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Thread: my pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Boston Township, Michigan

    my pics

    ok, end of cycle, extended it 4 weeks, so it was a 14 week cycle..
    150mg equipoise/week 1-14
    200mg test propionate 5-14
    i'm ok with the results....put on 5 lbs but cut alot off bodyfat, not too sure how much bf i've got now, but i was like 21% before cycle...

    i will star another cycle, in about a month...
    500mg test enathate/week 1-8
    350mg d-bol week 1-6
    .25 mg arimidex 1-8
    nolvadex & clomid on hand.

    i' suffer from a bad right leg, so for life i have to take it easy on it, unfortunatelly i cannot do much for just one leg wiht out having the other chins kill if i run, or jog, or even stand for more than 30 minutes...long story, accident at work, i was young and stupid, never took action against employer to have the doctors help me overcome my weak leg...yrs of work might do it though, i'm all for it!!!!!!!!!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	aftercycle.jpg 
Views:	817 
Size:	20.1 KB 
ID:	11732  
    Last edited by racer_inboston; 07-23-2002 at 06:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    PA USA
    Legs could use some work and body fat looks high, I would cut out the peanut butter and go for a leaner source of protein. Keep training and you will get where you want to be!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yea, I agree, cut the pb almost completely(only have about 1 tbsp per day with breakfast or lunch, and make sure its natural pb, not Jiff or Skippy, too many additives). Also cut the carbs down a little, if you wanna have lower bf or show all your abs(and I know you didn't say you did but who doesn't?) your gonna have to eat a high protein, low carb diet, and watch out for the fats too, don't eat too much even though you need some. Other than that, your legs are the only things I can see that you need work on. I have great legs and all I do is:
    Squats:4-5 sets
    Leg Press:4=5 sets
    Hack Squats:3-4 sets
    Leg Extensions:4-5 sets(or sometimes I throw in walking or standing lunges with weight and at around 3-4 sets)
    Stiff-legged Deadlifts:4-5 sets
    Lying Leg Curls or Standing One Legged Leg Curls:3-4 sets
    Seated Raises:4 sets
    Standing Smith Machine Raises:4-5 sets
    Lying Calf Presses on Leg Press Sled:4-5 sets

    I do all my leg exercises to failure and heavy weight except for Leg Extensions cause I'm usually dead by the end of my workout. I train Hams first and then Quads on same day, and do calves twice a weeks, once on Tuesday after back, and once on Thursday after Bi's and Tri's. Try this out, it worked great for me but I do have naturally good legs from genetics and soccer but thats not the only reason my legs are my best body part, good luck bro, hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Boston Township, Michigan
    ccool, tks...i will try that routine!!!
    so a low carb hi protein? ok, i will try that, and see how it goes, i was told to do high protein and high carbs...but if you guys really think i should do only high protein and low carbs and still put on size ok....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    whats up bro : you have extra BFat on u try to lose it by leaning up. Low carb . From one pic it looks like your tri's need to be worked on bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Your dosages are way off. Shoulda run the eq @ 400mgs/wk and the prop @ 75mgs/ED for your first cycle. I'm not surprised you only gained 5 lbs with that cycle. Your next cycle, don't make the same mistake. Enanthate looks fine @ 500mgs/wk (I'd run it at least 10 weeks though) but the dbol is too high, IMO. I get stomach pains and a beet red face if I go over 30mgs/ED. And 6 weeks? I'd cut that down to 4 if you want to be nice to your liver. You gonna take ALA and milk thistle too right? Also, make sure you run the arimidex all the way through clomid too, not stopping in week 8.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    You can eat carbs...just make sure they are quality complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, yams, etc. I eat 500 grams of these carbs ED and stay below 8% BF. Look at Jay Cutler, who has always eaten 1,000 grams of carbs in the off season...and he stays below 8% year round too! (Granted he's a freak) But, you need them to fuel intense workouts! Only drop carbs to low levels if you're trying to cut fat quickly...and not trying to add muscle, cause you're not gonna grow without carbs!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    I most definatly agree with pumpseeker with your dosage's. Try to research more or ask bro for help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ItalianMuscle
    I most definatly agree with pumpseeker with your dosage's. Try to research more or ask bro for help

    What was your stats before you started?

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