Thread: Looking for Advice + Comments
02-05-2006, 01:27 AM #1
Fizogen on/off cycle
Hey airborne81
Looking solid man
Ive been workign out for a few years now, and im getting real serious about it.
I just wanted to know what
tren , 1 zambon winstrol , prop were.
Im guessign there illegal?
Im on fizogens On and off cycle rigth now.
Does anybody have any comments on that product?
Ive just started so I cant say anythign about results yet.
But I just finished a 2 month cycle of xpand.
Ill post a pic with the before xpand, and after xpand.
If I could get soem feed back on what my diet shoudl be like for my 2 month bulking phase on the on off cycle taht would be great.
Also is weight training 5 times a week ( all different muscle groups) too much in one week.
21, 6'4, 226lbs body fat % not sure but im bulky so its gonna be a bad %
Thx Guys
Should I worry about my Body fat % if im bulkign rigth now?
02-05-2006, 01:54 AM #2
Hijacking someone else's thread is frowned upon here so...
I moved this post from airborne81's thread.. and gave you own thread
02-05-2006, 02:08 AM #3
hey Narkissos
sorry about taht
Im new to all this
didnt mean to do that
could you change teh title to Fizogen on off cycle
would appreciate taht
02-05-2006, 02:15 AM #4Originally Posted by davidreader
02-05-2006, 02:17 AM #5
just got off yoru web site
congradulations on your progress
do you have any advice for me
lookign at my pics
what kind of stuff shoudl i look to take
what stuff have you taken
your body is what my long term goal is sorta looking like.
02-05-2006, 02:09 PM #6
Looking for Advice + Comments
Ive been workign out for a few years now, and im getting real serious about it.
I just wanted to know what
tren , 1 zambon winstrol , prop were.
Im guessign there illegal?
Im just starting fizogens On and off cycle rigth now.
Does anybody have any comments on that product?
Ive just started so I cant say anythign about results yet.
But I just finished a 2 month cycle of xpand.
Ill post a pic with the before xpand
+ In my next MSG Ill post my after Xpand, before On, Off Cycle
(My Chest is Strong but it is my weakness in my appearence) Any advice
If I could get some feed back
what my diet should be like for my 2 month bulking phase on the on off cycle that would be great.
Also is weight training 5 times a week ( all different muscle groups) too much in one week.
body fat % not sure but im bulky so its gonna be a bad %
Thx Guys + Girls
Should I worry about my Body fat % if im bulkign rigth now?
Ill update asap with some leg shoots
02-05-2006, 02:13 PM #7
After my X-pand Cycle
Hey Guys
I took Christmass off, and then was back at it hard.
Here are my most recent pictures from 2 weeks ago.
just before my new cycle.
Ive been hearing alot of bad stuff about fizogens on/off cyle
yet ive heard of local guys putting on 9 pounds in 2 weeks off this stuff
Hopefully it works well for me
ill work hard with it, and hopefully it will pull through for me
Leg pics to come soon
02-05-2006, 03:21 PM #8
Tren , Prop and Winstrol are anabolic steroids . They are illegal in most countries but in the UK they are fine to possess if it's for personal use.
Your bodyfat % doesn't look high at all. I would say around the 12% mark. If i was you i would begin a good bulk up. Post your diet in the diet section so we can review it for you.
You have a good base to work on.
02-05-2006, 03:33 PM #9
My diet roughly looks like this
meal 1
bowl of hot oats, 4 egg whites, fruit, 30g whey shake
meal 2
1 chicken breast or can of tuna, either 2 slices of whole wheat bread or cup of rice, carrots, a tbls of mayo
meal 3
peanut butter sandwich
30 g whey shake
animal pak multi vitamines
Hit the weights for 1hour and 30 min
Post work out
30g whey shake
(gonna start taking L-Glutamine)
meal 4
lean beef or chicken breast, potato or rice
meal 5
30g whey protein shake
Bed before 12:00 + at least 8hours of sleep every night
What do you guys think
am I getting enough in my diet
whats lacking?
Ill soo post my work out routine
02-05-2006, 04:46 PM #10
post your diet in the diet forum bro, not the picture forum
02-05-2006, 09:48 PM #11
some one asked me what my diet was like
Originally Posted by motoxer23
02-05-2006, 10:58 PM #12Banned
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you need arms and shoulders and back, you seem to have a solid 6 pack working , keep at that and throw some arms in the mix
and if i were to say bf %... i'd guess around 13
02-05-2006, 11:15 PM #13
youve trimmed down and gained some muscle since your original post...
02-06-2006, 12:22 AM #14
Thx New Kid
do you think I should worry about trying to keep mu bf % at 13?
02-06-2006, 02:16 AM #15
No, a clean bulking diet is what you need. Your diet now looks more for maintainance.
02-06-2006, 10:48 AM #16
blast that chest bro, you have a good base to work with, and you dont look bad, good luck and keep up the hard work.
02-06-2006, 04:13 PM #17
Hey BlueAndromeda73
What do u suggest for blasting my chest
Ive tried heavy weights with low reps and it did ok.
Im gonna try high reps for a bit
whats your advice for chest?
I do flat bench, decline becnch, incline bumbell, and cable coss overs
02-06-2006, 05:36 PM #18
try using dumbells and start with inclines sometimes I like to start with dumbell flyes or machine flyes,always mix up the order you do things and concentrate on squeezing the pecs.
02-07-2006, 02:14 PM #19
Thx Grudge Keeper
Ill try and start with somethign other then the flat bench
02-07-2006, 02:28 PM #20
yeah your cheast does need a little work, and for your height i bet it will take a lot of time
02-10-2006, 11:57 AM #21
ya man I knwo my chest needs work
any one have any tips on how i could work it more then once a week without over doing it
I ahve a 5 day routine rigth now that includes every muscle
is taht enough for chest?
02-10-2006, 04:15 PM #22Originally Posted by davidreader
02-10-2006, 04:41 PM #23
I work out every muscle once a week
and Im lookign for advice to really work my chest
so some advice on how i could maintain my schedule,a nd if i should train my chest more then once a week?
02-10-2006, 05:12 PM #24
You probably have long arms, which means when you do bench for chest, you are probably using more triceps and shoulders, than anything, I say hit the cable, or dumbell flys for about 4 to 5 weeks as your first chest excersise, to get the chest full of blood, and pre exhausted.
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