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Thread: Cutting Log W/ Clen and T3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Cutting Log W/ Clen and T3

    Hey everyone, after doing quite a bit of reasearch on dieting, clen and T3 I have finally decided to start my diet and cutting. I am 5'8" 225 lbs. I know I am out of shape but feel free to tell me again if you think you need too. LOL. I have been lifting consistantly for about 5 years now but due to an injury a couple of years ago I am no longer able to run (which is all the cardio I used to due) hence all the fat. I have been eating clean for one month and have completely given up beer (also been one month). I'm pretty serious about this. Anyway, I am using all the great clen advice from perfectbeast2001 and Jack87. So maybe you guys will enjoy seeing some of your advice being put to good use! Here are some pics I took today. I will post more every week. Thanks again for all your help. This forum rocks!!!
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    Last edited by Yesevil; 11-05-2006 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    good for you man, there's a reason we call it a lifestyle... keep us posted
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I plan on it! This forum has been sooo helpful to me, besides all the info I found alot of motivation here!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    you have some good size there & will look real good when you lose that extra weight bro.

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Here's a quick run down of what I eat in an average day:
    5 a.m.- Meal Replacment, Met-Rx (made with water)
    8-9 a.m.- 7 oz Tuna in Water
    11-12 a.m.- Chicken breast or Tuna with some king of vegetable (salad or broccoli)
    4 p.m.- Protien shake 40 gms whey (Pre workout)
    7 p.m.- Some kind of lean meat (varies), salad, Milk

    Any suggestions would be cool. I lift monday-friday and do 30 minutes of cardio before and after I lift. Thinking about getting up early and doing my cardio before work though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    jeesssus youre gonna be big when you diet down.. what's your t3 scheme look like?

  8. #8
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
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    ill def be watching this, good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Got this cycle from Jack87's clen/T3 post. Will use stay on the T3 for 42 days and will start tapering off of it at day 27 dropping 25 mcg's every 4 days until I hit 25 mcg's. Will stay on the clen for longer if nessasary though using the Benadryl method outlined in perfectbeast's clen post.

    Day 1 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 2 Clen 60mcg / T3 50mcg
    Day 3 Clen 80mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 4 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 5 Clen 100mcg / T3 75mcg
    Day 6 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg
    Day 7 Clen 120mcg / T3 100mcg

    Thanks for your support. Any suggestions on my diet?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Moncton, NB
    Man you are going to be a big boy! Keep the intensity up and you will do great....nice calves by the way!

    And as for the diet not sure if its just me but seems like a long time between your lunch and your preworkout. I always go for some good protien and carbs about 1hr to 1 1/2hr before my workout to give me a little extra energy. Could probably use some
    carbs in the breakfast like oatmeal, aswell as some fresh fruit....just my 2cents though.

    Like justinandrews7 said i am going to def watch this one and best of luck again!
    Last edited by custcdngsxr; 11-05-2006 at 05:33 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Thanks custcdngsxr, I thought it looked like I had a gap between my meals there, but since I've never had a problem with energy during my workout I wasn't to worried about it. But I think I need to add some protien in there just because the T3 will burn up alot of cal's. By the way I and also taking Haladrol-50 to try and maintain my muscle mass as much as possible.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Moncton, NB
    43 of luck again

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i think you'll be happy with t3 at 100mcg, i was.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Staten Island/Tampa
    Nice man, youll look pretty big once your done. Just a question, is there a reason why your extremely low carbing it. I can only see about 40 carbs tops in your meals.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    Here's a quick run down of what I eat in an average day:
    5 a.m.- Meal Replacment, Met-Rx (made with water)
    8-9 a.m.- 7 oz Tuna in Water
    11-12 a.m.- Chicken breast or Tuna with some king of vegetable (salad or broccoli)
    4 p.m.- Protien shake 40 gms whey (Pre workout)
    7 p.m.- Some kind of lean meat (varies), salad, Milk

