Before dieting.
Here is an updated picture. My quads look flat from carb cycling. They are usually much fuller. I'm 5'6" 202. 5 1/2 weeks out from show. I hate dieting!!!![]()
I'll take more pictures after I eat some carbs.
Before dieting.
Here is an updated picture. My quads look flat from carb cycling. They are usually much fuller. I'm 5'6" 202. 5 1/2 weeks out from show. I hate dieting!!!![]()
I'll take more pictures after I eat some carbs.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
If thats flat, I don't wanna see what full is, way to shit on my much anticipated updates carlos!!! haha, JK, ur gonna kill, as usual...Also, can you help me resize the images so they are bigger when you open up the window??
I can resize them for you. PM me your AIM name or email me and I'll resize them tomorrow.Originally Posted by Undecided09
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
RIGHT ON! Good to see...for is it... almost 6 weeks out? Jeez...202lbs depleted@ 5'6"ish....those wheels must be...I'm guessin' around 28-30inches?
I could only wish...I'm definatly gonna try splittin' the hams and quads to separate days.
You got some upper bod pics as well?
Quads lookin good..lookin forward to updates closer to the show
lookin nice and thick man. Good work indeed.
Awesomo wheels carlos. Great thickness and definition. Insane Veins. Your gonna make it mate.
I'd love to have your legs. They look about perfect to me!
Especially your calves... You are a lucky guy. Most black guys i know have small calves.
Amazing seperation. and masssive calves!
Nice work, the legs look so much better when all the fat/water is stripped off.. Lookin great!
huge difference. looking forward to see you 1 week out
Quads are 28". I haven't taken any upper body shots yet. I will and I'll post them.Originally Posted by FITFANATIK
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
ThanksOriginally Posted by AleX-69
Originally Posted by AleX-69
Thank you
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
vascular hun - good job!
jing jai
Nice man!!!
Lookin mean.
I happened to like that fat and water. I miss it.Originally Posted by I**mfkr
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
For fun...
This is what I used to look like. 130ish I think. I forget. ...And the wheels. This is what I see when I look in the mirror.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
At 130lbs you look bigger than I look at 200lbs...Originally Posted by Carlos_E
carlos you probally cant even where pants those quads are huge
That's a transformation if i've ever seen one..
28inches is impressive.. Can't even imagine how sick my legs will look at that size. Great job.
great work.
Great wheels...stick to it man I can see you going pro one of these days.
nice set of tree trunks u are sporting there Carlos.
Keep at it mate. You should be looking lethal come show time.
There's going to be some unhappy competitors in your class hehe
Before dieting
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
carlos your looking very impressive
Thank you. It's coming along and my weight isn't dropping which is good. If you can tell I haven't trained abs in 2 years.I'm going to start this weekend. Also uping cardio.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Looking damn good bro!!!I can't wait to see the final product!!!
Right on my friend, like I said all these times you are looking great, really porportioned and just an overall VERY balanced and pleasing look.
Damn Carlos. Great physique brother. You look real good. A little flat in the pics, but it's expected when carb cycling.
Keep it up.![]()
Oh, Carlos! Before! Before!!!
With legs like that you should NEVER diet down.![]()
I don't think I'm alone in saying that you (and most guys) look much more jacked when you're still six weeks out from competition.
Muscle + fat + water = Hot
Looking great........................ as usual![]()
....5 weeks and a only about 33 fat burning days left!
We need to see a back double bi and the glute ham tie in....
I'd say you are still within range...don't get sloppy though...keep them cheat meals to an absolute bare minimum. I've hear of guys going 16 weeks without even 1 cheat meal....I couldn't do it.
Keep your eyes on the prize!
Here's a comparison from last prep.
10.28.04 / 2 Weeks out................................................... .................................9.29.06 / 5.5 Weeks out
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
I'm one of those guys. I don't do cheat meals during prep. I stick to the diet.Originally Posted by FITFANATIK
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
There is no cheating within 8-10wks out.
Carlos, big difference brother! Shoulders look much more capped, chest/lats have added a bit of mass.
What's the weight difference?
25-28 pounds. Mainly mass added to my legs and back.Originally Posted by I**mfkr
I think I am on track as far as weight loss. I want to keep it slow so I keep as much muscle as possible. I'm still 200+.
Another thing ... as far as "supplements." I'm taking less than half of what Jason had me take last time. Victor is not big on running high doses of "supps." I find that interesting considering I weigh about 30 pounds more.
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
Jeez.. your quads
Your arms..
Heck Carlos you even have a chest now..![]()
You're perfect.. i hate you
He really means he loves you....
Carlos looking amazing bro!!! When is the exact date of your contest?
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