hey guys, i posted my stats over on the workout questions forum
anyway heres the pics... 5'5'' 146-150lbs
i feel my most lacking areas are biceps, and shoulders, what do you think?
hey guys, i posted my stats over on the workout questions forum
anyway heres the pics... 5'5'' 146-150lbs
i feel my most lacking areas are biceps, and shoulders, what do you think?
a few more pics.. incase you dont feel like clicking the link to my stats heres the important ones
Flat bench: 265x1 light spot (245 x1 is no problem)
Deadlift 315x6 , i have done 345x3 but i feel i can do more
squat 335x1
so u bench 265?
PRETTY strong for your weight..nice
i dont believe ur stats by the way your legs look, specially the squat part
I'd hit it, j/k, looking pretty good, but what's with Michael Jackson cock grab?
i know it doesnt seem possible but he actually did squat that. i know cause i was the one spotting him.Originally Posted by pavlenko
your little but strong so fair play
but why you holding your boll*x in the last pic????lol
beofre i start this im not tryin to start shit here... but i have nothing to prove or gain by lieing about my #'s. i dunno why i was grabbing my junk in the last pic.. i saw michel jackson do it and every1 loves him... hahaha jk i dunno why i did that
when i did 265 with a light spot as i said. the set before was 225x1 then immediatly 245x1. after that i took a 2-3min rest and did 265x1. call me a lair but its the truth. im wayy stronger on flat bench then incline, incline i can only do like 205, i have never maxed out on incline though.. i useually end with 2 sets of 185x4
squats have been backed up by number12, as he was the spotter, i did 315x1 and since that went up pretty well i tryed 335 and got it.
the deadlifts.. just last night i did 315x5 with no wraps, then 315x6 with wraps.
if anyone lives on LI near bellmore your welcome to come to my gym, and i will back up any of the weights listed.
now that thats outa the way...what areas would you say im most lacking.. or what can use more work?
thanks guys.
Last edited by weeman001; 03-16-2007 at 04:34 PM.
mabye he was embarrased by the size of his junk so he covered it up
Grats on the squat and deadlift, those are pretty good numbers for your weight. Sometimes i wish i was shorter.. thanks to my height in order to be truly competitive i'd need to be much heavier. Shorter arms and legs mean less distance you have to move the bar.
i can say from experience that what weeman lacks in height he makes up for in length haha JK!Originally Posted by imsmall
jeezeee would u guys quit starin at my junk and give me a critique hahaha i appriciate the reply's but they are all either calling my lifts fake, or about my hand on my nutshaha
Overall, not bad. You need to put on some muscle as you look pretty thin. But that will come with time. Just make sure your diet is on track.
You need some thickness in your triceps as well. Don't get hang up on how much you can lift, but make sure your form is there.
personally, i believe his numbers, no reason to lie on an internet forum. as far as your physique goes, i think that you need to put some serious mass on your shoulders and arms. try mixing up your shoulder routine, and go fairly heavy (while maintaining good form), couple that with a good diet, and i think you could grow fast. goodluck -B-STRONG
agreedOriginally Posted by B-STRONG
i found a picture of me from march last year.. i think theres a bit of a difference![]()
Sounds like you two have a pretty close relationship. . .Originally Posted by number twelve
well maybe you can lift those numbers, but I dont know why your body doesnt show it as much!?!? maybe you need to start eating more, personally me I dont even take more than 1 min break between sets maybe you need to play around with your timing between sets try to superset alil more on all your work out it will spur some growth. eat more and rest good. how long have you been working out for in total? you seem to have a good base just need to pack more meat on the bones.
ive been working out since 2004ish. i also have taken a bunch of breaks though (like 2-3months off). the last 2 weeks i have been eating like crazy, and hitting every workout harder then useual and ive gone from 146-148, to 153.5lb at the gym (fully clothed).
i useually take about 1-1.5min breaks inbetween each set. with the exception of dl, heavy bench, and squatts. when i worked out with number12, insted of doing my useuall 7-8 sets of squats, we cut out 1 of the lower weight sets, and decreaced my reps on 2 of the upper weight sets. i was wayy less tired which is why i was able to hit that higher 1rep max.
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