Start a loco bulk cycle in Dec. Big Psyco
Start a loco bulk cycle in Dec. Big Psyco
Last edited by Psycoswole; 10-28-2001 at 02:16 PM.
Links not working Psycoswole
Sorry bro, geocities has a data transfer limit. Only so many people can look at it at the same time. It will work as soon as a few other people close that window
I guess I was one of the guys who got through and saw the pics. Tell me you've cycled before because you're lookin good bro. If you don't mind why don't you throw us a few stats like how old, how long training, hieght, wieght, cycles to date (if any) up coming cycles (actually you should post that one on the steroid forum). But lookin real good already IMO. Very thick through the chest and shoulders...lots of quality mass. Tell me you've cycled before.
Hey Pete!!!! You suckI wanna see.
Pretty freakin thick bro, keep up the great work!
the links still not that you in your avatar????
Damn bro! Looking big! Keep it up!
nice bro... could u be a college football player by any chance?? by your size u look like either a linebacker, defensive end, or fullback. keep it up
Thanks bros, yes i have done one or two pussy ass cycles but my next one is going to be huge. Yes that is me in the avatar (not anymore!), i get the football thing all the time. Im 22 5'11 235 been training for about 8 years. I posted a link to my next cycle over on the steroid board. Wait untill you guys see my after picsThanks again bros
Last edited by Psycoswole; 12-12-2001 at 04:49 AM.
I put some more pics up, it seems that even less people can look at simutaneously. Just have to be patient and try every once in a while i guess
look thick. i got through to see the pics. good work
Hey, you are looking really thick. Congrats on the progress! How many mths. away are you looking to start your cutting cycle? Or are you just going to stay that way and be one big mofo?![]()
Last edited by Night Fly; 10-29-2001 at 12:45 PM.
You a big muthafugga...and you only are gonna get bigger.Watch out world, here comes psyco.
I wonder why everyone asks if im going to cut, bwahaha, anyway id like to gain about 20-25 more lbs then cut, i appreciate the responses.Originally posted by Night Fly
Hey, you are looking really thick. Congrats on the progress! How many mths. away are you looking to start your cutting cycle? Or are you just going to stay that way and be one big mofo?![]()
Your bod is fine! I love that thick, beefy look.......incredible.........awesome physique!
Another Mighty MOFO on the board!
Psycho....You got true potential bud! I don't see any weak points! You are one of those folks that was born to BB.
Thanks bros, ill be a lot bigger come January 2002![]()
PS you look you train at the Gold's on F&S???
What happens here, stays here
Uh-oh. Primo is going to hunt you down!![]()
now now're showing that nasty jealous side of you again. Relax
What happens here, stays here
Originally posted by primodonna
PS you look you train at the Gold's on F&S???
I train there occasionally but just moved to the West side so i hit up the gyms overhere, its funny because the gym on sandhill was the first gym that i ever trained at when it first opened like 7 years agoYou live in vegas or just familiar with it Primo?
I'm here...95% of the time at the one on S&D
Thinking about going to one of the new Powerhouses when the one on the West side opens...if it's not already
What happens here, stays here
Oh really! Ive been to the Golds on S&D a few times, i liked the fact that not to many people where there, but i may have just been lucky. Havent heard much about the PowerHouse gyms, where are they going to be located? i live way over on Trop and Durango and been waiting for a gym to open closer to me
When i go (either early am or lunch time) it's empty enough to be able to do what I want when I want to...i went at 5:30pm once...ONCE.
I believe there is one opening up on Flamingo/Durango...I am going to PM you since i know no one else really cares about any of this (you're welcome jason)
What happens here, stays here
have fun at the powerhouse gyms with my boy titus! even though he got his ass kicked at the olympia, he'll still be VERY confident
updated some pics, start DNP in a few days. No bullshitting this time primo, im not chickening outive been off for 3 damn months and i have to delay my cycle again prob till end of Dec. I have to sit and look at all my gear every day, but cant touch it
Im an immigrant, double posted
Funny, you look just like Jean-Pierre Fux.Originally posted by Psycoswole
Yes that is me in the avatar
Hello Psycho! Hope U have don Your research on the DNP-thing!
I have done 2 DNP-cycles, and belive me it´s not a walk in the park! But If U can manage it it´s a very potent fat-burner!
Cant remember how much I lost but I think it was about 20 lbs!
I did 400mg/day for the first one 10-day cycle. The funniest part is about 5-6 days after the end o f the cycle, when you start to really piss out all the water!!! Anyway, I wish you good luck!
If U want to ask me for advice I´ll try to answer the best I can!
Originally posted by M1cron1x
Funny, you look just like Jean-Pierre Fux.
Changed it Einstein
Thanks for the offer, im already about 3 hours in to my fourth day, and i hate it! im runnin 200mg every 10 hours so about 500mg ed ill only be on for maybe two more days. Im going to start tapering as of now. Cant go to the gym because ill melt, and when im not going to the gym it makes it harder to watch my protein intake, so that has been suffering. Ill tell you guys how it goes.Originally posted by Juicyswede
Hello Psycho! Hope U have don Your research on the DNP-thing!
I have done 2 DNP-cycles, and belive me it´s not a walk in the park! But If U can manage it it´s a very potent fat-burner!
Cant remember how much I lost but I think it was about 20 lbs!
I did 400mg/day for the first one 10-day cycle. The funniest part is about 5-6 days after the end o f the cycle, when you start to really piss out all the water!!! Anyway, I wish you good luck!
If U want to ask me for advice I´ll try to answer the best I can!
how do i see the new one?
top of this thread, click on the words 'bigpsyco'
you are a thick one, that's for sure! post pics when your done, good luck growing!
btw: sorry for being a smart ass, your avatar still hasn't updated on my puter... doh!
Can't wait for the after's physco S!! Lookin jakked big man
yeah big man, when do we see "psycho after"? you should be looking diesel
Hey, Psyc but he's right bro, your avatar is still the same.Originally posted by M1cron1x
btw: sorry for being a smart ass, your avatar still hasn't updated on my puter... doh!
BTW. Your looking good bro. Nice solid mass. Keep us updated on your cycle. Happy Gains![]()
I dont know what the hell you guys are talking about concerning my avatar. Anyway havent been by lately , been drowning in finals and papers due this week. I finished my dnp cycle and lost about 11lbs in 5 days. This is my 3rd or 4th day off and i feel good. Life sucks when youre on that shit but it works and works well. I posted the after pics, same page just click 'bigpsyco' stats are 5'10 213. Start bulking probably Jan.1. I appreciate the posts bros, ill keep you guys updated
You have the body I can only dream about. How long have you been training for?
It must take years to get a body like that!
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