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Thread: First post please comment PICS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    First post please comment PICS

    hey this is my frist time posting here iv been lurkin around for about a year now. i almost live by this site. well i have been workin out now about 1 1/2 years now pretty consistant (maybe 2 months off total). im 22 5 10 5 11 ish about 160-165 (morning weigh in). if i eat good that day ill wake up 165 if i dont about 162. i work out 5-6 days a week i do chest/tris back/bi's shoulders/traps legs. i dont do abs or much lower back(i dont know why i just never get around to it but i will soon). Now as for what i eat
    6-7 meals a day breakfast start off with either
    9:30 shake (if no time) or 5 hard bolied eggs whites(one yoke) can of tuna and an boal of oatmeal.
    11:30 12in turkey sud double meat
    1:30 one grilled chicken breast some fries some rice side ceser pasta salad
    3:30 turky whole wheat wrap
    7:00 single scoop shake
    7:30 work out
    9:30 PW shake
    11:30 2 grilled chicken brest vegeis wholewheat rice
    12:30 shake with milk 2%(all i have at home)
    that is pretty much exactly what i eat almost every
    (sometimes a little less but that is my goal)
    i drink between 2-5 liters a day

    i am lookin to gain weight but seems impossible maybe you guys can help me out.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, NY
    Buy some plain oatmeal man. Have a few bowls a day. Add it in raw to your shakes. More weight = more carbs. Arms are really well developed. Back and traps need some work. Lookin good bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    What about legs?

    Your diet stinks my brutha, check out the diet forum and read the sticky posts atop that page for assistance. You can't gain weight because your approach is all wrong.

    Good luck!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    as for legs ill post some pics soon but i had a bad motorcycle accident last summer (less then one year ago) still trying to recover i cant do any leg extentions i tore a tendent below my left knee but i am trying to get them up to par. ill post pics soon as for reading that diet sticky i have but i work 6 days a week and have no time to ever make any food what should i do for food on the go?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Keep going Bro...,you have a good base...looking good...!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    here are some more pics

    BTW my goal is 175 and well i dont know what my BF is now but i would like it a little lower i think im about 15-16% i would like to be around 10-12%
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    Last edited by blacklex; 04-12-2006 at 03:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blacklex
    here are some more pics

    BTW my goal is 175 and well i dont know what my BF is now but i would like it a little lower i think im about 15-16% i would like to be around 10-12%

    Did you have knee surgury or is it just me you knee looks all bruised up....Definately blast the back you could use some width up there and of course work the legs but if you just went under the knife....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    i think your bf around 12-13% , not 16%. and you need alot more food in yor diet! more carbs, more protien! check out dieat forum. good luck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i dont know why you think i need more food if you count the protien in all that there is i would assume 300gram of protien atleast 400grams of carbs but i guess i will work on my diet a bit harder
    but with all this in mind why i am not gainin any weight?

    also what do you guy do for back i need a good back and bi day

    my is like this

    wide grip chinups 2-3 sets 12 reps
    lat pulldown 2-3 sets 10reps 8reps 6reps
    t bar 4 set 10 8 8 6 reps
    some back machine at the gym 4 sets 10 8 8 6 reps
    rows 4 sets 10 8 8 6 reps
    then bi's (what im doing is workin)

    what do you think i should do or change
    i know dead lifts but it hurts my hamstrings but i will start it soon

    was deciding if i should do a superdrol cycle
    or phara plex or whatever that is what do you guy think?
    worth it? (pros/cons)
    Last edited by blacklex; 04-12-2006 at 05:58 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueAndromeda73
    Did you have knee surgury or is it just me you knee looks all bruised up....Definately blast the back you could use some width up there and of course work the legs but if you just went under the knife....
    i was under the knife but it wasent knee surgery i scraped the tendent off under my knee they reconnected it but i still have teribble pain (when i do any sort of leg extention) and it isnt bruised thats just the way it looks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by blacklex
    i dont know why you think i need more food if you count the protien in all that there is i would assume 300gram of protien atleast 400grams of carbs but i guess i will work on my diet a bit harder
    but with all this in mind why i am not gainin any weight?