    Any suggestions would be cool. I lift monday-friday and do 30 minutes of cardio before and after I lift. Thinking about getting up early and doing my cardio before work though.
    IMO the diet needs to be totally redone. Find out what your maintenance calories are by using the harris benedict formula. Use your lean mass to get your maintenance cals. You can get your lean mass if you go to the gym and ask for a body fat test, ask them to tell you your lean mass. If they look at you blankly find a new gym! Once you have that go online and google harris benedict calculator which will give you your maintenance cals. I would start by planning a diet which is 500 calories below maintenance. You will drop a lot of BF because of the clen/t3. I would be very wary of using T3 without AS as it will eat muscle as well as fat. If you carry on eating what you have outlined and using T3 you will lose a hell of a lot of muscle. Shoot for a high protein low carb diet but try and eat every two hours to prevent catabolism. The cutting sticky in the diet forum is a pretty good place to start as it gives a pretty good outline for a cuting diet. Post the diet with macros then you will get a good critique from some very knowledgable bros in the diet section.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    IMO the diet needs to be totally redone. Find out what your maintenance calories are by using the harris benedict formula. Use your lean mass to get your maintenance cals. You can get your lean mass if you go to the gym and ask for a body fat test, ask them to tell you your lean mass. If they look at you blankly find a new gym! Once you have that go online and google harris benedict calculator which will give you your maintenance cals. I would start by planning a diet which is 500 calories below maintenance. You will drop a lot of BF because of the clen/t3. I would be very wary of using T3 without AS as it will eat muscle as well as fat. If you carry on eating what you have outlined and using T3 you will lose a hell of a lot of muscle. Shoot for a high protein low carb diet but try and eat every two hours to prevent catabolism. The cutting sticky in the diet forum is a pretty good place to start as it gives a pretty good outline for a cuting diet. Post the diet with macros then you will get a good critique from some very knowledgable bros in the diet section.
    Thanks for the input Beast. I will revamp my diet and post a new one once I get it worked out. What I think I'm gonna do about the T3 is not go above 50 mcg until I can get an AS that is stronger than the Haladrol-50 that I am currently taking. If I start to notice that I am droping to much muscle I'll drop it off even more. I did have my BF checked already and it was 19%.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mousetraps
    i think you'll be happy with t3 at 100mcg, i was.
    Did you use an AS while using the T3? If not how much lean mass do you think you lost? How long did you stay at 100mcg? Thanks again

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Nice man, youll look pretty big once your done. Just a question, is there a reason why your extremely low carbing it. I can only see about 40 carbs tops in your meals.
    I had success cutting on low carbs in the past without any type of fat burners so logic told me that it would work for me again. I've never had a problem with energy in the past while cutting carbs, but after talking to perfectbeast and reading some stuff on cutting from the diet forum I will repost a new diet this afternoon. Thanks for the input.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    Did you use an AS while using the T3? If not how much lean mass do you think you lost? How long did you stay at 100mcg? Thanks again
    Yes I used Tbol at 60mg for 8 weeks i think, similar to var... i didnt lose any muscle... i gained but got way leaner. i stayed at 100mcg of T3 for 4 weeks i think, maybe 6.

    there is the link to my back progress from that cycle... the differences between picture 2 and picture 3.
    Last edited by mousetraps; 11-06-2006 at 08:47 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mousetraps
    Yes I used Tbol at 60mg for 8 weeks i think, similar to var... i didnt lose any muscle... i gained but got way leaner. i stayed at 100mcg of T3 for 4 weeks i think, maybe 6.

    there is the link to my back progress from that cycle... the differences between picture 2 and picture 3.
    Did you taper on and off the T3? I've heard that that might not really be nessasary.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Alright, I updated my diet today and this what I've been eating today. Feel free to make sugestions. I hope the extra almonds and the milk will be enough.
    5 a.m.- 2 Chicken Breasts, 12 oz. Glass of milk
    8 a.m.- 7 oz Tuna in Water, Handfull of almonds
    10 a.m.- 20 grams protien, (Instone Protien Pudding) Handfull of almonds
    12 a.m.- Chicken breast or Tuna with some king of vegetable (salad or broccoli)
    2 p.m.- 7 oz. Tuna Handfull of almonds
    4 p.m.- Meal Replacment, Met-Rx (made with water) Pre-workout
    7 p.m.- Some kind of lean meat (varies), salad, Milk

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mid west
    What is the deal with benadryl? At what point do you take it and for how long?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    What is the deal with benadryl? At what point do you take it and for how long?
    Every third week you take 50mg a night for one week. Here is the link to perfectbeast2001 clen FAQ. It outlines everything:
    Last edited by Yesevil; 11-06-2006 at 03:18 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Huge calfs bro!! Keep up the good work

  25. #25
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    Oct 2006

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    diet looks better. I would still urge you to work out macros ect. and I agree calves look great!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    if you are cutting get rid of the milk

