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Thread: Want to Cut fat Efficiently...?!?!?

  1. #1

    Want to Cut fat Efficiently...?!?!?

    recently i dropped a solid 25 lbs of fat and gained about a good 20lbs of muscle....

    sorry guys i dont have pics without shirt, but any advice and expertise would be appreciated...

    these pics are within a month apart.....(but its not the pregression that im requiring any advice or critique on...)Im looking 2 drop maybe like 20-25 lbs of fat around my body, possibly more to increase definition....honestly ive reached a point i think where i am naturally "2 big" and i wanna stop growing...ive been really going heavy past few months just 2 get my muscles back in2 the shape they were b4...

    im back 2 benching near 325 , curling 60lb dumbells and so on, but NATURALY....its hard for a alota people 2 beleive that i havent done any gear...

    but in any event i need 2 shed fat and unwanted poundage....

    now i took alot of SMART peoples advice a while back...i was near 280 and flabby.....i had alot of muscle weight, but entirely 2 much body fat....
    i dieted solid for a few months and trained hard and got to a point where i beleive that i am ready for a cycle....not 2 many people can say that...

    im 5'11 265lbs...

    im thinking test prop week 1-12

    wynstrol week 6-12
    EQ week 8-12

    im not 2 sure about my dosages on the EQ and Winny....thats what i kinda need help on....And also just from prior personal experiences what can i do 2 make this cycle absolutely complete....thanx guys in ahead
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    Last edited by xxxJUICExxx; 06-17-2006 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #2
    hey buddy,
    dont know if this helps but im doing a test e and winny cycle
    test e week 1-12
    winny weel 8-14
    my dosages are 50mg each day for winny and 500 mg a week for test e split into 2, monday and thursdays at 250mg. that was i was recommended on here, been told to continue my winny 2 weeks after the test because the test will still be in me then.
    oh and im also taking nolvadex 20mg per day... !

  3. #3
    what are the pros and cons of a 6 week winny cycle w/ 500mg of prop compared to an 8 week or even 10 week ...? and do u think i honestly need 500mg of test...? i mean i know i should have thf oundation 2 maintain the bulk but i think ide even be fine without it.....thanx again guys

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    eq for 4 weeks is a terrible idea. i run it 16 weeks now. did 10, 12, and then 16. the results take a long time so 16 is necessary for me. everyone is different but 4 weeks wont do a thing.

    i dont think you are naturally too big, you have a really high amount of bodyfat. your numbers for lifts are ok - for your weight they really arent that impressive. i wouldnt think about a cycle until you hit 15% bodyfat or lower. you say you think your ready and that most people cant say that they are as prepared but honestly, in my opinion only and this is not a flame, you dont look ready. your real big, no denying that, but your bodyfat looks from the pics to be above 20% - which is very high in my opinion. just my opinion but waiting and leaning out a whole lot more will yield much better visible results. good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    eq for 4 weeks is a terrible idea. i run it 16 weeks now. did 10, 12, and then 16. the results take a long time so 16 is necessary for me. everyone is different but 4 weeks wont do a thing.

    i dont think you are naturally too big, you have a really high amount of bodyfat. your numbers for lifts are ok - for your weight they really arent that impressive. i wouldnt think about a cycle until you hit 15% bodyfat or lower. you say you think your ready and that most people cant say that they are as prepared but honestly, in my opinion only and this is not a flame, you dont look ready. your real big, no denying that, but your bodyfat looks from the pics to be above 20% - which is very high in my opinion. just my opinion but waiting and leaning out a whole lot more will yield much better visible results. good luck.
    ditto...eq needs to be run at least 10

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    eq for at least 8 weeks,,, but why are you taking eq?? for hunger?? it seems you stated you wanted to lose more fat, the eq will not do that in my expereinece..

    best of luck though, and good job so far...

    find a girlfriend that will do waxing for you, we all have to..
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxJUICExxx
    , but NATURALY....its hard for a alota people 2 beleive that i havent done any gear...
    you look 100% natural to me... i def wouldnt think you used any gear.... good luck cutting bro

  8. #8
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    Dec 2002
    I edited 3 comments that were not very nice and had nothing to do with helping this guy in his quest.

    Any further comments like those will yield suspensions.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I edited 3 comments that were not very nice and had nothing to do with helping this guy in his quest.

    Any further comments like those will yield suspensions.