    also what do you guy do for back i need a good back and bi day

    my is like this

    wide grip chinups 2-3 sets 12 reps
    lat pulldown 2-3 sets 10reps 8reps 6reps
    t bar 4 set 10 8 8 6 reps
    some back machine at the gym 4 sets 10 8 8 6 reps
    rows 4 sets 10 8 8 6 reps
    then bi's (what im doing is workin)

    what do you think i should do or change
    i know dead lifts but it hurts my hamstrings but i will start it soon

    was deciding if i should do a superdrol cycle
    or phara plex or whatever that is what do you guy think?
    worth it? (pros/cons)
    ok...turkey sub????.turkey wrap????? fries??pasta salad?? how about try some lean steak, lean ground beef, brown rice, buckweat pasta! eat that for couple of month and you will see GAINS!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I understand the knee injury thing, as I ruptured BOTH patella tendons. It's very hard to come back from something like that.

    But, diet is key man, you said you have no time to make food, well, that's the biggest key to getting big that there is. You will have to find a way, as eating on the go and things of that nature not only lead to eating the wrong kinds of foods, it sets you up for failure. I see no reason to use any gear or anything if you don't have time to prepare the nutrition neccessary to support that type of endeavor.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I understand the knee injury thing, as I ruptured BOTH patella tendons. It's very hard to come back from something like that.

    But, diet is key man, you said you have no time to make food, well, that's the biggest key to getting big that there is. You will have to find a way, as eating on the go and things of that nature not only lead to eating the wrong kinds of foods, it sets you up for failure. I see no reason to use any gear or anything if you don't have time to prepare the nutrition neccessary to support that type of endeavor.

    good point eating on the go sucks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    im gonna try my best to change my deit but i figures as long as i eat alot no matter what it was more or less would help but i guess not.

    any suggustions for a good back workout?

    also need help with traps.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by blacklex
    im gonna try my best to change my deit but i figures as long as i eat alot no matter what it was more or less would help but i guess not.

    any suggustions for a good back workout?

    also need help with traps.
    i would go to workout forum and post there! good luck! looking good tho/

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blacklex
    i was under the knife but it wasent knee surgery i scraped the tendent off under my knee they reconnected it but i still have teribble pain (when i do any sort of leg extention) and it isnt bruised thats just the way it looks

    Gotcha...well hopefully you have a speedy recovery man....hard to get big without being able to blast those legs

  18. #18
    cool dude. if you get a chance, hit me up @ [email protected]. have a few questions about your workout routine.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by ethanmusc
    cool dude. if you get a chance, hit me up @ [email protected]. have a few questions about your workout routine.
    well then ask here

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I understand the knee injury thing, as I ruptured BOTH patella tendons. It's very hard to come back from something like that.

    But, diet is key man, you said you have no time to make food, well, that's the biggest key to getting big that there is. You will have to find a way, as eating on the go and things of that nature not only lead to eating the wrong kinds of foods, it sets you up for failure. I see no reason to use any gear or anything if you don't have time to prepare the nutrition neccessary to support that type of endeavor.

    blacklex, listen to SwoleCat, as your diet is the key. You need to make time if you want to get big. No need for any type of gear at this point, as it would be a waste. You've got plenty of time for that later after you've learned to eat right and reach your natural potential. There's no magic in a pill or needle. Diet, training, and rest. Follow SwoleCat's advice and check out the diet forums. If you work 6 days a week, on the 7th day, cook and prepare food for your up coming week. Buy a big ass cooler, fill it up with the food you’ve prepared, and carry it around with you. You have to sacrifice and work hard to achieve your goal of getting big. If it was easy everyone would be big, but glancing around most gyms you soon realize that most people just don't have the real desire or heart to reach that goal. Keep working hard young man.

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