about all the confusion,lol.presser
ok i think this should work now.and they load slow,but should be some leg pics back,and fronts.
sorry about all the confusion,lol.presser
Last edited by PRESSER; 10-16-2001 at 02:04 PM.
Try posting them as a jpeg. image.
well i dont have them uploaded to my laptop i use,and you guys have the [img] tag turned off. can i turn the tag on or do you guys always have it off,also can you guys even see my pics the way i have it now?presser
I think we need to register with your sight...the link brings us to a log in page...username, password.
sneaky little way to get all of us to become members if we want to see you![]()
What happens here, stays here
sorry i thought we allowed geust veiwing,i own the site but didnt build it,lol.sorry guys.let me try to post my pics using the tags.
dam the tags dont work either,so i geuss my pics will have to wait,sorry about the way it looks,im not trying to steel ur thunder,i realy thought you could veiw my pics with out being a member.ill go pull up my picsfrom another site and trythat.presser
The second link you posted (tags) worked for me.
Very very Impressive!! Now I feel like a skinny punk. Not to be nosey but...how many cycles? How tall? Wieght?
You were gonna get all these questions anyway so I thought I'd get it out of the way all at once
Pete- you ARE a skinny punk
Presser- Nice arms...your face is a little palebut thumbs up from me.
What happens here, stays here
Originally posted by primodonna
Pete- you ARE a skinny punk
Hey...keep that up and you won't be gettin a Christmas card![]()
Well I'm 6'3 255-60+lbs in those photos. I also stay on year round very low doses .but a high dose for me would be what i am doing now 600mg wk eq and 150mg propianate eod.I am using this cycle to cut down to hopefully Mid 240's and look shredded,i hope![]()
Somebody's stacked!! (I mean YOU presser..LOL)
Looks great, one question though, do you have a permit for those guns?!!................
damn man....you look good...
mad props bro!
keep that shit up!
AH HA, I fixed it. Now everyone should be able to see the pics. If you can't, sorry. The IMG codes work now.
Already seen your pics - you're old news...
Just kidding - great physique - nice quads, good upper body - good work overall bud - be proud
Ms Figure
are you missing the first 2 letter of your member name isnt is supposed to be "IMpresser" man for little guys like me you are what we hang inside our gym locker for motivation. your stacked bro lookin damn good.
Jesus Christ talk about good genetics if I looked like that I wouldnt have any kidneys left....
what a little guy.. lol.. looks good bro.. alot of hard work there
Keep it up man...
4 year old thread...![]()
dam this is old, and those pics arent even up as far as i can see so no clue why this was bumped, but i will post some progreess of me since 4yrs ago and sorry i forgot my original password and dont have the old email addy to get my old name back
Ok well here they are, no shows anytime soon, just kinda wanted to cut down using igf-1 alone, no gear at all for months, stats 6'2.5 weight in these photos is 251lbs bodyfat no clue. Also havebnt hit legs in quite a while had a muscle go flacid for a year on my left outer quad, hit a nerve i guess but it just started contracting again not long ago, thats why i havent competed since then, anyhow only igf here
edit--sorry that last pic is from 7 weeks diet photos i have not with these 4 week progres pics, and NO thats NOT my GUT hanging out in front of me like it looks like,lol, its one of those spinny things in front of the treee im in front of that blends in and looks like me GUT,lmao
Last edited by MCPRESSER; 07-06-2005 at 07:25 PM.
damn bro. ur ****in jacked. nice work. not to sound gay or nothin but that the physique i want. im 6'2 also but 30lbs away. how long have u been training/ and cycle experiance if u dont mind me asking.
old thread bumped? anyway, you look awesome bro. i would call that the "ideal" physique IMO.![]()
Well on some of the pictures, almosts looks like you were in process of pulling your pants down hehehe, so you might get some PM's from the gay guys and straight gals I imagine.Originally Posted by MCPRESSER
damn, freakin jacked up...guess it's cool then that a 4 year old made it to the top
One of the best bods on the board.
solid and symmetrical!
Fkn Awesome Dude!
Right on bro...you look great. I can only aspire. How many years of training experience do you have? Where did you "start from"?
you look really good bro well done
You look good bro, damn I wish I could have that build now but I'm on the
now pull your pants up.
Week 7 Photos, Diet Complete For Summer, Bulk Next Thnx All
You look good bro, let me have yr build
do you compete?
Freaking amazing bro!! Keep up the good work!
What is your cycle history? Are you on at the moment?
Last edited by MatrixGuy; 07-18-2005 at 07:13 AM.
You look really good man. keep it up!
Originally Posted by bpc
yes i do compete bro but have not since 2002 so i guess no not recently as i hit a nerve in my left outer quad a couple years ago and the entire out quad muscle went totaly flacid and would not contract at all when i flexed legs, it took 1 full year for it to start contracting again, dr said it would never come back cuase it was nerve related, but it did and I attribute it to jamming a shit load of IGF-1 into that flacid muscle area, might be coincidence might not be but the muscle started to contract again but was so small from atrophy during its dead stage, so I have not competed since then do to my legs losing alot of size and they were actualy my best attribute on stage
some one asked my history of supplements, I took supplements year round for about 7 yrs, I would consider being off supps cycle when i took low doses of supps and on cycle when i took more but never ever went nuts in terms of dosages, i just stacked a few supps at low to medium doses wich worked for me, first time ever using supps i put 30lbs on in 10 weeks at 200mgs a week of "tornel Vitamins" which i paid $300 bucks for back then,lmao, not even sure that supp company exists anymore,lmao, also I dont believe in bloater supps like drol or bol, i used alot of quality stuff when i was young rather then false water muscle, slow and steady the past couple years
anyhow back to history, i was able to stop supps for months at a time and not lose anything much as I guess I packed on the muscle good over the years of continuose use, plus im 32 yrs old and my muscle is denser then it was in my early 20s and it isnt going anywhere as those pics i posted i did not take any suppse for months and have only got to gym maybe 1-2 times a week for a couple months now due to personal issues, like atleast 6-7 months total clean, just used igf for 5.5 weeks during my diet which i have been keeping a photo journal of that i shared with ypu all here, and those last pics at my 7 week of diet are total clean from igf also as i droipped that at week 5.5 as i said and got as bit tighter
Last edited by MCPRESSER; 07-18-2005 at 07:04 PM.
You look sic bro, what caused the leg prob, prob in thread but im a little slow some times.![]()
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