    LOL THANX....BUT IMA BIGBOY AND I CAN TAKE SHIT THROWN @ ME TRUST ME......swole what would ur advice be about my situaation.....? what would u suggest...? i think my body has reached 2 level where i have plateaud and im not losing weight like i used 2...(which is natural i know) but with this 12 week cycle can i expect a good solid 20 lbs drop....? and please can someone answer mt test question earlier...? do i need 500mg/week of prop or is it really useless @ this point...?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I apologize bro...I made a silly joke about how hairy u harm meant. you are one big dude for 20yrs old bro..I'm sure SWOLE can give you good advice on how to run some gear if you really want but personally 20 is too young & many on the board would say the same thing..get your diet in check first of all...caloric intake/fats/carbs & get the bf % down & go from there.since you are so naturally may take more hard work for you due to your genetics..good luck bro.. & again...I apologize for any ill comments.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks getnjakked, wasn't just u brutha.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    I apologize bro...I made a silly joke about how hairy u harm meant. you are one big dude for 20yrs old bro..I'm sure SWOLE can give you good advice on how to run some gear if you really want but personally 20 is too young & many on the board would say the same thing..get your diet in check first of all...caloric intake/fats/carbs & get the bf % down & go from there.since you are so naturally may take more hard work for you due to your genetics..good luck bro.. & again...I apologize for any ill comments.
    true... most will say 20 is too young... but you gotta look case by case... example im 21.. but alate bloomer... i only needed to shave about 2 years ago!!!...thats why im holdin of for a while..but. he looks VERY old for 20.... so his body is probally more close to fully matured and developed than most at his age... not saying he should or should not cycle... just a thought.... Hey xxxjuice whats your diet look like bro?

  13. #13
    A little constructive criticism..dont get offended here. I think you could shed A LOT more bodyfat naturally. I don't think you need aas at all. 325 is decent for weighing 265 but nothing to write home about. Forget the aas now and get in the diet forum. I am sure you think your diet/cardio are up to par, but I have a feeling they are not being over 20% bodyfat.

  14. #14
    diet and cardio could definitely be a little bit better....i wont argue with that...and by the way 325 is a working weight ( thats like last set 6-8 reps ).....i cant just do cardio , and expect 2 drop weight that way.....i cant go for mkore than 35-40 minutes 2 a time doing cardio and thats pushin it.....i like 2 get a cardio workout by lifting weights.....i think if i did 2 cycles within 6 months, i would have the body that i want......i dont want a 6 pack or anything like that, just wanna get rid of my love handles and overall drop weight from everywhere head 2 toe...(especially midsection)

    and btw im turning 21 in amonth and i think 21 isnt that young of an age....

    swole ide appreciate it if you jumped in the mix here ........
    test, eq ,and prop 2gether....? yes or no?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxJUICExxx
    ......i dont want a 6 pack or anything like that, just wanna get rid of my love handles and overall drop weight from everywhere head 2 toe...(especially midsection)
    well obviously.. it is your choice if you do it or not... BUT for the goals that your stating... the level you want to ultimatley be... you in no way shape or form need steroids.... Im willing to bet you anything if you layed out your diet and had some of the more knowledgable bros here critique it for you.... you cuold lose a good amount of BF... and achieve losing those love handles and drop some weight.... either way goodluck in what you decide ... you are a big boy for your age... and if you drop some BF(a good amoutn) you could look like a beast... keep it going

  16. #16
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    o and another thing... well im not experinced at all with aas somaybe im out of line... but.... it sounds like you just want to tone up some and lose BF... doesnt sound like your interested in getting all that much bigger.... so why use juice?? sure test and eq will help some... but your goning to be much better of gettig some clen or ephedra

  17. #17
    besides AAS is there any OTC stuff you think might help......anything ephedra free simply wont do the trick for me, i need sum heavy duty stuff.....i was thinking maybe sumthing like Lipozene,Adipex,T3, and advice on any of these....?

  18. #18
    Forget AAS, forget supplements. If you want to lose weight, Diet and cardio...PERIOD. Without diet and cardio..the other 2 are (to a realistic extent) useless.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    did you pick eq and winny and prop under the impression that these compounds would make you lose weight and make you look more cut? this is untrue maybe at low bf percentages they will promote vascularity and lean gains but at this point 1.too many compounds 2.not low enough bf % 3.runnnn like a maniac but eat clean to try and lean out a bit...good luck dude im sure youll do well with some guidance and determination

  20. #20
    see one thing i hate about this forum.....DIET AND CARDIO ARE MANDATORY REGARDLESS IN ANY TRAINING sick of hearing diet and cardio, i understand that......i dont look the way i do by eating cheetos and lounging in front of the TV all day.....

    my question was besides doing cardio and dieting (which are unnecessary 2 mention because of their vitality to any system) what kind of supplement can i take 2 make the weightloss process more efficient or a little bit more speedy....


