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Thread: cut or bulk

  1. #1
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    cut or bulk

    atm im 184lbs
    age 21

    15 inch bis/tri
    43/44 chest
    22 quads

    this pic was taken 2/3 months ago i was 192 with around 15% bf think now im around 13 maybe less can see 4 abs,my question is would u bulk if u were me or keep cutting,i really want more mass but have a fattyu mid section which dont want getting outta had i have little fat on legs and chest now and good shoulder definition,will my stomach fat be to do with age or am i beyond that now ??

    updated with slightly more recent pic
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cut or bulk-sp_a0539.jpg   cut or bulk-sp_a0618.jpg   cut or bulk-sp_a0619.jpg  
    Last edited by Wasted_2k; 05-22-2006 at 02:55 PM.

  2. #2
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Id prolly keep cutting up for the summer and then start bulking towards the end

  3. #3
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    a nice lean bulk what you want though bro

  4. #4
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Bulk,.... a good strong bulking cycle...!

  5. #5
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    i want some more size really however dont wanna put more fat on my stomach,thats why been cutting get the abs out atm

    how does a lean bulk work? i eat really clean already just with deficient calories trying burn fat 4 days lifting 2 days cardio i was thinking cut fat then bulk but not sure if bulking first would be better option?
    Last edited by Wasted_2k; 05-23-2006 at 01:31 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Go to the diet forum and read the stickies. There should be one about clean bulk diets.

  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Lean bulk now, cut later.

    That is if you want to be bigger, if not, then cut now.


  8. #8
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah if u want more size ur goin to lean bulk...but i would cut...once u cut down u look alot better, and sometimes appearing bigger...

  9. #9
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    is a lean bulk high protien lowish carbs low fat??

    say 3300 calories which is what for my body weight i need to add mass according to one of those diet calculators
    194 protien 164 carbs 64 fat??

    my main concert is my fatty mid section atm last time when i started bulking i got a fat chin quick also hence why atm still unsure on whether to yet might try get b/f below 10% then go for a good clean bulk

  10. #10
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    It summer time. You could easily bulk from the leaness you are but would you really want to go into beach season looking chubby and flubby?

  11. #11
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    not particulary mate,never dare take my top off in a summer yet maybe this is my year i carnt find this diet forum??
    mine looks like:

    oatmeal/shake breakfast
    met-rx post work out
    jacket potatoe/tuna
    rice/mackeral fillet
    small tin tuna in tomateo and heb
    cottage cheese/shake before bed

    1800 calories 160 carbs 180 protien 55 fat

  12. #12
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    if you cut up there'd be no reason not to take your shirt off man. CHicks dig a lean dude. and if you lean up more it looks like you'll have a decent ammount of muscle poppin' through.

  13. #13
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    still carnt get on the diet forum,i need soomething good before bed with no carbs slow disolving cottage cheese is my current but it makes me heave i just put it all it mouth and swollaw lol any thing else worth doing??

  14. #14
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    cottage cheese with a bit of whey actually tastes good if you use chocolate flavour. So does CC and cocoa powder or cinnamin and sweetener.

  15. #15
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    you could also just use a casein sourced protein powder.

  16. #16
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    damn, I don't mean to spam but now that I think of it you could even use FF mozerella or any other cheese for that matter.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    the gym
    def. bulk!!!

  18. #18
    eatit is offline Junior Member
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    But if he bulks he'll have all that much more fat to diet away. Longer time spent dieting = no fun.

  19. #19
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    think i wanna loose the gut first its weird cos carnt pinch much on arms/legs etc just skin is flabby around my stomach ive always hoped it would go as im still growing but its not

    is cardio twice a week to little atm i do
    wednesday - back
    friday tris/bic
    sat legs

    and cardio on off days i was thinking do it after a work out too but heard that can be not so beneficial??

  20. #20
    industywetrusty's Avatar
    industywetrusty is offline Associate Member
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    I am in a similar situation, I except I am taller than you. I am 21 and I weight 185, my height is 6'1. I like cutting more, I like to be ripped outta my mind plus as I cut I still gain and in my opioion I think it looks better and I still feel agile...

  21. #21
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    sorry to bring back up a year old thread but can i have some advice on the lean bulk kinda diet,few months after my last post mum got taken with cancer but after long wait we finally have the all clear just in time for my sister to drop a sprog lol.
    so have not done any training for over a year but im itching to get back into it now,id say ive lost most muscle i gained,however i have an active job and havent yet turned to a fat slob,

    whats the best way to get back into things as i feel lost atm,best to start with cardio or get back on weights/what sort of sets length sessions

    also my diet has been not been bad as i dont really eat shit but id say its been massivly lacking in protien,if i start back with 160g a day of protien straight off is this likely to cause problems

  22. #22
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    Start a new thread mate thats the best idea in the diet forum or with a picture here.

  23. #23
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    i gues it is just to hard to start threads these days... .wow....

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