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    if you are cutting get rid of the milk
    It's only about 10 ozs. of skim milk after cardio in the morning and after weight weight training to give me some simple carbs. What do you suggest I replace them with? Should I cut out absolutly all simple carbs? Those are the only ones I get really, besides a little in my pre-workout Met-Rx.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    So here's where I am: Up to 100 mcg clen/75 mcg T3 No side effects yet just feel a little geeked right after I take the clen, but not any worse than with E/C/A stacks that I have done in the past. If anything I feel better than with E/C/A. One awesome side effect is the freakin endless energy that I have during my workout! Great pump one chest today and felt like I could go forever during cardio. I haven't weighed myself again yet but will soon. I've been on for 4 days now so I will wait 3 more to weigh and a couple more for pics since I actually took the pics the yesterday. But I deffintly thought my arms had a little more deffinition while lifting. Partner noticed too.
    Last edited by Yesevil; 11-06-2006 at 06:16 PM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    there is the link to my back progress from that cycle... the differences between picture 2 and picture 3.
    Yah, I tapered up to a hundred to investigate my tolerance.... but i stopped it at 100... i heard it's best.

  31. #31
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Yesevil
    It's only about 10 ozs. of skim milk after cardio in the morning and after weight weight training to give me some simple carbs. What do you suggest I replace them with? Should I cut out absolutly all simple carbs? Those are the only ones I get really, besides a little in my pre-workout Met-Rx.
    drink water! get simple carbs elsewhere...although it really dependent on your arent prepping for a the milk is ok but It will flatten you out..maybe when you get down in b/f then drop the milk if you really dont want to look I said...I dont know ow far you plan on going with yuor fat loss.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    drink water! get simple carbs elsewhere...although it really dependent on your arent prepping for a the milk is ok but It will flatten you out..maybe when you get down in b/f then drop the milk if you really dont want to look I said...I dont know ow far you plan on going with yuor fat loss.
    Ok, why exactly does the milk flatten you out more than any other simple sugar will? My goal for now is to get below 10% BF. Once I get there I'll see if it's time to bulk or if I need to cut more. Right now I am at 19% BF. Do you have a favorite source of simple carbs for post workout? I appretiate your feedback!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mousetraps
    Yah, I tapered up to a hundred to investigate my tolerance.... but i stopped it at 100... i heard it's best.
    Looks like you put on quite a bit of back and arm size! So you where running the T3 during this cycle, but no clen right?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    well any dairy will usually make you look flat but at the point you are @ now & where you want to go(10%) the milk is fine for now..if you plan on going further than that THEN I would cut the milk & dairy out. VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES bro!!!! oats & brown rice in moderation.

  35. #35
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    well any dairy will usually make you look flat but at the point you are @ now & where you want to go(10%) the milk is fine for now..if you plan on going further than that THEN I would cut the milk & dairy out. VEGGIES VEGGIES VEGGIES bro!!!! oats & brown rice in moderation.
    Thanks for the advice!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I did clen for two days, then quit it because i couldnt handle the headaches... so yah, just t3 and tbol.

    tbol also worked very well for me... it was stronger than i thought.

  37. #37
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    Oct 2006
    Workout today was shoulders, had a great workout until I got a cramp in my side. I've been taking 3 gms of tuarine and 300 mgs of potasium split into three doses a day, took more as soon as I got home, hope it helps. Weighed myself and I haven't lost any weight but I am noticably leaner and some pants that were real tight before fit better. Wife also says that I actually looks like I've put on some size in my upper body since I started the Clen/T3. Could be because of the Haladrol too. Does anyone know if I should be taking creatine with my clen/T3? I've been taking it for a while and didn't stop when I started cutting.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    damn u got some sick calves

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    how are you liking the halodrol?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ricogl40
    how are you liking the halodrol?
    I love Haladrol, I've used it before and made some pretty good gains 10 lbs in 1 month. I was taking it with Orastan-E and the Novadex-XT for PCT. Never used it while cutting but I am still getting that same intensity during my workouts that I used to get, of course the clen gets me pretty amped up too.
    I worked out arms today and didn't experience any cramping today, uped my tuarine by 1 gm and cut out the creatine. Feel great, actually felt so good I felt like taking some pics early and post them. Tell me if you guys think I've made any progress. The first pics are from 4 days ago. I'll let you guys judge.
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    Last edited by Yesevil; 11-08-2006 at 06:40 PM.

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