  21. #21
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    central valley CA
    if you want to take something.... read down this list. theres a few things there for fat/weight loss. www,steroid,com/effect.php replace the , with .

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxJUICExxx
    see one thing i hate about this forum.....DIET AND CARDIO ARE MANDATORY REGARDLESS IN ANY TRAINING sick of hearing diet and cardio, i understand that......i dont look the way i do by eating cheetos and lounging in front of the TV all day.....

    my question was besides doing cardio and dieting (which are unnecessary 2 mention because of their vitality to any system) what kind of supplement can i take 2 make the weightloss process more efficient or a little bit more speedy....

    hmm look above at my post and others...there is valuable advice given in this thread but youre too much of a dick to take it..instead you whine about how unfriendly everyone is..i didnt say anything unfriendly directed towards you and neither did others you are piling 3 compounds into a cycle thinking youre gonna get shredded and sorry buddy..its not gonna work...i dont care if you dont wanna hear it but diet and cardio are key....i also told you that these compounds would probably be better suited at a low bf percentage..ok?!?! got it buddy? so dont go loading yourself up with aas when its not necessary matter of fact do your fancy cycle and see how you regret not waiting peace suckaa

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You look like you have lost a decent amount of fat doing whatever your doing so keep that up until you get to an appropiate body fat %. Good luck!

    Oh yeah, you asked for Swoles advice on steroids twice. If I remember right, he doesn't give advice on that subject. See his advice in the diet forum its badass.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Well, your keep hearing about Diet and Cardio because that is the BEST THING FOR YOU. Period. Steroids will NOT burn fat. You are still way to young to even think about touching steroids. And even if you do decide to do a cycle in the future, you really have to do your research. Do you know that it can take 6 weeks for EQ to kick in? It has to be run a minimum of 12 weeks! Winstrol? Should really only be used by guys with low body fat and should be used at the end of a cycle to help keep gains.

    Best of luck to you!!!

    Last edited by BUYLONGTERM; 06-19-2006 at 12:59 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    central valley CA
    hes not gonna stop until he finds some magic injection or pill that will help him shed the fat. dude, look at my post. go to the link. research the stuff there and do what you want. if you dont want good advice, this isnt the place for it. these guys told me to diet and do cardio... guess what im doing? diet and cardio.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    the dirty
    DIET AND CARDIO ARE MANDATORY REGARDLESS IN ANY TRAINING sick of hearing diet and cardio, i understand that......i dont look the way i do by eating cheetos and lounging in front of the TV all day.....
    seriously, you dont look like you lift at all. you look very over weight so i am curious why you reference your current conditioning and strength numbers as some advanced level (you dont look like you do because you know about cardio and diet - could have fooled me). this is not a flame at all. you said you are a big boy and can take criticism. well, if you were doing diet and cardio the right way you wouldnt look like you do. you dont look anything like a serious bb or avid weight trainer. its obvious your diet and cardio are poorly managed. aas should be used way after these are squared away. you have a ton of work to do but as any individual who has freedom, do what you like and when the end results come back and are not what you expected then you'll realize that diet and cardio create the physique.

  27. #27
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    seriously, you dont look like you lift at all. you look very over weight so i am curious why you reference your current conditioning and strength numbers as some advanced level (you dont look like you do because you know about cardio and diet - could have fooled me). this is not a flame at all. you said you are a big boy and can take criticism. well, if you were doing diet and cardio the right way you wouldnt look like you do. you dont look anything like a serious bb or avid weight trainer. its obvious your diet and cardio are poorly managed. aas should be used way after these are squared away. you have a ton of work to do but as any individual who has freedom, do what you like and when the end results come back and are not what you expected then you'll realize that diet and cardio create the physique.
    WHO ARE YOU to make these assumptions... for what the guy claimed to achieve, I think he's doing pretty dayme good... his current conditioning is progressive and is most likely going to changed based on him posting pictures here asking for ADVISE. Where are your pics?!?! are you worthy of making these comments?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    the dirty
    Where are your pics?!?!
    state licensed job = no pics on the net. also, i dont require praise from strangers.

    so your saying that he is showing a package that makes him:
    1.) ready to use aas, not just a single compound but 3
    2.) shows his in-depth knowledge of the use and proper implementation of diet and cardio

    why would i make the post i did?
    he asked for a critique and that is my opinion. he has a long way to go before he should touch any aas. also, his tone at the responses to work on diet and cardio was alittle foolish. seriously, with 20% + bodyfat, no i dont think his current conditioning shows that he doesnt need to learn more.

    did i flame him anywhere? did i say stop all training you are hopeless? nope. if his best is where he is now (for diet, training, and cardio) he needs to learn more and try harder before touching aas.

    sorry if this bothered you and to the poster the same. i feel there should be a much higher level of development before aas are used. i could care less what weight anyone is. just because he is over 260 means nothing as far as muscular development.

    i am not looking for any back and forth bantering and bs. if the post is too harsh simply report it and have one of the mods remove it. my bad if it is taken personally, no intention of starting trouble..

