Looking good due. What are your stats and age.
22 years old.....I'm 5'9. I don't know my exact weight. Cause I only weigh myself once a month. I try to gain as much possible and suprise myself at the end of the month. I would say about 160lbs right now though. I am pretty CUT though. I run about 10 miles a week, and do alot of army work that makes me cut down.
Maybe try eating a lot more calories if your having to do so much cardio.
lookin lean. you can still put a lot more size on natural. cut down on the cardio and eat,eat,eat. train hard and eat a lot, you'll be ready in a couple more years.
i would say no, but that one picture of you basically fully clothed makes it difficult to tell. 5'9, 160 tells me that your not ready tho, or atleast tht u can put some more muscle on naturally. 22 is still young as well, i would wait.
I would say you can put on alot more naturally, but then if you are going to take steroids you probably will regaurdless of what anyone here says.
If you are looking for positive reinforcement then maybe you should ask yourself as to why you feel you need it.
JMHO though.
Your not ready. You look in good shape though.
Your body doesn't look very matured for you being 22.
I thought you were an 17-19 yr. old soccer player at the begining.
Are you involved in a competitive sport were you need to cycle etc.?
If not why cycle.......Someone your size and your age without a reason to cycle except to get to 185lbs is ridiculus.
nope i agree u are not ready , keep workin hard bro!!
Nah gain more naturally. Cut down on all that running and eat more
5'9 at 160???
im 5'7 at 165....!!! lets move on up to 185 then...
a. u take the red pill...n go on with the life u know
b. u take the blue pill....and make that step to AS after READING ...
by the way, u look like u can gain muscle naturally....took me from 8th grade to sr. year b4 i actually started getting swoll
then, i hit the AS too early....but i did know all of what i should since my boxing hobby, trainers what not, now AS and PERS trainin is my profession!!!!
my carreer...my love...my goal...my bitch
Thanks for the input. I do agree that I could probably wait and put on some solid gains over the next few years, but I am still researching everything about AAS, so it would still be a few more months before I actually took them If I decided to take the Red Pill. I'm not decided yet. I will still prep as if I were going to take them just in case. After I have done enough research to where I know how to take AAS safely I will make the decision. As far as some the comments.
Yes, I play sports. My body I don't belive is "not" mature. This is just my body type. I'm also Special Forces, so I do alot of intense training.
If that means anything.
Originally Posted by Valtorian
oh it does...im national guard, and a ametuer boxer...cardio RELIEVES the bulk, makes it shredded!!!!
but yes..if you gotta ask, maybe u should read alot more...and **** it, maybe in that time u see such good results (if you plan a good diet n workout regime meanwhile) u wont even consider it no more....GOOD LUCK![]()
Roger that Bean, I will continue my research and just stick to a good diet and workout regime. If I see some real solid results after these next few months I will still probably take AAS lol. Just will wait a bit longer untill I gain some more mass naturally.
Last edited by Valtorian; 08-08-2006 at 06:59 PM.
Originally Posted by Valtorian
right on son!!!!!![]()
Definitely can add a lot more muscle to that frame naturally. Just get your diet in check. Go into the diet forum and post up your diet for a critique.
Bino, I'm still playing around with different foods, seeing which ones are time efficient and filled with the nutrients I need. I'm in the Army so my schedule is very ****ed up. I can be called out of no where to pull a 24 hour duty or anything with no meals. So I'm still constructing a set diet plan.Originally Posted by C_Bino
Good stuff man. Diet is really going to make a difference here. You would be surprised what gains can be yielded with proper nutrition.![]()
how bout a better pic..... some wheels.... chest and back shots.... just an idea....
Sure, no problem. It will be a day or so. I have to break out the digital and remember to take the shots later tonight. I will get to it though.
you will grow, be patient. get that diet figured out.
NO..Originally Posted by Valtorian
I'm gonna do it anyways. Ha! Well eventually, later. Down the road. You know. So yea!Originally Posted by jollygreenGIANT
what weight would you guys say a 6 foot guy like me should be at before going the AAS route
Just 19 that is mad!
You have a good base. Keep hitting the weight for a few more years and make sure that diet is 100% in check and you'll see gains naturally that you would not believe.Originally Posted by Valtorian
edit: Also post a few more pics that people can better judge and critique.
Last edited by StoneGRMI; 08-10-2006 at 05:42 PM.
Good base, you have good potential but you need to put on some more mass with out aas. I'm not saying that you wouldn't gain weight if you juiced but its not worth it right now in your current state. You could literally gain as much weight you would off a cycle if you just eat right. You might say that your eating right now, but honestly are you eating 6-7 meals a day? You will be floored with the results you get when just eating right. Your body can only gain as much weight as you let it, the only way to really get big is to eat big.
love your avatar
good base ,continu natural and eat
nice work Bro
alot of people here are going to tell you no, myself included. At the same time alot of people here have went on AAS less ready than you are now, also myself included. Basically you're ready when you know you've platued... if you've been stuck at the same weight and strength for awhile and have tried different routines and such and nothing is working, then i'd say yes you're ready but at 22 and 160 lbs i think you have alot more growing to do.
some people i know at 125# men got on AAS and in a year+they went from 135 to 210 and they have amazing power.... some are even bigger
Originally Posted by Beefyman
Oh my Gosh , how incredible! Now there almost as big as a natural should be before he starts.
Nice work man. I know what you mean about the military. Just don't due like I did and start a cycle and the get orders to bfe with no gym in site!
Originally Posted by Donman25
Wow, that must have sucked. I get pissed when I get to a duty station and the Army hasn't put enough money into the gyms like they are supposed to.
To much money going to the war on terror I suppose.
TO be honest...NO
Hypothetically........if I decided to take AAS in a few months, at my current size. I could still put on a good solid weight gain of about 25lbs if done correctly. Eating 6-8 meals a day with about 4500 cal intake and mucho protein. With the proper PCT I could possibly keep 18-25lbs of my gain. As long as this is done correctly and safely, my perception of AAS is "go for it!"
The reason I will choose not to wait at this time is because I see more Pro's than Con's at the moment.
Originally Posted by Valtorian
If you gain 25lbs it's not going to be all muscle.
If you gained 25lbs expect to keep 10-15lbs max if lucky.
Wasn't the title of this thread "Am I ready for a cycle?"...The answer to the question is NO! You can choose to do whatever you want, just know ur first cycle is going to be one u weren't ready for thats all...
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