  29. #29
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    Jun 2006

    too young need more scaffolding

    congratultions on your recent weightloss. you are moving in the right direction. you need to continue working on your weightloss and discipline. most of the guys are giving you good advice. it is very easy to tell you have a large amount of mature fat on you from having been overweight for so long, and you need to continue to work it away. you fat looks to be very dense and you could probably afford to loose another 50 pounds. all I can recomend would be a caffine, ephedrine, aspirin stack so you dont offend your body yet. your body prbably isnt ready for that type of weight(muscle)gain yet.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxJUICExxx
    see one thing i hate about this forum.....DIET AND CARDIO ARE MANDATORY REGARDLESS IN ANY TRAINING sick of hearing diet and cardio, i understand that......i dont look the way i do by eating cheetos and lounging in front of the TV all day.....

    my question was besides doing cardio and dieting (which are unnecessary 2 mention because of their vitality to any system) what kind of supplement can i take 2 make the weightloss process more efficient or a little bit more speedy....

    FOR THE 896986 BILLION TIME......I UNDERSTAND ABOUT DIET AND CARDIO THANK YOU......I HATE TO SOUND LIKE A DICK OR AN ASSHOLE, BUT I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ONE BIT OF FRIENDLY ADVICE, I FEEL LIKE IM TALKING TO MY DOCTOR.... are a big dude..& to answer your question the best way possible, all the guys here are trying to help you with HONEST answers...maybe not what you want to hear-but HONEST. All I can tell ya is maybe try an ECA stack WITH the cardio & diet & that will help speed the weightloss process.Steriods dont help you lose weight bro. good luck & I hope that helps ya.

  31. #31
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    Oct 2003
    I don't know shit about steriods so I can't give you any advice on that but what is your training split like? Take some better pics on your camera took 5 pics all displaying the exact same pose.


  32. #32
    TimTim: your honestly telling me that i dont look like i lift @ all...? you must be on some primo dope homie....

    and to the rest, i appreciate the criticism and YES, i can take a shot or two(wen it comes 2 tough love)...i understand that diet and cardio are essential, beleive me thats allllllllll i have been doing....strictly natural....I AM STILL GOING TO CONTINUE DIETING AND CARDIO main question was what kinda supplements can i take to increase my fat burning.....that is all.....if in 6 months i can lose 25lbs with diet and cardio, i want to know what it is i can take so i can lose maybe another 5-10lbs on top of the original's tha simple....i have been lifting for 4 years and i am well aware of different diets and weight-lifting routines...i have worked @ a gym for like 3 years so beleive me i know what im talkin bout(but it doesnt mean i have my ears closed and am not willing to hear and learn more...)..the only thing is i dont have the luxury of 6-8 meals everyday on a regular basis....but i try my best to keep a straight diet....

    anyway thanx 4 the help once again fellazzzzzzzzz......

    clenbuterol sounds good though......what would be a good dosage 4 me...? thanx again

    JustinSane::thanx brother 4 understanding and stickin up 4 me, i appreciate it.....

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    lil late but .. anyways
    diet first gear later..

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Canada, Alberta
    Hey, well if you dont want to do alot of dieting and cardio get clenbuteral. I ran it at 150mcg / day, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Your a bigger guy then me just start off slow and up the dosage, it all depends how your body handels it. It will probally help you out alittle bit.
    Last edited by slacker; 06-23-2006 at 06:56 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I won't say diet and cardio...

    Cardio and diet!

    Do those FIRST and learn to lose weight naturally, how to adjust calories, adjust cardio, your workouts, etc. Those are HUGE keys because you have to know how to do that inside/out BEFORE introducing exogenous substances.

    However, my words are just that words, what you decide to put into action is entirely up to you.


  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Always close to a gym
    Short and sweet - Try an ECA stack first, if you think it's slowing - get the Clenbuterol.
    Those are two popular ways to loose a lil extra.

    Good Luck!

  37. #37
    habout t3...?

  38. #38
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  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Hotel California
    You mean there isn't a magic pill?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxxJUICExxx
    habout t3...?
    Im gonna deviate slightly from what the majority has said so far... How about diet and cardio?
    Last edited by daytrader; 06-24-2006 at 09:59 PM.

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